What films do you absolutely hate?


See, for me the problem is that either a movie is good and I like it, or it is awful and I like picking it apart for its flaws.

If a movie is so bad that I can't have fun with it either way, I kinda just forget about it. So if I "hate" any movies, I don't remember them.

I guess you could say I dislike James Cameron's Avatar, but that's not because I think it's a bad movie (haven't seen it), it's because it shares its name with the animated show Avatar, and I am mildly annoyed that the general public tends to automatically assume you're talking about the blue people movie if you don't clarify. And then there's the thing that the show had to abandon the Avatar title alltogether later.
Mienshao said:
fantastic 4
fantastic 4: rise of the silver surfer

What about the Roger CormanOley Sassone one
Magikrazy said:
Well tbh, the film adaptation of the show doesn't deserve the name avatar
Yeah which is why they called it 'The Last Airbender'
Yapyap said:
I guess you could say I dislike James Cameron's Avatar, but that's not because I think it's a bad movie (haven't seen it), it's because it shares its name with the animated show Avatar, and I am mildly annoyed that the general public tends to automatically assume you're talking about the blue people movie if you don't clarify. And then there's the thing that the show had to abandon the Avatar title alltogether later.

James Cameron's Avatar is basically a movie about how pretty you can make an alien planet with CGI.