Most Notable Mario Fanart? [Sourcing your images are encouraged]

Is that Young Cricket?

Also reminds me of this
So maybe I'm not one of those people who beg for new characters to join the cast as long as the games themselves are enjoyable, but we need more original hosts for Mario Party.
Isabelle said:
So maybe I'm not one of those people who beg for new characters to join the cast as long as the games themselves are enjoyable, but we need more original hosts for Mario Party.
I agree with this. To extend the point further, I wish Mario Party's original characters show up in other Mario spin-offs, because they are oddly gated from appearing from them (Super Smash Bros. is not much of an achievement). Paper Mario characters appear in Mario Party (the Star Spirits). Mario Kart has several new characters appear in other spin-offs, especially Toadette. Also, who could not forget Waluigi, who started in one of Camelot's Mario sport games?

Thank you for reading.
I want the next Mario Party game to be, in an outdoor scene with a circle dirt, Brighton and Twila bragging how much awesome they are as hosts and make the other hosts fight them, and Brighton and Twila also get involved with more in-fighting, and Mario diplomatically proposes a Star Treasury though that requires the establishment of Mario Land and taking control of the Dream Depot, and the rest of the characters argue who should own those. Koopa Kid sends out letters inviting all of them to a dinner party in an exotic location as part of a vacation, but he ends up stealing the Party Cube by shrinking it and encasing it in a bubble.





Thank you for reading.
Mario looks like he has been through the washing machine overnight.

It's Toadsworth fused with a Gen VII Pokémon.

Granted, you haven't played Pokémon, but I think it looks apparent here.