Vending machine

Yoshi the SSM gets cash.

LED42 inserts lava.
You get instantly melted because lava does that. What'd you think was going to happen?

I insert Dong's expanded dong.
Paper Thomas gets to pick between a variety of things, that is, when the machine works.

Koops inserts a soul.
TheCapeLuigi receives a CGI TV show adaptation of the Wario Land series, complete with animation just as poor as the Donkey Kong Country cartoon.

Julia-BM inserts Paper Mario Mario with Spongebob's face.
BBQ Turtle gets a Perish Song. Rest in piss.

I insert a shiny Geodude about to use Explosion.
Paper Thomas gets a Geodude that doesn't even know Explosion.
Mister Apple inserts a fact.
You get an encyclopedia!
I insert a couple of 1 cent coins.

Thank you for reading.
FASTER! The machine does not like to wait, why you putting these one at a time!
Oh skip it, I don’t have all day! Winstein gets nothing but these words coming out of the machine. At least putting in those coins was worth it, because now we know vending machines are capable of speech and are impatient like us people.

Koops inserts a pen.
BBQ Turtle receives directions to Claire's (Y'know, that chain of stores)

Julia-BM inserts Nathaniel Bandy ranting about Pink Gold Peach
Julie-BM gets MarioTehPlumber's scalped Rosalina amiibo collection.

NanoRim inserts :waluigi:.
BBQ Turtle receives a Mario Klik Candy Dispenser.
NanoRim inserts Mountain Dew Pitch Black.
NanoRim gets Mountain Dew White Out.

Yoshi the SSM inserts Mountain Dew Code Red (one of his favorites).
Yoshi the SSM gets Citrus Cherry Mountain Dew Game Fuel imported from The Netherlands

Julia-BM inserts a Sonic OC from DeviantArt
Julia-BM gets a cyclops.
BBQ Turtle inserts a pair of headphones.
You get shitty airpods.

LeftyGreenMario inserts her car keys in there.
LeftyGreenMario receives a device that she can use to locate her car keys for whenever she loses them

Julia-BM inserts a Mr. L fangirl