Poll Talk

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The second option. I have a page on the forums bookmarked so I can find it, but every other time it's either already open or I just put M into my search box and this comes up.
*Yes, I have the MarioWiki Main Page bookmarked.

I have both the Wiki and Forums bookmarked, I also have a few pages from the Mario games I own bookmarked, so I can research them.
I have both thew wiki main page and the Mario Boards main page pinned on the "New Tab" page on Firefox so I can easily access them when making a new tab. That's not technically a Bookmark per se, but it still counts.
Well I just lock my laptop, and keep all tabs open so I have no need to bookmark it as it's always open. In the off case that I accidentally close it down, I've been on the site often enough that all I need to do is type "m" in my search bar that it immediately comes up.

However, I picked the second option, as I have the file redirects thing bookmarked from when I still used to check it daily.
What are you most excited to see during Nintendo's E3 conferences?
*More Super Mario Odyssey news.
*News on other Mario titles.
*News on other non-Mario titles.
*More Switch game reveals.
*More 3DS game reveals.
*I'm not interested in E3.

Super Mario Odyssey, obviously!
Not interested.
I couldn't decide between Super Mario Odyssey and Switch game reveals, but I ended up voting for Switch game reveals.
What an excellent first impression.
The 3DS is going to outlive many consoles, I feel it.

As for me, I feel that we still need to know about SMO, because there just... Can't be... Only four worlds.
Plumber Peach said:
As for me, I feel that we still need to know about SMO, because there just... Can't be... Only four worlds.

I don't get why everyone's afraid the game will only have four worlds. They wouldn't show all of the levels in one trailer, let alone a debut trailer.

More Odyssey for me, though keeping my expectations low for Switch game reveals.
A new poll went up yesterday, c'mon guys!

Would you like to see ports or remakes of classic Mario games like Super Mario 64 or Super Mario Sunshine on the Switch?
*Yes, I would enjoy having lots of ports of classic games on the Switch.
*Yes, I would enjoy some.
*Not really, but a few would be nice.
*Definitely not, Nintendo should stick to just new content for the Switch.
*I don't have an opinion.

If it's a port of a game I already own, then I probably will not buy it. But if it's a remake/remaster of Super Mario 64, then heck yes!
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