What is the best Gameboy/GBC game?


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Banned User
I myself say Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, with DKC as a close second. (Yes, Nintendo ported Donkey Kong Country to the Gameboy Color. And I;m not taalking about Donkey Kong Land.)
Donkey Kong '94
Super Mario Land 2
Wario Land 1-3
Mega Man V
Link's Awakening (DX)
Pokemon G/S/C
Kirby's Dream Land 2

in no order, really
top 5 in order

Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Wario Land 3
Link's Awakening/DX
Super Mario Land 2
Mole Mania
This is really tough, but my top five is probably:

1. Pokemon G/S/C
2. Pokemon Trading Card Game
3. Donkey Kong '94
4. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
5. Mega Man Xtreme

Honorable mentions go to Catrap and Rayman.