Poll Talk

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I feel like it's a low blow for me to post 8) No Opinion.
But here I am being a jerk attention monger.

Unless I were to say: although I'm not a fan of Lego, I do endorse Mario traversing to every family friendly medium he can. All mighty Mario shall become one with everything. I'm thinking a portrait next.
I like the idea of the sets, and wouldn't oppose more in the future, but I won't be getting these. A much younger me would've been all over this, but it doesn't enthuse current me.
I will buy the set and game if Super Mario Land is released on the EV3 Intelligent Brick.
I'm unhappy because EV3 Intelligent Brick is looks like a Gameboy but no complete game was released.
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i don't have it, mostly because it's pretty obviously a little kids' product. it definitely stands out among other things lego related, but i wish it was more construction based, because it doesn't have a lot of construction involved, and to me, that's the best thing about lego: creativity. mario lego is making a small level for him, and there aren't a lot of capabilities (i think). the main thing is moving mario around the level. while there is some creativity in here, i'd probably much rather use normal legos and build things.
New Poll! We've seen a lot of interesting behind-the-scenes info lately about some classic Nintendo games, including some Mario titles. How do you feel about this?

A recent leak of Nintendo development content has revealed unused ideas for various games. Would you have liked to see this content used?
-I liked a lot of the leaked ideas and would have enjoyed seeing them implemented instead in the final versions of the game.
-I preferred some of the early ideas to the final designs, but I think others were handled better in the final game.
-I disliked most of the early content, but I think some of the ideas could have been implemented.
-I liked some of the ideas but would have preferred for them to implemented elsewhere.
-I did not like any of the leaked ideas and preferred Nintendo's final decisions.
-I have no opinion on any of the leaked content and whether or not it should be used.
I'll have to say Option 1.
definitely option 1. i wouldve loved to see all these appear in their games (except the weird yoshi unused design. wtf was that. would be nice if they referenced it or something tho).
I haven't seen the leak, and I'm not really someone who seeks this sort of thing out, so I'll be going with the final option.
How did you feel about the intense rivalry between the Mario series and the Sonic series in the 16-bit era?
I enjoyed the fierce competition between the two series, and felt that marketing it helped both series gain more attention.
-I enjoyed the fierce competition, but felt it should have stayed within the fandoms and not have been promoted and used for marketing.
-While I did not feel strongly about it, I was okay with it because it gave both series more attention.
-I disliked the competition, as it highlighted the worst aspects of both series rather than focusing on what they offered.
-I disliked the competition, as I did not feel there was a need for it.

A bit of a throwback poll, this time around. How many folks remember this firsthand, and how many have only heard about it later, I wonder? Either way,d did you think it was beneficial or harmful for the two series?
I didn't like the competition in the reason I didn't like the console wars of this generation: it stoked tribalism and toxicity among the fandoms and it's generally just...unpleasant to say the least. We shouldn't be siding with corporations and their products, just play games you like.
I wasn't around for the 16-bit era, and by the time I found out who Sonic was, the rivalry was over.
But, in general, I don't find anything wrong with competition, so long as you don't go overboard with it.
I disliked the competition, because it did not make people want to buy the games, and felt hard for fans of both Mario and Sonic to feel appreciated. It just ruined both series in the end. They should've never thought of this in the first place, but SEGA wanted to push sales and keep people away from Nintendo, so that they could play their games instead.
I think it's an interesting piece of history, however I also feel it's something that should remain in the past.
A new poll this week, this one focused on some of the many lesser-known features of the Nintendo Switch! Those Joy-Cons can do a lot of surprising things, but do you want to see all of those features used, or do you have some reservations about them?

Do you think a new Mario game could use some of the lesser used features of the Nintendo Switch, such as the infrared camera or HD Rumble?
  • Yes, I think it could offer some interesting gameplay.
  • Yes, but it shouldn't become a gimmick for the sake of having it.
  • Yes, but as long as it only used features the Switch already has and doesn't require peripherals like Labo.
  • Not necessarily, but I would be willing to try it out if it has potential.
  • No, a new game should focus on using known and familiar controls.
  • No, as this would make the game harder to port or remake for future systems that lack these features.
You've seen cats decimate the racetrack, but how do you feel about this new form of Mario Kart?

What is your opinion on the execution of augmented reality of Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit?
-I like the execution of AR on a remotely controlled car in this game and would love seeing it in future titles.
-I like the execution of AR in this game, but prefer AR from a first person perspective like it was on the Nintendo 3DS.
-I like the AR of this game and would like to see AR in more Mario games, regardless of the perspective.
-AR is a fun gimmick, but shouldn't be a core mechanic as it is in this game.
-I feel like the AR detracts from the experience, and I don't feel it fits in Mario games.
-I think AR can work for Mario games, but I don't like how it is executed in this game.

Me personally? I go with option four. AR is indeed a cool technology that may have some neat places in Mario games, but I don't think it is enough on its own to be the core piece of a game.
Option 4. AR is fun, but it shouldn't be a core mechanic. I didn't use the AR cards included with my 3DS that much. And now that both the inner and outer cameras don't work anymore on my 3DS, I haven't used the cards since. It is very frustrating to use AR sometimes without making it boring.
Option 4. Something that shouldn't be done often: either full game or an small addition to a game.
Option 5, and I really hope this and Deluxe aren't the only Mario Kart games we actually get for the Switch.
It's time for a new poll! This week, we want to know, now that we're in the midst of the big 35th anniversary celebration of the series that brought us here in the first place, if you feel like Nintendo has done enough for their most famous plumber? Are you happy with what we had, or did you hope for something more?

Are you satisfied with Nintendo's announced releases for Super Mario's 35th anniversary?
  • Yes, I think Nintendo has announced a large enough collection of titles and merchandise to make this a satisfying celebration.
  • I like the announced titles and merchandise, but would have preferred to have an entirely new Mario game announced for the anniversary, too.
  • I would have preferred that more classic Mario games had been rereleased in some form as part of the anniversary.
  • No, as too much of the announcements were for merchandise, rather than game titles.
  • No, I feel that they should be releasing a much greater amount of non-game merchandise.
  • I would have liked the announcements more if certain announced titles were not limited edition.

I personally must go with option two. I'm incredibly happy that 3D All-Stars is bringing three classic titles back for another generation, especially as Gamecube titles seem more out of reach than ever (and to fulfill my childhood fantasy of playing Sunshine on a handheld). I'm also fine with the 3D World rerelease, and some of the small sideshows we had like Super Mario Bros 35 and the Game & Watch, but... oy, if there were ever the time for a new major Mario title, following up on injecting some of the freshness of Odyssey into another 3D title, or harkening back to the days when the first New Super Mario Bros felt innovative and like a return to form... this would have been it.
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