Poll Talk

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The Legend of Zelda. I know there's been Mario enemies in Zelda games but it's been my pipe dream to have a crossover between Ninty's big franchises that's not Smash (so technically an "All of the Above" would be more suited :P).
Probably will never happen, but hey, who knows.
I feel like a Kirby×Mario or Zelda×Mario crossover would work. Maybe the Zelda crossover will be an RPG or an Action RPG. And maybe they can mix the gameplay of Mario and Kirby games together.
New poll!

Would you like new characters introduced in Super Mario Odyssey (i.e. Cappy, the Broodals) to appear in more future Mario games?
  • Yes, I would like new characters introduced in Super Mario Odyssey to continue to appear in future Mario games, including main series Super Mario games.
  • Yes, but only if the characters are kept to spinoffs, rather than main series Super Mario games.
  • Yes, but only if they're included in a sequel to Super Mario Odyssey.
  • No, I am not interested in seeing new characters from Super Mario Odyssey return in any future Mario games.
  • I am indifferent, or have no opinion.
I am indifferent. I will not be affected by any appearance any Odyssey character makes in a new game.
I wouldn't object to any of them appearing again, could easily see the Broodals making some spin-off appearances. Could possibly see Cappy in the Mario Party series.
Hey, it's time for a new poll!

Would you like to see the Mario franchise to crossover with other series outside of Super Smash Bros., in a similar fashion as the Mario & Sonic series?

  • I would like there to be more crossover games with other Nintendo series.
  • I would like there to be more crossover games with third party series.
  • I don't mind if there are crossover games with other series.
  • I would prefer if Mario games stuck to their own series.
  • I heavily dislike the idea of crossover games.
Option 1

I'd love to.

Who knows the greatness that awaits? Everyone was skeptical about Rabbids crossing over with Mario but that turned out great!
I guess option 1 and 2.

One of my favourite things with anything, such as a TV show, a comic or a movie, is when they crossover. Mario got a few crossovers over the years, like Mario Kart Arcade GP, Mario Kart 8's DLC, Mario & Sonic and Mario + Rabbids. But for a big franchise like Mario, that's not a lot.

I think it would be nice if we got a Mario × Zelda crossover or a Mario × Rayman crossover (yeah I just realized the two characters never crossovered before).
I am in favour of Mario crossing over to other series, whether it's a Nintendo series or a non-Nintendo series, which is what Option 3 is ("I don't mind if there are crossover games with other series."). I think Mario makes many series better than they are, both because of Nintendo's better quality control and the familiarity that Mario provides when going into another series. At least, that's how I felt.

Also, I have missed the last poll, which is about the opinion on seeing Odyssey's characters/settings in a new game. I get the feeling that the game will have some decent representation, similar to how Sunshine has very good representation throughout the years even though it's viewed as a worse game. Although the question on whether its main characters like Cappy and the Broodals will stick around is another thing entirely since recent Super Mario games are not very reliable in retaining their characters (such as Sprixie Princess and Nabbit).

Thank you for reading.
Oh, look! It's a new poll...

EDIT: If you already have a Nintendo Switch, you can still vote.

What is your opinion about the Nintendo Switch Lite?
  • I feel that it is an improvement of the original Switch, and I plan to buy it when it comes out.
  • It is a good first addition to the Nintendo Switch family, and I am considering buying one
  • I think it has potential, but I prefer to purchase the original Nintendo Switch version.
  • I do not care about it, as I feel it is an unnecessary revision.
  • I am not interested in the Nintendo Switch family of systems.
  • I have no opinion.
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I have a revision of the Switch that has a hardware exploit via pushing down pins to access RCM mode. I'm good.
I think it's a great cheaper way to get a second Switch for multiplayer games, despite the lack of detachable controllers probably making things a little difficult. But I'm getting an actual Switch first before I get this one :P
it looks fine for what it is. in the freak event i ever do get another switch fsr i'll probably go with this one for the battery life+better price tag. although even then i'm not sure since i'd have to deal with number one issue with nintendo's handheld-only consoles: broken buttons that i cant just solve by getting a new controller.
Option 3.

I guess it's pretty cool that the Nintendo Switch family is being developed, and I'm happy for people who wanted a Switch Lite, but I'm not planning on buying one, because I already have a Switch and I feel like I would be wasting my money if I bought a switch lite. Especially considering I mostly use my Switch on the TV.
I picked the option "I think it has potential, but I prefer to purchase the original Nintendo Switch version." (that's Option 3, by the way)

That's mainly because I already got the original Switch, so I don't deem it necessary to get the Lite even though it has a few advantages over the original, namely that it has a D-pad and that it purportedly has a better feel on its controls. Besides, the Lite means that certain games are locked out of being played on it, while certain games are suboptimal on it like Super Mario Odyssey (the game even says that the separate Joy-Con setup is recommended; imagine seeing this when you first play the game) and Death Squared (you can play single player but it feels cumbersome to control 2 or 4 individual boxes alone).

I do concur that the battery life is a better thing, although the fact that the original Switch got this upgrade too made the original Switch more appealing on that front (except the price, of course).

Thank you for reading.
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