+Upon re-assembling the Green Rescue Squad...
CLARA T: Roll call!
CLARA T: And I make five! The family’s all together again! Green Rescue Squad! Commence Operation TURN UP! To your positions! Well, I guess they’re already in position. Mind lending us a hand, Mario? You can bring up the rear. Don’t make this weird.
This time, due to the lower number of members, they can’t quite pull the turnip out.
HUEY: I get the feeling that, oh, I don’t know, THERE’S NOT ENOUGH OF US!
LOUIS: And the other members are probably busy with their own missions, too.
Mario thinks.
? ??????: Looks like Maria needs ma pipin’ muscles again fer this piped plant!
Everyone looks around.
HUEY: O Chunks? How’d you know we were here?
O CHUNKS: How’d I knew yeh were here? Simple- this weird cat, he starts spoutin’ weird goobly gunk about vegetables eating people, pushing instead of pulling, and directed me here!
???????: But I didn’t direct you here. You acted out a path to take there. Maybe you’re not the apprentice listening to the master, but the teacher guiding the student.
Catguru shows up.
EDWIN: Man, Aace could take lessons from this guy. This cat’s been around.
CATGURU: I have been to Round places, young Edwin. Which isn’t to say I haven’t also been to triangular, square, and even cubic locations.
O CHUNKS: Eh...yeah. So anyways, yeh need me teh help give yeh lot a pull? Yeh got it!
LOUIS: I’ll bring in some extra muscle, too.
O Chunks, Louis, Mario, and the Rescue Squad pull on the turnip. It pries the turnip free, athough it squashes Peppa T.

CATGURU: Well done, green ones! You didn’t fail! By pulling this vegetable from its nightmarish prison, you’ve pushed it towards the fruits of a dreamy paradise!
+Upon inspecting where the turnip and pipe were.
HUEY: GAH! We managed to pull the turnip out, but the pipe came out too! The whole point of pulling the turnip was to go through the pipe!
LOUIS: Hey, what’s that? Maybe try pulling on it?
+After the mini-pipe comes out...
MARIRANA: Would yeh lookit that? A new pipe grew in the same spot! Nature works in my’sterious ways.
CATGURU: The end of one existence can lead to the beginning of another. Until next time...
Catguru vanishes body first, then head, then smiling face.
HUEY: ...Seriously, who is that cat?

Dreamy Tulip

Slots: 2
Effect: Mario regains 8 Blue Paint and 8 Yellow Paint at the start of every turn.
Super Iron Jump

Damage: 13 > 2 > 2 > 2 > 2

Super Drill Jump
Damage: 18, pierces Defense

Super Tornado Jump
Damage: 7 > 2 > 2 > 2 > 2 (main target), 2x every successful jump (other air enemies only)

Super Hurlhammer
Damage: 18

Super KO Hammer
Damage: 21 > 14 > 7 every enemy afterwards

Super Spinhammer
Damage: 13 > 9 > 5 successive, can make enemies dizzy

Super Fire Flower
Damage: 11, Fire attribute

Super Ice Flower
Damage: 11, Water attribute

+Paint Shard changes:
PAINT STAR SHARD 1: Quincada Gang.
PAINT STAR SHARD 3: Quincada Gang. Marirana’s Sonic Barrier Blast is needed to loosen the shard.
PAINT STAR SHARD 4: Quincada Army. Marirana’s Off-Color Lyrics can be used instead of the Power Star, though that is still an option.
PAINT STAR SHARD 5: Scuttlebug Gang. Mario must fight without his partners.

OLD ENEMIES (all Tiny status)
Cheep Cheep

NEW ENEMIES (all Tiny status)
HP: 15
ATK: 12 (flying dash); +3 (upwards charge for next turn)
DEF: 2 (flying)
MARK: Musketeer
QUOTE 1: My wingzzzzz are a kite!
QUOTE 2: Keep your eyezzzz on the prizzzzze!
QUOTE 3: Only weeeee have style among the Muzzzzketeerzzzzz.
QUOTE 4: Here’zzzzzz a skydiving lezzzzzzon.
QUOTE 5: That’zzzzz the speed of a Quinnnncada!
QUOTE 6 (near defeat): Pleazzzzze have mercy!

Quincada Army- Green
Central Hub- Monochrome

+After emerging out of the normal pipe...
HUEY: Ah, finally the forest is normal sized again!
LOUIS: My dad says it’s just that one part of the forest.
A few seconds later...
LOUIS: The other part of the forest, though- well...see for yourself, amico.
Huey looks at the sign for a second.
HUEY: (quietly) Oh! Weird. The writing on this sign is SUPER TINY. Why do you think it’s so small? And why am I whispering?
+Upon approaching the Mini-Paint Star...
EDWIN: A Mini Paint Star! Here?! And no boss guarding it? That’s...a little too easy.
Huey looks happy.
HUEY: Well, no complaints here. Grab that puppy and let’s move on.
Right before their eyes, Perry steals the Mini Paint Star.
HUEY: GAAH?! It vanished!
EDWIN: It was that Goomba from the Coliseum! The one working for Aace! Come on- we have to-
HUEY: Huh? My back feels...itchy.
Huey turns around. A Quincada is on his back.

Mario uses his KO Hammer to send Huey flying.
EDWIN: You asked!
Huey calms down.
HUEY: I mean...thanks. Now where were we? The Paint Star, right!
+When Mario and Huey find the second Paint Star Shard...
HUEY: Huh? How’d a piece of the broken Paint Star end up here?
Mario, Huey and the partner turn around to see Perry and some Quincadas.
PERRY: If you think I’m giving that shard up to you without a fight, you really are stupid! You make your brother look like a genius!

BGM- Megasparkle Goom... Battle [Original] (Paper Mario: Sticker Star [Recut])

HP: 90
ATK: 12 (headbonk), 3 x 5 (multibonk)
DEF: 0
MARK: Musketeer

+After defeating Perry and his Quincadas...
PERRY: Dang it! And I almost got you going! But I’ll get you next time! That is, if the other Musketeers don’t beat me to it!
Perry runs off.
After Perry leaves...
EDWIN: What does Aace SEE in that guy?

+At the Sacred Tree...
TOAD KID: Please, Sacred Tree, hear my plea. I wish to join the Rescue Squad. Please! ...Wow, this Sacred Tree is just as giant as the rumors say!
The Toad Kid walks up to Mario.
TOAD KID: MARIO?! ...YOU’RE HUGE! Do you eat Mushrooms or something to get that big? They’re not doing much for me!
MARIRANA: Oh mah GOSH! Yer ADORABLE! But Mario isn’t huge, suga- yer tiny!
TOAD KID: Aw, I’m blushing, big lady. I came to ask the Sacred Tree to get me into the Rescue Squad. But since I’m a micro Toad, there’s no way they’ll let me in! You gotta help me grow up! I’ll wait at the Rescue Squad headquarters in Port Prisma. Though it might take me a while to get there with these tiny legs...

+Regarding the second conversation on the Quincada army...
HUEY: Psst! It’s me again! We’re having fun playing with your party game. You want to join? Anyways, a Paint Star piece is...(rest of line)
+Upon finding the small pipe...
LOUIS: Well, amica, that’s a pipe. But it’s tiny.
+Upon finding the Sideways slit...
MARIRANA: No way I’m goin’ in there, suga’. I’ve seen this b’fore.
Mario goes in without Marirana anyways.
+The Lakithunder Camera has been moved back to its rightful spot in the game world...
+Meanwhile, the legendary prize is a set of valuable cards not found anywhere else in the game.
++7 Rocket FLUDD cards
++7 Turbo FLUDD cards

+The Snifit Host has an actual name.
SNOB BIFFET: I'm your host, Snob Biffet.

Rocket FLUDD

Target: All air enemies
Damage: 18 > 12 > 6 successive, Water attribute

Target: All ground enemies
Damage: 18 > 12 > 6 successive, Water attribute

+The fence leading to the Shy Guy rally is blocked with a force-field, requiring Marirana’s ability to destroy it.
+The path to the Bonus Door is activated with Marirana’s ability.
+In the Fence room...
+Bob-omb explosions only deal 4 points of damage.
+The rebound trap only deals 7 points of damage.
+The Lanky Basin only deals 12 points of damage.
LANKY BASIN: A heavy bathing aid with no style or grace. Dropping this on someone might give them a funny face.
+In the café room, there is no Rescue Squad member under the flippable platform.

Shy Guy
Slurp Guy
Spiked Guy
Red Koopa
Blue Koopa (replace the Ninjis in the Fence room’s basement)
Mystery Creature 1 (fence room basement)

Fence Room Basement- Yellow

Blue Rescue Squad
Stabyl T
Den T
+Upon hitting the cardboard box...
DEN T: (...) Now that you’re here, I’ll leave the rest to you!
Den T stands up. He then salutes.
DEN T: Den T of the Blue Rescue Squad, reporting for duty! Since I’m nowhere near my beautiful Captain, I’ll report back to Port Prisma HQ until further notice!
Den T runs off.
LOUIS: Say “salve” to Wrodes for me if she’s there!

+When Mario reaches the Shy Guy rally, it’s not a generic Snifit giving the orders...
NEWCOMER! General Guy
BGM- General Guy Theme [Original] (Paper Mario 64)
GENERAL GUY [ ]: LISTEN UP, MEN! We’ve received reports that our enemies have infiltrated the base. They’ll be using covert tactics, so I want you to search this place from top to bottom, back to front!
SHY GUYS: Sir, yes, sir! Top to bottom, back to front!
+Upon destroying the fence...
GENERAL GUY: Strong work, men! You found one of them. Now, listen up! Mario may have gotten lucky against me once, but that was playtime compared to now.

All the Shy Guys turn around.
GENERAL GUY: Stack up, soldiers! GO! GO! GO!
SHY GUYS: Sir, yes, sir! Stacking up!
+After defeating the Shy Guys...
GENERAL GUY: My men... Decimated!
General Guy walks up to Mario.
GENERAL GUY: Even when they stacked up, they didn’t...stack up. Retreat!

General Guy runs deeper into the base.
MARIRANA: Guess the l’il critter ran off WITHOUT his tail be’tween his legs.
HUEY: HAH! I get it!

Rather than a Rescue Squad member, three normal Tornado Jump cards are hiding behind the box.
+The Rescue Squad member at the start of the Fence Room is replaced with a Blue Koopa.
BLUE KOOPA: Lady Luck laughs at my persistence! Do you notice these three fence panels? Verily, I believe one is the weak link. But regardless of my approach, NEVER do I guess correctly. Remember your time as a Musketeer, Edwin! Show me what real luck is!
EDWIN: Uh...right. I’ll get on that, pal.
+Upon figuring out the final weak fence...
BLUE KOOPA: My lads, that was exquisite! The luck just radiates off you, like a star! And with that, I can rally the others...

Lanky Basin

Slots: 1
Effect: Single target attacks inflict +4 the damage on the first hit.

+The Café in Fort Cobalt is run by a Red Koopa. ...or is it?
RED KOOPA: You, uh, sure you want the special?
RED KOOPA: ...very well. Just act natural, and lend an ear. This café is but a façade. Truly, I’m a highly trained superspy who can brew a latte worthy of Redpepper Volcano. I’ve been informed there is a card which exists on this island that renders this base’s superweapon but a poor joke. And here they are. Use them when the time rings true. *wink*
RED KOOPA: I collect new intel like an ancient clock, so check back with me if adversity arises.
The Red Koopa looks happy.
RED KOOPA: Thanks for stopping by. Please come again.

Wrodes is in the vent, alone. Mario must hit the vent three times to get her out.
WRODES: I snuck in here like a total warrior, and got stuck in there, also like a total warrior. But I’m strongest when I’m near the others. Wrodes of Blue Rescue Squad, reporting for teamwork! Since I’m nowhere near the others, I’ll report back to Port Prisma HQ until further tagging!

+Stabyl T is the one in the locker next to the café.
STABYL T: (...) Stabyl T of the Blue Rescue Squad, reporting for duty! Since I’ve been separated from Captain Verda, I’ll report back to Port Prisma HQ until further notice!

+After defeating the Snifit, it changes into a Boosketeer.
BOOSKETEER: Egad, Sir! Such frightening strength! I donned this nightmarish disguise to infiltrate enemy ranks, as per Aace’s orders. But I hadn’t a clue of what I would gaze upon, on account of that suffocating mask! ...though permit my apology for such a childish insult as “big nose”. Perhaps now, it is time we beget our invasion...
The Boosketeer flies off.
EDWIN: This must be a new plan of Aace’s. He never mentioned wanting this crummy base before I left. Something must have changed.
Kanviss is on the treadmill in the exercise room. Meanwhile, the other two Rescue Squad members are replaced with Spiked Guys.
KANVISS: *huff* *huff* *huff* *huff* Would you be... *huff* *huff* Ma- * *huff* Care to *huff* engage in *huff* some *huff* jog... *huff* *huff* with *huff* me?
MARIRANA: If yer permittin’, sugar!
Mario, Huey and Marirana join Kanviss in her exercise.
KANVISS: Phew! That’s quite enough for today.
Kanviss salutes while straddling in place.
KANVISS: Kanviss of the Blue Rescue Squad, reporting for duty! As I’ve been separated from Captain Verda, I’ll report back to Port Prisma HQ until further notice!
After Kanviss leaves...
HUEY: Whew! That was a good workout.
MARIRANA: You got tha’ righ’, hon! It’s been a’hwile since I got mah heart in the beat!

Rather than a Rescue Squad member, there’s a Green Koopa underneath the exercise room.
GREEN KOOPA: (after thanking Mario for freeing him) Here- I found these under the General’s bunk bed. He confiscated most of them from his squad.
GREEN KOOPA: Relaxation, here I come!
The Green Koopa runs off.

+Just before Mario enters the boss room...
???????: Alright, our loyal, friendly Musketeers...LET’S SEIZE THE BASE!
Cucleer and Pitholl arrive, along with a gaggle of Boosketeers and Blue Koopas.
One of the Shy Guys eating a Magma Burger notices them.
SHY GUY: And on my break, too. UGH...
PITHOLL: How can you CLAIM to show LOYALTY for your general if you take BRRRREAKS! You wouldn’t even make a good COSTUME with that laziness! OH, the inner conflict- oh, the inner conflict!
SHY GUY: ...yeah. Uh, hold on one moment.
The Shy Guy takes a bite of his Magma Burger.
SHY GUY: Mmm....that’s good Magma Burger.
Without warning, the Shy Guy unleashes his fiery burp, burning a Blue Koopa and Boosketeer to ashes.
BLUE KOOPA ASHES: Most uncouth, masked sir.
A ton of Red Koopas and Slurp Guys show up.
CUCLEER: Ah, how adorable- they actually think they can beat us....WELL, IT’S NOT HAPPENING! CHARGE!
The Koopaling minions and Musketeers fight.
EDWIN: Well, at least they’re occupied. While they’ll busy fighting each other, we can focus on the general.

+If Mario exits to the world map and re-enters the room from the south entrance again...
PITHOLL: YOU must wait your TURN, plumber!
Mario and co. get shoved aside.
+When Mario arrives in the boss room...
??????? ???: At arms, Mario!
Mario and co. turn around.
??????? ???: I’ve been waiting for too long, sir! Ludwig designed this weapon specifically for you. I’m going to enjoy this far more than I should. Gaze upon its splendor! Cower in fear of its might!
The door opens. A giant battleship comes out.
GENERAL GUY: BEHOLD! Our new anti-Mario weapon! And I had such a great name for it! Unfortunately, Ludwig pulled rank and called it... (sigh) ...Ludwig’s Megabad Super Battleship of Doom. But I’m a professional, so I call it the Super Ludship. Enough about that, though...ISN’T IT MAJESTIC?
The camera shows the “back” of the Ludship.
GENERAL GUY: But you did trespass a little, uh, earlier than we anticipated, so we had to cut production a bit...short. And I don’t care for that, sir.
MARIRANA: Quit yer braggin’, l’il white feller! There’s a Gran’ Paint Star here- Huey here knows it!
HUEY: You can’t hide it from us! I can smell things. Things normal paint cans only dream of smelling!
GENERAL GUY: Affirmative, grunts. I do have the Azure Grand Paint Star. But do you really think I’m going to let Mario botch ANOTHER job for me? If you really want it, you’ll have to get through me and the Super Ludship! TASTE DEFEAT! CHARGE!!

REPURPOSED BGM- Ludwig Battle (Paper Mario Color Splash [Recut])

HP: 150
ATK: 25 (cannonballs), 18 (Bob-omb toss)
DEF: 25 (The Tanooki Tail inflicts triple the damage of reflect projectile attacks)
MARK: Koopaling

+When the battle begins...
GENERAL GUY: First step- Operation Explosion! Face the wrath of my cannons!
+After Mario reflects the first cannon balls...
GENERAL GUY: Hmm...a counterattack. Of course you’d have Tanooki Tails, sir! Calling the attack units- stand your ground! Or air, in this case. Queue the Red Paratroopas!
???????: Roger, Sir!
+If Mario tries to attack the ship directly...
GENERAL GUY: Of all the...after what you did to my tank, did you really think the Ludship would be just as flimsy?!
+After inflicting noticeable damage...
GENERAL GUY: Grr! This ship’s defenses are failing against that tail attack! Another maneuver I have to counter now! HAMMER BROS! Front and centre!
Two Hammer Bros. show up.

+After the ship goes down, a familiar looking tank pops out of the water, onto the dock...
BGM- General Guy Battle (Paper Mario 64)
GENERAL GUY: Oh, now you’ve done it, sir! You’d better be thankful that was Ludwig’s temporary design, or nothing would be able to stitch us back together! Until then, here’s an old favorite- the Toy Tank! And I added a few new surprises!

HP: 80
ATK: 18 (Bob-omb toss), 24 (Toy Tank), 30 (big Bob-Omb cannon)
DEF: 2
MARK: Koopaling
After defeating General Guy...
GENERAL GUY: Mario, sir...when Junior summoned me here on short notice, I knew you would come. I knew we would fight again- you usually tend to jump on the Koopa King’s loyal followers. The Prince must have known, as he gave me the Azure Grand Paint lure you and those Musketeers here. But once again, I underestimated you, sir. You truly are my superior. Perhaps, even in defeat, I was victorious. Now we’ll see how Ludwig performs with the finished Ludship. As well as Junior and his rumored new weapon... Dismissed!
General Guy falls into the water.
SHY GUYS: We surrender! We realized the error of our ways...
(Later in the cutscene...)
MARIRANA: It takes more than “sorry”s to hitch a ride, l’il masks. But if yer bein’ honest, yeh should toss the Grand Paint Star ter mah friends, Mario and Huey!
The Shy Guys toss it their way.
MARIRANA: Oh, shucks. Wasn’t expectin’ it ter be that easy.
SHY GUY: It isn’t...especially when it redirects the Musketeers towards you instead of us!
The Shy Guys sail off.
MARIRANA: ...oh.
At that moment...
PITHOLL: The GRAND Paint Star!
HUEY: We have company...Jump onto old Azure and wake it up, Mario! Hurry!
Mario and co. get on the Grand Paint Star, leaving Pitholl and Cucleer behind.
PITHOLL: NO! And we were SO CLOSE! DRAT you, Mario and your old iron friend! DRAT you, I say!
PITHOLL: ...I suppose you’re CORRECT, Cucleer! Even within your inSANITY, you ALWAYS know the right thing to SAAAAAAY! Very well! Lead the way!
Pitholl and Cucleer leave the room.

+When playing as Luigi, he undergoes the following stat changes from Mario:
MAX HP: +30
JUMP ATTACKS: x1.3 on the first hit
HAMMER ATTACKS: x0.7 on all hits
+Luigi does not have a Paint Meter. This means for the first part of the level, he must be extra careful with his cards. This ironically makes his battles more like the original version of Sticker Star.
+Some puzzles are changed to allow Luigi to progress through the level.
+The level ends earlier than usual for Luigi at least (the end of the second screen). In addition, some paths, such as the one to the now-conjoined Purple-Orange Paint Star, are closed.


First screen end- Purple
Second screen middle- Blue

+Luigi arrives at the entrance to Mossrock Theatre.
LUIGI: A-boy, that was a-long voyage! After I a-find the treasure, I’ll a-share a-some of it with a-Captain Azure! It was a-nice of a-him to bring a-me here on a-short a-notice! I a-hope he a-makes his a-daughter a-lots of-
Suddenly, there are sounds of a fight.
LUIGI: Sounds a-like someone is a-in a-trouble! I a-should go a-check it a-out! And while I a-walk there, I’ll a-figure out who I’m a-talking to.
+As Luigi passes the colorless Toad, now a young girl...
LUIGI: What, uh- what a-happened here?

+When Luigi arrives at the next room, he sees what appears to be a banana fighting off Boos and Boosketeers.
NABANA [ ]: Haw. Haw. Haw. You’re going to have to do a lot better then that, mon! Maybe a dancing contest is more up your alley for facing someone like me!
BOOSKETEER: Still your cheek, foreign plantation! THEY would be most interested in your presence here, of all times!
LUIGI: Got a-room for one a-more?
Luigi jumps into the fray.
BATTLE! Boo x3, Boosketeer x2

+While fighting the Boos...
NABANA: Where did you come from, mon? I had these duppies on the ropes!
LUIGI: Well, I a-thought maybe I a-should bust a-these Boos- it’s a-something I do from a-time to time!
NABANA: Then let me give you some to nyam on, mon! A little sumthin I picked up while cruisin’ in space with mi friends! YA HA HA!

+With Nabana in Luigi’s party, Luigi can use the Partner Meter to obtain a set of 18 cards:
3 Normal Jump
2 Super Jump
3 Normal Hammer
2 Super Hammer
3 Fire Flowers
3 Ice Flowers
1 Mushroom
+After defeating the Boos...
NABANA: Yuh did almost as good as me, bredren! You should tag along with me, as my second banana! Haw. Haw. Haw.
LUIGI: I...kind of a-already am a-second banana to a-my Big Bro, Mario?
NABANA: That’s OK, mon- you can never be too many people’s sidek- WAIT! Are you pulling this Sticker Fairy’s dreadlocks, Green!? Mario’s your Bro?!
LUIGI: How do you know Mario?
NABANA: From a friend of mine, Kersti. She loves talking about this plumba who helped her find our planet’s Royal Stickers. I could have done it faster, but I wasn’t on the Comet that year, mon! Instead, I was competing against my other friends.
LUIGI: you a-wanna join up with a-me, Luigi, as I look for treasure, or-?
NABANA: Of course we’ll join together, Luigi! You can call me Nabana- the strongest Sticker Fairy ever, mon!
LUIGI: A-groovy.

+Upon reading a poster for the Emerald Circus...
NABANA: A circus in the forest, Luigi? Maybe your treasure’s there, bredren! We should check it out! And I could become their attraction as a strong mon!
LUIGI: Okey a-dokey.

+When Luigi reaches the end of the long screen...
LUIGI: Phew! That a-was an ordeal! I a-hope this a-treasure is a-worth fighting all a-these weird a-guys!
NABANA: What did I tell you, Luigi? When you train under me, you start feeling my strength, mon! Because I’m the king of all jungles!
?????: Then that would make me the queen of the jungle, while you’re second best!
A certain brown-haired woman walks in...
NABANA: Haw. Haw. Haw. I like your spirit, womon! You think you’re stronger than Nabana!
Daisy looks proud.
DAISY: Well, I DO rip up the competition in some races his brother holds.

LUIGI: DAISY!? I a-didn’t think you’d be on a-Prism Island, a-too!
DAISY: HUKK! Hukk hukk. I could say the same about you, Green.
LUIGI: Wait...wait, now I a-get it! YOU were the one who a-sent me the a-letter! It a-explains the flower a-smell?
DAISY: got a letter too? Get out! I would have thought you wrote me my letter- it’s just so like you. Everyone uses e-mail these days, Green.
LUIGI: ...wh-wh-what?
DAISY: No, really- you should totes get yourself a computer! Maybe even a laptop, if you have the coins for it-
LUIGI: No- not a-the computer! You’re a-letter! Did a-it say a-anything about someone seeing a-problem a-coming?
DAISY: ...yeah, it- did. How did you...?
Luigi pulls his letter out. Daisy looks at both.
DAISY: Holy Dragonzamasu- they’re completely identical! Except mine only mentions Peach. And I didn’t get a crystal. And I received a free package of Turtley Leaves. But other than that, they’re completely the same!
LUIGI: Maybe we a-should just head to Port a-Prisma! Someone’s obviously a-trying to a-trick us!
NABANA: Then let’s force them to spring their trap, bredren! And while they laugh, we’ll overpower them by surprise! Look, mon, this might be a trick, or it might be the truth. But if you walk away now, you might never know.
DAISY: I’m in! I need a little exercise, anyways- strengthens my legs for tennis. What about you, Green?
Luigi is thinking.
LUIGI: .....against a-my better instincts, I a-think you have a point. Besides, I a-really need a-some coins. And a-even a trick is a-something is an opportunity I can’t a-pass up!
NABANA: Good, Luigi! We all agree. Now follow me, my second bananas, and let’s dance!
LUIGI: Oh-kay.
The three head deeper into the theatre.
After they leave, Aace appears out of thin air.
AACE: Well, I’m mighty glad they decided to keep movin’ forward. Now, whether they find a treasure or a trap- that’s their call.
Aace floats off.
AACE: Now, there’s just the matter of figurin’ out how Princess Peach found Postmaster Pesshi...
+After returning to Port Prisma...
HUEY: The Azure Grand Paint Star has returned to Prisma Fountain!
AZURE: Thank you...I am the Azure Grand Paint Star. Allow me to share my memories with you...

+During this version of the memory, Aace and the Musketeers are fighting Bowser Junior and the Koopa Pack around the Grand Paint Stars.

+After the flashback ends...
MARIRANA: What a mess of things those two made! Even the Musketeers couldn' stop those Shy varmints from hauling all that paint!
HUEY: The one Kersti’s comet destroyed at the Crimson Tower was just in charge of Red...But where’d they bring all that paint?
MARIRANA: Don’t fret, l’il Huey! We’ll jus’ res’cue the nex’ Grand Paint Star- it prob’bly knows!
AZURE: It’s possible. Now, I have one more gift for you...
Azure conjures up an Artifact-Up Slot.


+Due to being primarily yellow, the Amp Battery is easier to see among the barrels within the ship.

+The Peach meeting for the Purple Zone is moved from a later level to here, for story reasons. In addition, a strange leaf creature is with them...
PEACH: We’re so glad you found us, Mario- we’ve learned some more about what Bowser is- huh?
Mario looks confused, for the leafy fellow near Peach.
HUEY: Hey, uh, Princess- is that a-?
PEACH: Oh, right! We met a new friend while we were tracking Junior.
LEAF CREATURE: That is true, your Majesty. You are quite a change of pace from my other acquaintances. On my home planet, I am called Kitanu.
LEAF CREATURE/KITANU [ ]: I have heard of Mario from a close friend of ours. You may know her as Kersti. So headstrong, that one is! ...yet she used to prove so blind to her actions. I must thank you for giving Kersti the chance to mature, Mario. I’m afraid I have taken attention away from matters far more urgent, however. Toadsworth...?
TOADSWORTH: ...oh, good heavens! Thank you for the reminder, my good Kitanu! Master Mario! While we were travelling at Bloo Bay Beach, the three of us overheard a rather unusual argument...
PEACH: He’s right, Mario. Bowser Junior was going at it with his second-in-command on the island- Mottley Bossblob. You know, that strange clown we met in the Sprixie Kingdom?
Mario nods.
TOADSWORTH: It seems while he was sick, Bowser sent Mottley to this island to keep an eye on Junior. And...Junior isn’t getting along with Mottley.
PEACH: I mean, I know Junior isn’t exactly popular among the Koopalings- but he’s not even giving Mottley a chance. And during the argument, Mottley begged Junior to throw away “that horrible thing he found in the-” the-
TOADSWORTH: I must apologize, Master Mario. I accidentally stepped on a twig while we eavesdropped, allowing those two troublemakers to notice us. We barely escaped, thanks to the Princess...*sigh*...Why can’t I ever return you the favor?
KITANU: It is fine, Toadsworth. Someday, you will get your chance.

PEACH: But for now, we have to find out where Junior travelled to before he came to the island!
Peach walks away.
TOADSWORTH: ...I wish she’d stay to at least meet Mario’s new friend, there, uh...?
MARIRANA: Marirana, darlin’! Yer lucky to work fer the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, Toadsworth.
TOADSWORTH: Oh, my! I believe the Princess is a fan of yours! But...where’s your sister, Suebelle?
MARIRANA: We’re- not toge’ther no more. We split up o’er...lingerin’ problems.
TOADSWORTH: Oh...I apologize greatly, Ms. Deeps. Er, uh, hopefully, your relationship will bounce back to a friendly one!
KITANU: Everything has a way of working itself out. This, I know beyond a doubt.
Kitanu flies off.
TOADSWORTH: Well,’s to hoping the Princess stays put for our next meeting.
Toadsworth runs off.
+When Mario and co. arrive on the ship...
PIANTA GUY: It’s Mario!
All three normal pirates gather up.
CAPRI: Thank you fo westowing the cowor to the sea, Mawio!
RED TOADETTE: Thanks to you, Captain Baabeaussa was able to return safely!
The Red Toad turns around.
RED TOADETTE: CAPTAIN BAABEAUSSA! Mario and his friends are here!
Captain Baabeaussa walks up, onto the ship deck.
BAABEAUSSA: So, ye be this...Mario, eh? The Mario who saved this vessel, me crew, and yars truly? Wish I could give ye a reward, but I cann’t spare a single coin- me people need it more. Still, I thank ye. I owe ye one.
MARIRANA: Aw, shucks- don’t mention it, Cap’n Baabeaussa!
HUEY: Your ship should be able to set sail now that the color has been restored to the sea. Whereabouts are you headed?
CAPRI: Aunty Baabeaussa and her cwew awe about to ventuh into the gweat bwue unknown.
PIANTA GUY: We’re searching for a certain island, said to be located somewhere in the Violet Islands.
RED TOADETTE: Fortune Island! A mythic place that hides a cache of legendary riches!
EDWIN: R-r-r-r-r-RICHES?! On Fortune Island!? Aw, YEAAAAAAH, boy!
HUEY: Uh, you know, Edwin, the Violet Isles have a lot of nooks and crannies. We might find some Paint Stars there too!
BAABEAUSSA: I’ll warn ye, mate- I can’t guarantee ye safe passage. It be a treacherous journey. To get there, we gotta cross...the Lost Sea. How does one cross the Lost Sea? ...I thought I knew, but I had to replace part of me head, too. So I don’t remember, now. All I know is they say it be impossible to navigate. That the mists drive men mad. No soul has ever returned.
EDWIN: ...yeah. Sounds like fun.
HUEY: But I’m sure there’s some Paint Stars there! Guys, Marirana, we need to figure out how to cross the Lost Sea before we set off. Let’s see what we can find.
BAABEAUSSA: Good on ye, mate. Let me know what ye find.

+Inside the treasure chest downstairs, Mario doesn’t find a member of Blue Rescue Squad. It’s just the Day 2 Journal Entry.

+Upon returning to Baabeaussa after finding at least one page...
BAABEAUSSA: Ahoy, mate. Ye find anything down in the cabin?
[Upon talking about the legendary captain]
HUEY: And who is this “legendary captain”? That’s a pretty impressive title.
PIANTA GUY: The legendary captain is the greatest captain who’s ever lived! One that almost all other captains admire! Well, except this one guy on a faraway continent, but that’s another story.
CAPRI: He’s the onwy captain to eveh make it to Fowtune Iswand!
RED TOADETTE: But after he reached Fortune Island, he was never from again. Only his ship- this ship- came back.
BAABEAUSSA: They found the legendary captain’s journal on this very ship. But the first five pages were missin’. Of course, those be the pages that detail his crossing of the Lost Sea.
LOUIS: So this piece of looseleaf contains an entry from the captain’s journey, la donna?
BAABEAUSSA: Bingo, mate. If ye can collect all five missing journal entries, we should be able to cross the Lost Sea. Let me know if ye find any more pages.
After bringing Baabeaussa all 5 pages...
BAABEAUSSA: Well, blow me down! That’s all five journal entries.
EDWIN: So this means we can cross the Lost Sea now, right?
BAABEAUSSA: Well...yar. In theory. Just as the legendary captain once set sail, so will we...To Fortune Is-
???: Do not set sail yet! Does your ship have room for one such as I?
Everyone turns around to see...
Everyone, especially Mario, is surprised to see Nya.
BAABEAUSSA: Yar, and who ye be?
NYA [ ]: You are the Vellbex Captain Baabeaussa, are you not? I am Nya, of the Ninji clan in the Decal Lands’ Fibe Forests.
CAPRI: State your business ow weave the ship. Aunty Baabeaussa don’t wike Ninjis much.
BAABEAUSSA: Eye- a Ninji almost took it out during a sneak attack. Fortunately, I escaped with it. Unfortunately- me leg was chomped off by the nearby Cheepskipper shortly after.
PIANTA GUY: And if we’re being honest, Ninjis kind of creep me too. Yikes.
NYA: You must hear me out- the fate of your voyage depends on it! My mother and Ninji clan leader, Ori, sent me to Prism Island to investigate a threat- one similar to that which threatened my people in the Decal Lands. Without Mario, my clan would have been doomed to drown in that evil’s plague.
BAABEAUSSA: That’s still no reason teh bring ye along on this voyage. If anything, it proves Mario’s reliability more.
NYA: There’s more! The threat I speak of may linger on this Fortune Island you seek. If you deny me this opportunity to travel aboard your ship, who knows what will happen there? Please- it may mean the end of the Ninjis if this is not resolved- and if my mother’s feelings ring true, all species. Including the Vellbex.

BAABEAUSSA: ...eye. Very well. Ye can hitch a ride with us and back, Ninji. But after that, we’re done.
NYA: I am grateful for your accommodation, Captain.
CAPRI: Weight anchor and waise the mainsail!
RED TOADETTE: Fortune, Paint Stars, and something important to Prism Island await!
PIANTA GUY: We’re all gonna die!
CAPRI: Act wike a man, Wieutenant Pierre!
PIANTA GUY/PIERRE: Y-y-yes, miss Caapri!
BAABEAUSSA: Yahaharrr! That be the spirit!
NYA: Now we are getting somewhere!
HUEY: Uh...Yeah! Let’s go look for Fortune Island and more Paint Star! And Nya’s thing, too!

+After the ship sets sail, a certain sub rises out of the water where the ship once was.
??????: Hehehe...they’ll never make it to Fortune Island alive. Not with my new weapon!

Amp Battery

Slots: 1
Effect: All Hammer cards gain an Electric attribute, possibly shocking enemies.

Koopa Compass
Slots: 1
Effect: Makes it 3x easier to run away from battle.

+Regarding the Lost Sea minigame...
++The cannons on the ship merely need to be hit with the hammer or Marirana’s ability to unload their ammo.
++The cannon’s ammo fires and moves twice as fast.
++The cannonballs are very slightly bigger. This allows them to more easily collect coins.
++Target reticles appear in midair on the left and right of the ship, allowing more accurate shots.
++Time freezes for the ship’s movement when talking to someone.
+The points needed to pass the cannon shooting gallery is reduced from 70 to 60. In addition, a score meter is at the top right of the screen for this section, allowing the player that extra degree of information.
+The final batch of coins in the coin section has two POW blocks, rather than one. The catch is they only cover half the coins each, and aren’t close enough to hit each other.

Cheep Cheep
Jumping Blooper
Shy Guy

+While Mario and Huey relax, the other partners are doing their own things.
++Edwin and Louis are stationed at the cannons.
++Marirana is surprised at the singer of the pirate shanty.
++Nya is standing atop the backmost mast.
+The one singing the unaltered (in lyrics and audio) pirate shanty... is Capri.

+When the ship stops...
BAABEAUSSA: Avast! That be the best part of the song!
PIERRE: Captain Baabeaussa! There’s a hole in the cabin floor, and we’re taking on water! ABANDON SHIP!
BAABEAUSSA: Keep yer pants on, sailor! Bail the water out, and plug the hole. GO!
PIERRE: Aye aye, Captain! GUYS! I need a bucket!
After Pierre leaves...
BAABEAUSSA: *sigh* Can ye go down to the cabin and make sure we don’t sink?
Mario nods.
Upon reaching center deck...
EDWIN: A water leak is another obstacle in the way of a LOAD OF GOLD!
LOUIS: This isn’t good, ragazzi! We better affrettarsi down there!
MARIRANA: Ah can’t connec’ wit’ l’il Capri if this boat sinks!
From afar...
NYA: I will keep watch. Now, go.

+Upon returning to the upper deck after checking with Pierre...
BAABEAUSSA: Aye, yer blank stare tells me there be nothin’ to worry about... and that he asked for raise. This ship be a hand-me-down from the legendary captain. Sometimes it shows its age a bit. And the gold we pillage- me people, the Vellbex, be deservin’ it more. There not be many of us left, mate- even on Prism Island.
HUEY: ...
BAABEAUSSA: ...let’s set off. The Lost Sea be close. Keep yer wits about ye.

+Upon arriving at the coin section...
HUEY: More uncharted waters!
EDWIN: Is that a...coin floating there? *DROOOOOOOL*

+When Mario and co. head down to check Pierre after the boat arrives in the purple area...
PIERRE: Mario, I finally stopped up the hole! What a relief! And I found this flag while I was looking around the cabin. I think it attaches to the ship somehow. Maybe the legendary captain used it. I’m gonna go hoist it.
Pierre runs upstairs.

+After the flag is hoisted...
PIERRE:’s a little worse for the wear, but if it was good enough for the legendary captain, it’s good enough for us.

+After the Koopa Compass shows the way through the fog...
BAABEAUSSA: YA HA HARR! The Koopa Compass be a pirate’s best friend! Right up there with the letter R and vitamin C.
HUEY: Mmm... You smell that?
Mario and co. look closer. Sure enough, it’s...
HUEY: It’s a Mini Paint Star!
The ship sails up to the Mini Paint Star.
BAABEAUSSA: We’ve done it, mates! We crossed the Lost Sea! We be legends now! On to Fortune Island! Hurry up and grab that thing so we can get movin’, will ye?

+An extra Save Block is placed near the ship.
+There`s a spike wall above the bridge. This is to prevent Louis’ ability from solving the problem.
+A few fences are placed in the other world. Mario needs a new ability to go past them.
++Replaces the post shortcut between the front and back of the purple house
++Around the treasure chest
++Around the four posts to the left of the purple house

Green Koopa
Blue Koopa
Dry Bones
Mystery Creature

Parallel front yard- Green
Parallel path to whirlpool- Yellow
Parallel bridge- Blue

First Purple Toad > Boy purple Brustache
Purple Toad near treasure chest > Boy Pianta
Purple Toad near house > Male purple Brustache
Purple Toad in house > Female purple Brustache
Laundry Purple Toad > Girl Brustache
Purple Toad near dimension pipe > Male Pianta
+The ship approaches a large whirlpool.
BAABEAUSSA: Belay the vessel!
Mario, his friends and Baabeaussa take a closer look.
BAABEAUSSA: We almost broke the first rule of sailing- never steer into a vortex, no matter how strangely enticing it looks.
HUEY: But...there’s a Mini Paint Star sitting there in the center...just waiting for us to grab it!
LOUIS: Huey, amico, uomo pazzo- even I know this ship’s not getting through that vortex. Even you wouldn’t sacrifice this ship for the Star.
HUEY: ...
BAABEAUSSA: He’s right, mate. There’s no way we can reach it while the sea be raging like this. Let’s make land over there for now.

+After setting dock at Vortex Island...
BAABEAUSSA: We’ll go ashore first and see about that whirlpool. Take yer time and meet us there. We’ll try to figure out what to do before ye catch up with us.
NYA: I will stay behind for now, to consider my own future actions as well.
BAABEAUSSA: By the time yer done, we’ll probably already be on it.
Baabeaussa turns around to look at her crew.
Baabeaussa, Pierre and the red Toadette head off.
EDWIN: I like Captain Baabeaussa. I should join her crew after we’re done recoloring the island.
CAPRI: Let me know if you want to weave the iswand. I’m shoewa Aunt Baabeaussa will undehstand.

+Mario and co. reach the crew at the bridge.
BAABEAUSSA: We can’t go any further, but I’ll lose my horns if that’ll stop us from trying.

Upon reaching the building on the other side of the cave...
HUEY: Ah! Maybe whoever lives here can tell us something useful...

After restoring the color of the Brustache in the house...
FEMALE BRUSTACHE: Oh, my beautiful color! You’re such a hero, dear! But- what are you doing around these parts, anyway?

MARIRANA: We’re in a bind like a Moo Moo in a lasso! Our ship is stuck because ‘a this whirlpool!
FEMALE BRUSTACHE: In that case, I’ll tell you a closely guarded secret of our island. You did rescue my beautiful strokes, after all. There exists a parallel world on Vortex Island...A world identical to this one in every way.
The female Brustache opens her back door.
FEMALE BRUSTACHE: And believe it or not, Mario, the entrance to this parallel world is in my beautiful back garden! It’s grand, right? Feel free to use it, fellas. You might find some clues there to solving your little whirlpool problem.
MARIRANA: I’ll be thunda-struck! A parallel world...identical in e’ery way?! That sounds like fun, suga! Let’s go!
+In both worlds, there’s a large fence around the four posts near the house, preventing Mario from hammering them in the parallel one. It’s so high, not even Louis’ ability can circumvent it.
+When Mario and co. reaches this fence...
HUEY: Mario...I don’t think there’s a way past this fence.
LOUIS: Yeah, amici. And whoever made it, well, it’s obvious they REALLY don’t want us near those posts.
Mario thinks.
MARIO: Hmmm...
???: Taking your time to contemplate your situation, Mario?
Mario nods.
Mario and co. finally realize the obvious...
It is true, as Nya is on the inside of the fence.
NYA: I finally decided what tasks need completion on this island. And I have intuition these posts are involved.
Nya tries stomping on the posts. They don`t budge.
NYA: But I do not possess the strength to alter them. Nor you the knowledge to pass through. So, Mario...perhaps we can work together while we are on this island. I will tell you all everything I know in exchange.
MARIRANA: I don’ see a problem, l’il missy!
LOUIS: That’s right, Marirana. The more of us are with Mario, the more versatile and unpredictable we`ll be. And guerriero, a Ninji is the definition of unpredictable.
Mario bows.
NYA: A most wise decision, Mario.
Nya uses a smoke bomb to vanish. She reappears on the outside of the fence, before Mario.
NYA: I hope this arrangement goes some ways in repaying you for saving my clan`s forest from poison.
NYA JOINED THE PARTY! Hold the Y Button to vanish! After moving with the Control Stick, let go of the Y Button reappear! This vanishing ability can pass through thin walls, such as fences! In battle, Nya can create a Ninji Log to take 50 damage for Mario and his allied enemies for 1 turn! While fighting alongside Mario, Nya`s Ninji Guard relieves the stress of combat, as Mario takes half damage if he forgets to block a maximum of 3 attacks!
NYA: To prove my skill in Ninji-itsu, I will help you reach these posts.

NYA- Ninji Log

Target: Mario
Takes 50 damage for Mario and his allied enemies for 1 turn.

+When Mario and co. reunite with the crew...
BAABEAUSSA: Thar she blows! I’ve seen a whirlpool or two in my day, but never one this powerful. I can’t imagine there’s anything in this world we can do about it...
NYA: Has the great Captain Baabeaussa given up already? If we do not do something about this whirlpool, we will not be able to get that Paint Star for Huey. Nor will I find the truth of what that naughty Koopa was searching for...

+After removing the whirlpool in both worlds...
BAABEAUSSA: Yahaharr! We wished with all our considerable might that whirlpool would go away, and it did! Scared the horns off me, mate. I didn’t ask for this much power! Let’s get back to the ship.
Baabeaussa and her mates leave.
NYA: This is best kept between us, for better or worse. The Captain would never believe a Ninji outperformed her, so let us...”roll with it”.
+As soon as Mario boards the ship...
BAABEAUSSA: The whirpool be no more. Let’s go get that Mini Paint Starrrrr-
??????: Gwehehe! I’m afraid you won’t survive to even approach it, Captain Baabeaussa.
Everyone is confused.
BAABEAUSSA: Yar! Does someone mean to commit mutiny against this ship’s Captain and her people?
??????: In order to commit mutiny, you’d actually have to be part of the crew. Luckily for me...
A small sub rises from the sea. Inside the sub is none other than...
LUDWIG: I’m not! I heard what you did to General Guy, Mario, and I can’t say I approve. So, when I learned you were on your way to Fortune Island, I decided to sink low, and follow you- right for the perfect ambush! Say hello to the flagship of my fleet: the Ultranasty Hyper Battlesub of Doom! Gwehehe!
BAABEAUSSA: No-one ambushes Cap’n Baabeaussa, ye classically trained sea dog! If he’s here because of ye, Mario, then it’s yer job to deal with him!

BGM- Koopalings Rock
HP: 180 (Ludsub), 70 (Ludwig)
ATK: 6x3 (torpedos), 11x2 (walker stomp), 16 (magic wand)
DEF: 4 (submarine; dives and resurfaces every other turn); 2 (Ludwig)
MARK: Koopaling
+Since General Guy already used the Ludship, Ludwig only uses the Super Ludsub submarine before going solo for his Recut battle.
+Due to the changes to the Thing system, Ludwig has a pattern where he jumps on the ship with new mecha-legs, stays, dives, ad nauseum (ie Land, Land, Sea). He also doesn’t dodge reflected missiles in this version.
+However, thanks to his sub’s new mecha-legs, he can still launch missiles on land.

+After defeating Ludwig...
LUDWIG: I admit defeat! Even now, I’m glad I got to try this sub out on you. I guess I’ll continue researching that other priority in secret, especially with Junior taking away the Black Bills. See you later!
The Ludssub explodes, sending Ludwig flying.
BAABEAUSSA: Good work, Sailor Mario! You sent that Koopaling flying, gwahar!

+The ship approaches the Mini-Star.
BAABEAUSSA: All right...grab that thing, and let’s be on our way. We’re so close to Fortune Island, and the gold to help me fellow Vellbex...
HUEY: Right, Mario, let’s go! Yo ho ho!
LOUIS: Whoa, bro!

+The high big platform on the first screen is fenced on the right side, preventing Louis from just Super Jumping.
+On the waterfall screen, the lower platforms on the left side are gone. Instead, Mario must use Edwin to navigate a series of poles.
+The cracked wall in the other world is fortified with a Sound symbol, calling for Marirana.
+Even with the barrels in the parallel world unfurled, Mario still needs Louis’ Memphawk Jump to make it to the other side.
+The other Parallel Pipe is blocked all around by fences, requiring Mario to both use the west entrance and utilize Nya the first time. As a counterpoint, there’s a ! Block within the fenced Parallel Pipe that lowers the bottom fence, allowing Louis to Super Jump up.

Jumping Blooper
Green Koopa
Blue Koopa
Red Koopa
Dry Bones
Mystery Creature Gang (replaces Buzzy Beetle Gang and Ice Bros.)

Parallel lighthouse basement- Purple
Parallel waterfall- Blue

Purple Toad near lighthouse > Girl Pianta
Purple Toad near waterfall > Boy Pianta
Lighthouse B1 Purple Toad > Male Vellbex
Lighthouse box Blue Rescue member > 3 Super Cards (Jump, Hammer, Mushroom)
Lighthouse Keeper Purple Toad > Boy Vellbex
Toads guarding Parallel Pipe > 2 Boy Piantas, 1 Boy Vellbex
+As our heroes continue sailing...
Our heroes approach...a black wall.
BAABEAUSSA: It suddenly be pitch black ahead! Never seen nothin’ like this. Well, if I can navigate me way to the bathroom in the dead of night with this peg leg, I can navigate this. Onward!
The tip of the ship enters the darkness, along with Baabeaussa.
BAABEAUSSA: be even darker than the way to the little girl’s room.
Baabeaussa comes back.
BAABEAUSSA: Curses! Blast! Goat-tails! We can’t go in there. We’re just gonna have to hold it. We couldn’t find treasure in there even if we crashed into it! So, what now, mateys?
Everyone looks over to see a lighthouse.
BAABEAUSSA: YAR HAR! How did we miss that?! That be a perfect place for a lighthouse! Of course, it would be better if it was turned on...Let’s make land over there and see if we can’t get that lighthouse up and runnin’.
The ship sails.
BAABEAUSSA: Marrrrrio, Nya, we’ll go check out the lighthouse. Take yer time lookin’ for your paint thingies. We may even have that ol’ house lightin’ up the darkness by the time ye catch up with us. Yar har har! Move out, mates!

+When Mario and co. sees the crew trying to get into the lighthouse...
BAABEAUSSA: Oh, there ye are, mate.
Mario and co. look up at the lighthouse.
BAABEAUSSA: We be discussing who should go into the lighthouse first. Tell ye the truth- as captain, I’d like the be first, but since yer curious, I’ll leave those honors to you, Mario.

+The boy Pianta near the waterfall has slightly different dialogue...
BOY PIANTA: According to an old island legend, there’s treasure behind this huge waterfall. Not sure if it’s true. If a plant boy like me went under the waterfall, I might get a cold and not be able to play with my sister.

+When Mario recolors the lighthouse keeper...
BOY VELLBEX: Whaaaaa... Welcome to the lighthouse, bro. I’m the lighthouse keeper, LD. I wanna illuminate the darkness and everything, but [...]This darkness is really getting to me. It’s, like, extinguishing the light in my heart...and stuff.
MARIRANA: (L’il thing’s just like Keirf!)
EDWIN: (Why can’t we meet anyone normal?)
HUEY: There, there, Mr. Lighthouse Keeper. Maybe we can fix the light for you.
LD: Whoaaa, bros. and sisses...You’d do that for me? Well, lemme help you out in turn. I’m about to BLOW- YOUR- MINDS. I’ll introduce you to...wait for it...the PARALLEL WORLD!
EDWIN: How to put this, kid...? We, uh, already know about the parallel world. Weird pipe, right? Leads to a freaky opposite world?
[The rest of the cutscene plays as usual]

+When Mario enters the lighthouse basement in the parallel world, he’s not greeted with a gang of Buzzy Beetles. Instead, it’s a gang of the strange slug creatures.
+When Mario reaches the top of the parallel lighthouse...
???????: I KNEW you’d show up sooner or later, you dastardly FIEND!
???????: Did you have a fun time exploring this parallel world? You did...? Good. At least that won’t linger in my mind WHILE WE RIP YOU, LIMB FROM LIMB!
Pitholl and Cucleer drop in.
EDWIN: Don’t you two have anything better to do than stop us from getting a lightbulb?

PITHOLL: That’s FUNNY! I asked Aace the exact same THING before he sent us here from Fort Cobalt!
CUCLEER: The bottom line- he wants us to test you, on our way to Fortune Island. And for Aace, I’ll GLADLY OBLIGE!
Pitholl and Cucleer retrieve their sabers.


HP: 150
ATK: 12 (solo attack), 16 (duo attack part 1- slash then throw follow up), blade charge (charges Pitholl’s next attack by 3), 26 (downward sword slam- can only use while being carried)
DEF: 0
MARK: Musketeer
QUOTE 1: We are FAR beyond most of the other Musketeers!
QUOTE 2 (if Edwin is out): You won’t escape our WRATH this time, Edwin!
QUOTE 3: Do not stand in our WAY!
QUOTE 4: It’s your TURN! MOVE it!
QUOTE 5 (after duo attack): How did you like our ULLLtimate technique?
QUOTE 6 (near-defeat): Where was THIS strength during your TRAINING?
QUOTE 7 (if Cucleer is defeated first): NOOO! This time, you WILL be avenged, CuCLEER!

HP: 110
ATK: 4x2 (solo attack), 4x3 (duo attack part 2- mirage slash), carry (carries Pitholl into the air, allowing both to dodge ground attacks)
DEF: 0
MARK: Musketeer
QUOTE 1: Behind this smiling face- IS A SAVAGE BIRD!
QUOTE 2: I’m the most ferocious fowl IN THE FAR FORESTS!
QUOTE 3: Get in our way- YOU GET A PECKING!
QUOTE 5 (after duo attack): There’s more of that coming, PAL!
QUOTE 6 (near-defeat): Come on wings...DON’T FAIL!
QUOTE 7 (if Pitholl is defeated): You beat Pitholl AGAIN...? NO MORE MISTER NICE BIRD!

+After defeating Pitholl and Cucleer again...
NYA: So, you two are supposed to be commanders for one of the forces on Prism Island?
CUCLEER: Ahahaha, you must think you’re funny...WELL, I’M NOT LAUGHING, NINJI GIRL!
PITHOLL: HUCK! Do not SCOFF at your victory over us! Twas nothing but LUCK, and some airlag for US, over this long FLIGHT! With that attitude, you will FAIL against just the Koopalings! To say nothing of US, or even Aace’s stu-
CUCLEER: That’s enough, Pitholl- we have an island to check, after all. SO STOP YAPPING, AND LET’S GO!
PITHOLL: Very WELL! Until next time. Cucleer, aWAAAAAAY!
Cucleer and Pitholl slowly fly out of the parallel lighthouse.
EDWIN: Mario, we’d better hurry back to the lighthouse with the lightbulb.
Mario nods.

Shy Lightbulb

Slots: 1
Effect: All Jump attacks gain/change to an Electric attribute, possibly shocking enemies.

+After Mario places the Shy Lightbulb in the normal lighthouse...
Keirf drops in from the ceiling!

+After Mario returns to outside the lighthouse...
BAABEAUSSA: Yar har! They live! We heard a crazy Vellbex scream from the top of the lighthouse. I was just bucklin’ my swashes to come rescue ye lot, but here ye are! And ye lit the lighthouse! Good news all around. Now, let’s cast off.
Baabeaussa and her lackies leave.
MARIRANA: Aww, she was gonna come res’cue us. So CUTE!
NYA: Let us return to the ship.