Poll Talk

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Lord Bowser said:
*I don't own a Nintendo Switch.
Hello, you familiar option, you.
I am not interested in Labo whatsoever, even if it were cheaper.
not interested
Haven't really familiarised myself with what Labo actually is, so I'll probably pass for now.
What is your opinion on Wii U games that are ported to the Nintendo Switch?
*I think it's a great idea. Wii U games could be improved on and made more accessible to a wider audience.
*I like the idea, but new games have priority for me.
*Ported games only interest me if they have additional content to justify the purchase.
*I would prefer games from other consoles.
*I don't agree with the idea. Nintendo should only focus on creating new games.
*I do not have an opinion on this subject.

I have mixed feelings on ports. On one hand, they allow newer players to experience an older game, or give older gamers a new way to play. On the other hand, if I already own the original game, I'm likely not going to pick up the port anytime soon. For those reasons, I voted the third option.
Again, I don't think making a poll satisfies the open-ended nature of these kinds of questions.
Princess Mario said:
Again, I don't think making a poll satisfies the open-ended nature of these kinds of questions.

You are free to elaborate on your answer, or describe one that isn't there. That's one of the reasons why I made this thread to begin with.
Ah, well, I can't vote for any of these. Not even an "other". That's the problem.

My opinion would be that while the Switch should get support, I'm also being pretty weary of hearing about all these ports. Makes me feel bad for owning a Wii U and having those games, as nearly every Wii U game I have is now pretty redundant with a Switch. Not sure what I can say about other platforms, though, like Dark Souls, Skyrim, and Doom. Those seem pretty nice as ports especially if you don't have a gaming PC. Always a plus to have those games on the go, though there's also the appeal of those Wii U games on the go too.
In terms of Wii U games I want Mario Maker on Switch but other than that I'd rather new games be the focus. And further ports/remakes should be from older systems than the still-recent Wii U, such as GameCube or even N64. I'm talking Paper Mario HD, TTYD HD, Super Mario 64 HD (using Odyssey's engine), stuff like that, or at least a Virtual Console that extends to GCN games. Wii U games are still easily accessible on modern hardware (heck the Switch's biggest launch title was released simultaneously on Wii U, further proving how the system isn't that old and its games aren't exactly old enough to warrant re-releases)

I understand doing it for people who didn't buy a Wii U, but for those of us who did (and I'm pretty sure hardcore Nintendo fans still mostly had the system) having recent games we already own or can already easily get released on the Switch to fill slots that could be occupied by new games or returns of older, less accessible games, feels a bit underwhelming.
Ports are good, in general. But all these ports from the Wii U are just Nintendo cheating us Wii U owners.

I know one game that will stay Wii U exclusive, though...
Smash for Wii U maybe as well if you're going to get technical.
I don't totally get the logic of feeling bad when a game you have on Wii U comes to Switch. It's still perfectly playable on your Wii U. You're not really missing out on much besides a few new levels or a New Funky Mode. It's true that for a system with so few games, it can feel like it was pointless to have gotten it when almost all of the games are being ported. But here's the thing no one thinks about: let's say you got a Wii U in 2014 and a lot of the games you bought are now coming to Switch. You got that Wii U because you wanted to play those games on it in 2014. Now, in 2018, why are you feeling bad when you've owned and played those games for 4 years and you can still play them in largely the same form as the Switch version on your Wii U? You would have had to have waited a long time and it's not like you could have known they were coming to Switch anyway. Besides, chances are you own a few Wii U games that are never gonna be ported. I do understand why someone would feel that way but I don't think it's something to feel bad about.
I guess it's nice for the people who never owned a Wii U to get another opportunity to get these games, but seeing as I do own a Wii U, I'm not going to be getting any of them, and I'd rather they focus on making new games for the Switch.
I have nothing against ports, but Option 4. Gamecube games, please.
new poll!

Do you prefer to play the Nintendo Switch with or without the dock?

*I prefer to play it on my TV with the dock.
*I prefer to play it detached from the dock.
*It depends on the game.
*I do not have a preference.
*I do not own a Nintendo Switch.

docked all the way
I picked the "I prefer to play on the dock" even though I barely have the option to play on it. That's because we do not have a HDMI-based TV or monitor so I have to play as a tabletop. It's not bad, but when playing on TV, it's greatly better considering that the game I normally play on it is Splatoon 2, which benefits from having a larger resolution.

Thank you for reading.
No preference, but if I have the opportunity, big screen.
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