Poll Talk

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Option 1 all the way, I don't know how likely it is for me to get to dine there, but if I get the option I'm taking it.
surprised i havent answered yet

buuuuuuuuut yea, i would LOVE to go anywhere slightly interesting in this day and age, and believe me, if i suddenly got magical teleportation powers or something, you know i'd go to kinopio cafe before a lot of other stuff.

now while i wanna visit super nintendo world in general, i feel like no visit to such a park would be ideal without a lunch break. kinopio cafe looks really nice, the place itself is clean and they do some creative shtick like the whole "kitchen where you can see the toads" thing, and even the food and the way they designed it. i guess once we can yknow, move just a single muscle again, i'd gladly go to super nintendo world and visit the restaurant if i ever go to japan or whatever place will have the park in it
One more for the road! From here on out, you'll see Baby Luigi and Luigi 64DD in this thread, crafting polls with the 12th Poll Committee, but I'm here with one more poll from the 11th Poll Committee. We'd be having a going-away party... if Nintendo would let us all play together across continents, that is!

(But, seriously, I'd like to give a big public thank you to BBQ Turtle, Lakituthequick, Ninja Squid, Luigi 64DD, winstein, Goombuigi, Superchao, and Power Flotzo for sticking with me this past year and making sure the Mario Wiki had interesting polls every two weeks to run on the main page and discuss in this thread. Best wishes to the new team coming in!)

How do you feel about online multiplayer in Mario Party titles?
  • Online multiplayer makes Mario Party games more enjoyable and more enticing purchases, and should be included by default in every game in the series going forward.
  • Having online multiplayer in Mario Party is important to me, but I am okay with it being added in post-release updates.
  • I enjoy online multiplayer in Mario Party games, but I do not consider it essential to the game and its presence or absence does not affect my choice to purchase these titles.
  • I would prefer that Mario Party games do not have online multiplayer options, as it takes away from the core focus on local multiplayer experiences.
  • I see online multiplayer as essential to enjoying Mario Party, and feel Nintendo should make it free and usable even to those who do not have an NSO subscription.
  • While online multiplayer is a step in the right direction, it would be even better if Nintendo took steps to allow online players to capture some of the experiences of playing in the same space as others.
  • I don't play Mario Party and do not have an opinion on this.

As for myself, well... while I like Mario Party as is, I do have to admit, I'd like to be able to play with people without needing them to come to my home. There's folks here I'd play a round of Mario Party with if I could. So, this week, it's option one for me.
As someone who has suffered the pain of singleplayer Mario Party, Option 1. There's really no excuse not to include online play these days and it's honestly pretty pathetic that it took until Super Mario Party for it to even be possible, and even worse that it didn't happen until an update almost three years after it came out. If future Mario Party games don't have it at release (or at all) then that's a major step backwards in my opinion.
I picked the most optimal option, "Online multiplayer makes Mario Party games more enjoyable and more enticing purchases, and should be included by default in every game in the series going forward".

Online and multiplayer go hand-in-hand because of the ability to play with others in long distances, in most cases at least. Mario Party is a game series that would benefit from online like every Mario series, so to see it make the leap is wonderful. I know people say that Super Mario Party should have had it from the beginning, but I didn't mind that they actually introduced it later, because at least they did it (instead of leaving the main meat of the game offline only forever). There is a reason the Mario Party online Discord is one of the most popular Mario communities (it has tier 3 server boosts, a sign of a highly active community), because people love to play Mario Party, and it's even better with others.

Thank you for reading.
It's about time.

Yo, I got a new poll up and running.

Nintendo sometimes releases Mario games which reuse the engines of previous titles (e.g., Super Mario Galaxy 2, New Super Luigi U). How do you feel about this?
  1. I support the practice of reusing engines and assets, as I would prefer more frequent game releases to entirely new content.
  2. I don't mind when assets and engines are reused, but games that extensively reuse assets should have significant new mechanics and content added, too.
  3. I'm fine with Nintendo reusing engines and assets, but would prefer they sell the content as DLC for the original games rather than sell the content as a new title.
  4. I don't like reuse of old engines and assets, and would prefer to see entirely new games, built from the ground-up.
  5. I don't care whether assets and engines are reused or not.
For me, option 2 is the best one. It really depends on the game itself. For example, I thought Super Mario Galaxy 2 was extremely disappointing but I want an Odyssey sequel with like, new kingdoms and stuff; part of it is because I simply enjoy Odyssey better as a game.
Greetings, new overlord!

It's a mix between Option 2 and Option 3 for me, leaning more towards Option 3 though. I don't mind reusing engines but I would prefer that those resources go to expanding on the content of games we already have (and preferably at a cheaper price) than charging full price for another game.
Dudes, here's a new poll. It's about that woman, Pauline. She's gonna help us take over the world, just need to win dudes over with her prettiness.


Since Super Mario Odyssey, Pauline made appearances as a playable character in Mario spin-offs. Would you like to see her making more playable appearances?
  • Absolutely. Pauline is a great character.
  • I would like to see Pauline more often, but mostly in spin-off titles.
  • I am fine with Pauline, but I do not really care if she comes back more often.
  • I do not really like Pauline as a character, but I do not mind her presence on the Mario roster.
  • I do not like Pauline at all and would prefer her not to return.
  • I do not have an opinion.
I guess Option 3 for me. I don't mind Pauline but I don't have strong opinions on her either way, so I'm not really going to get excited if she's included in a game or disappointed if she's not. That being said I do like when Nintendo brings back older and more obscure characters and includes them as playable in the rosters.

Much appreciated for the help with the world domination thing, though!
Dudes, here's a new poll. It's about that woman, Pauline. She's gonna help us take over the world, just need to win dudes over with her prettiness.
No one said it has to be just dudes :P
For me, Option 2. I like seeing Pauline around, but I don't think she should be playable in the mainline games. I wouldn't mind if she appeared as an NPC in the mainline titles though, like in Super Mario Odyssey.
Option 3, I think she's ok imo and her role in Odyssey was pretty awesome, if Odyssey 2 happens I'd like her to get a similar role including being a singer
However outside of Odyssey I don't really feel any particular need to have her in mario games
Is dude a gender-neutral term?
Depends on the context
New poll guys!

Mario games sometimes feature Miis as playable characters. Do you like seeing Miis playable?
  • Yes, I enjoy playing with Mii characters
  • I don't mind Mii characters appearing as part of a larger roster but don't like them being the only playable character in a mode
  • I would prefer Miis to be restricted to only being playable in side modes
  • I don't like Miis being playable, but enjoy them making cameos or being used as player icons
  • I do not like seeing Miis in Mario games at all
  • I have no opinion on this subject

Also! I'm experimenting with embedding images on the poll in the main page, please give me feedback! I've created a new style on CrowdSignal specifically for it, so if it's not to your liking, I'll always fallback on the image-less one. I'm not proficient in CSS or anything, so suggestions on how to improve the presentation with CSS would be highly appreciated.

Option 2, I like being able to insert basically whatever character I want into the game. Honestly though, Mii or not, restricting characters depending on the mode at all isn't really fun, unless it's a mode specifically designed around that character (i.e. Bowser Party in Mario Party 10).
Option 2. Miis have lots of potential and shouldn't be restricted to certain modes of the game, especially since Mii implementation in general has died down considerably on Switch titles.
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