
yeah sorry but if you're in the fifth grade then you have one, maybe two hours of homework per night

assuming you get home at 4, you can finish it by 6, eat, play a game or watch a movie, and still have time to sleep
Homework should not have to take about an hour or two. I mean, you're at school all darn day, then are expected to do MORE work at home that takes more than an hour.

This is why I do not like homework. I really do not think students should have to be subjected to do as much they are expected to at home....
Hate to say it but yeah, homework WILL get worse as you progress in school. I didn't care if I had homework all that much because I was typically grounded most of the time anyway. (And not for anything a kid should be grounded for, but I digress) So I would literally spend my classes doing things I wasn't allowed to do at home such as drawing, and save the schoolwork for at home when there wasn't much of an alternative anyway.
NintendoQueen said:
Homework should not have to take about an hour or two.

Yeah that's why I'm stuck with homework that takes 4+ hours to do
Meta Knight said:
Yeah that's why I'm stuck with homework that takes 4+ hours to do

:\ I'm sorry to hear that.
That is ridiculous! I seriously do not see the point in homework that takes that long. Heck, homework should just be review on what you did that day in school. You already spend 6-8 hours a day at school working, so why do teachers send student home with tons of MORE work to do?
I know, be homeschooled! That makes the school and the homework virtually one in the same! Although it makes it harder to find friends... Plus your parents have to actually decide what your curriculum will be.
The educational system is completely, utterly, without a doubt, messed up. We have bad teachers that cannot teach, we have unnecessary amounts of class time for a few subjects, and we have a bunch of homework. After spending most of the day working, we should not have to take it home. We work too much at school, and now we have to take it home. How splendid. Anyway, do not forget that all the work and tests we do do not improve our knowledge, but is a competition to keep our grades up to go to college and get a good job. It is depressing that the educational system has turned into this, but that is the truth.
Fukanōna said:
The educational system is completely, utterly, without a doubt, messed up. We have bad teachers that cannot teach, we have unnecessary amounts of class time for a few subjects, and we have a bunch of homework. After spending most of the day working, we should not have to take it home. We work too much at school, and now we have to take it home. How splendid. Anyway, do not forget that all the work and tests we do do not improve our knowledge, but is a competition to keep our grades up to go to college and get a good job. It is depressing that the educational system has turned into this, but that is the truth.
From what I've heard, part of the reason that each class takes so long is because the teacher is teaching towards the slowest learners in the class. The teacher may have to explain a concept 2-3 times for the slower kids while the quick learners are sitting around thinking, "Yeah, yeah, I get it!"
From what I've heard, part of the reason that each class takes so long is because the teacher is teaching towards the slowest learners in the class. The teacher may have to explain a concept 2-3 times for the slower kids while the quick learners are sitting around thinking, "Yeah, yeah, I get it!"

It is the slowest learners fault. They need to pay attention and, you know, learn it, or they can go home and reread the stuff and better understand it. But when you think about it, it is probably a useless thing we will never use. For example, why do we need to know casting out nines when we will probably never use it?
you can't just go ahead and blame the slowest learners for this. what if they have adhd, dyslexia, or some other learning disorder that's out of their control that makes them unable to learn as quickly as their classmates? you need to learn to put yourself in other people's shoes. yeah, homework sucks, but if not doing it benefits me at the expense of other students, i'd rather do the homework to keep things fair.
Fukanōna said:
They need to pay attention and, you know, learn it,

You know, this is rather ironic coming from the person who had to be told to read the FAQ in the help desk board three times before it finally sunk in.

Maybe don't be so quick to dump on slow learners? You're not in much of a position to do so.
Lord Bowser said:
you can't just go ahead and blame the slowest learners for this. what if they have adhd, dyslexia, or some other learning disorder that's out of their control that makes them unable to learn as quickly as their classmates? you need to learn to put yourself in other people's shoes. yeah, homework sucks, but if not doing it benefits me at the expense of other students, i'd rather do the homework to keep things fair.

I am not trying to start a flame war, but if they had a disorder like that, I would think they would go to one of those special schools. For example, people with asperger syndrome go to a special school, and I would think people with those disorders would go to a school like that where the teachers are specially trained to do this sort of work with the kids. I am just saying, that is what would most likely happen.
Fukanōna said:
I am not trying to start a flame war, but if they had a disorder like that, I would think they would go to one of those special schools. For example, people with asperger syndrome go to a special school, and I would think people with those disorders would go to a school like that where the teachers are specially trained to do this sort of work with the kids. I am just saying, that is what would most likely happen.
People being forcibly put in schools away from their friends, because they happened to have something out of their control, doesn't seem like a good idea. My friend has ADHD, and she goes to class and she learns, even if it takes a while. There are special help programs for students like her in the school, I don't feel like yanking her out will go very well.
you know, the reason those students aren't sent to "special" schools is so that they can better integrate and mingle with their peers, so you're essentially saying that those with learning disorders should be segregated from the rest of the student body because of something out of their control. i could see them going to special education institutes if they are truly unable to learn in a regular classroom setting, but if they still can, then there's no need to split them off from the rest.
Stargazing said:
Fukanōna said:
I am not trying to start a flame war, but if they had a disorder like that, I would think they would go to one of those special schools. For example, people with asperger syndrome go to a special school, and I would think people with those disorders would go to a school like that where the teachers are specially trained to do this sort of work with the kids. I am just saying, that is what would most likely happen.
People being forcibly put in schools away from their friends, because they happened to have something out of their control, doesn't seem like a good idea. My friend has ADHD, and she goes to class and she learns, even if it takes a while. There are special help programs for students like her in the school, I don't feel like yanking her out will go very well.

I get your point now.

Also, I will never finish my damn science fair project. Nevermind, I am almost done with it.
Some autistic kids also can't go to special schools for various reasons, for me it was because my parents refused to acknowledge that I had any disorder and would only take me to doctors that agreed with them. They insisted that I go to the same school and take the same classes as any other kid. And any bad grades were also 100% my fault. I would have preferred to go to a special school because most of the normal students saw me as a creepy weirdo.
Fresh Bowser said:
Some autistic kids also can't go to special schools for various reasons, for me it was because my parents refused to acknowledge that I had any disorder and would only take me to doctors that agreed with them. They insisted that I go to the same school and take the same classes as any other kid. And any bad grades were also 100% my fault. I would have preferred to go to a special school because most of the normal students saw me as a creepy weirdo.

Yeah, I was talking about what you said about special schools for autistic people and stuff.
if i'm remembering correctly, those have happened in the past and failed miserably, because forced segregation for something out of your control is bleh

it's also like residential schools, they forced you to adopt european culture and forbade you from speaking your language or doing traditional aboriginal things, and they were also filled with diseases
In addition to that, slow learning is not always a symptom of a mental condition. Some students just perform worse than others in certain subjects. I've generally aced my math and science exams during my school days, but I was completely useless in french and spanish classes. Even if the practice of sending slow students to special schools somehow became a thing, you wouldn't be able to separate this type of student because their shortcomings are localized to certain subjects.

There is always going to be some degree of learning speed discrepancy in a class, because students are human. Stricter separation is not going to solve that. Plus, nobody's going to pay for that.
It is not like every kid with a bit of a disorder will go to a special school, though. For example, my sister a little bit of asbergers, but she does not go to a special school. She only has a few conditions, not many. My mom does not want my sister to find out until she is older, because she does not want my sister to feel different.