Poll Talk

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Last option. I subscribed to it as soon as it became a paid service. I needed it to continue playing Splatoon 2.
I guess option 3, since my brother and I only use it for NES games and local wireless on Smash. We can't really have stable connections either, because of a complicated internet situation.
I HOPE Mario Maker 2 doesn't require Online. If it does, maybe I'll buy the service, but I never was able to purchase an eShop card. Maybe I'll be able to buy one someday, but I'll spend those on Download-only games such as Shovel Knight, and also DLC. Right now, I'm not really planning to buy a subscription, but I might someday, only for Mario Maker 2 and NES games.
I'm the bottom, the money isn't too much. Plus games like Tetris 99 don't interest me that much anyway.
When Nintendo learns how to make their online actually work I'll consider buying it.
Shy Guy on Wheels said:
When Nintendo learns how to make their online actually work I'll consider buying it.

When Nintendo makes online play free again I'll buy it.
I already have a subscription so I can continue to play games like Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe online, but I do wish their was more substance and benefits to having it.
Long John Spaghetti said:
Shy Guy on Wheels said:
When Nintendo learns how to make their online actually work I'll consider buying it.

When Nintendo makes online play free again I'll buy it.
How do you buy something that's free?

Anyway I already have it, but SMM would definitely ensure I keep it if the online experience relies on it.
New poll! This one was suggested by PriPeachFranchiseSupporter1337 (MFGG)- Let that username remind you that you too can suggest your own polls and have me post your username here if it passes.

Would you ever like to see Princess Peach get her own spin-off franchise to herself?
*Yes, definitely. Princess Peach is a significant character and would benefit from her own franchise to build upon Mario's even more.
*Yes, but I think other characters would be better suited to have a new spin-off franchise.
*Maybe, but I think that Peach would be better suited as a supporting character in the core Mario franchise.
*No, but I think Peach should have occasional, stand-alone spin-off games.
*No. Princess Peach wouldn't really be necessary as her own franchise and others would be better suited for a new spin-off franchise.
*Not at all. Peach should have a minor role within the core Mario franchise as a simple motivation for the player.
I think it would work better if she had her own occasional single entries, similar to Captain Toad and what Luigi's Mansion used to be.
An occasional game about Princess Peach would be nice, but a franchise along the lines of Yoshi, Donkey Kong, and Wario. That is too much. Nor can I think of any Mario characters to get their own franchise that doesn't already have their own.
Option 4. Why not have the two out of the three most important supporting characters (Luigi and Peach) have their own occasional entries?
Still waiting for the third supporting character (Bowser) to have his chance to shine though.
Option 1.

I don't like how everyone thinks Peach is weak and useless because she's the damsel in distress. However, Peach was playable in a few games, such as some Mario games, Spinoff Mario games and Smash. She's really good at fighting and adventuring, at a point that she got her own game: Super Princess Peach. Now I never owned a DS to try the game, but from what I know, she literally had superpowers in that game. It would be nice if SPP was a franchise, and Peach would be a character from that franchise more than the Mario franchise, just like with Yoshi, Wario and DK. Now not getting one won't be the most disappointing thing ever, but getting one would be really nice.
Option 4.

I like Peach, I really do, but Idk she's a character who shares her adventures with Mario, whereas Luigi has his own adventures. Yoshi and Wario are both from regions other than the Mushroom Kingdom so the setting of their games are different and don't interfere in Mario's in a dramatic way. But with Peach... I mean if we wanna have her adventures take place in the Mushroom kingdom, what's it gonna be? Saving Mario? Which was already done before? I just don't think she really needs a series.
I wouldn't mind but we really need a sequel to Super Princess Peach.
i'd probs play such a franchise if it existed tho i'm not clamoring for it. actually i also never got around to playing Super Princess Peach so I might do that at some point regardless
but like, again

What new game styles would you like to see in Super Mario Maker 2?
*Super Mario Bros 2 (USA)
*Super Mario Land
*Mario vs. Donkey Kong
*Super Mario 64
*Super Mario Sunshine
*Super Mario Galaxy
*Super Mario Odyssey
*Wario Land
*Yoshi's Island

I would love a Shake It! style. Hand drawn, etc. Sooo nice.
Super Mario Bros. 2 USA or death
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