Reboot the universe and then react


Says my name after every sentence, Nyorori
What if the universe you knew .... WAS DIFFERENT... SLIGHTLY
Reboots are fun except when they're not and then there's the Fantastic Four movie where no universe to live in is fun ... off topic ... anyways, this topic gives a prompt for a different universe than the bellow user has react and make their own universe, sound fun? Sounds like it to me!

Waffle House's roof are blue instead of yellow
Yikes, the James Bond franchise is now stale, and nobody wants to make any more movies.

Sega won the console war over Nintendo!
Oh no! The consoles! They're disappearing! Quick! Bring it back to normal!

one. reboot. later.

Okay, Chritophus Colombus has successfully gone to Italy without discovering America.
I thought it was Indonesia... either way, America doesn't get inhabited by Europeans and both World Wars would have been probably won by Germany. If not I, then II. Which, wouldn't be good since German would rule the world. Except for America, which is not known to Germany. Although, if it was found later on by Germany, it would become part of it's domain. Reboot that quick!


I got one. Mario didn't get his name, Mario, but keep his former name, Jumpman.
The mario series will suck without mario, which makes me depressed

Reboot! The Universe is now non-rebootable.
The word, FREEDOM, is amongst top criminal offenses in this country. Oh, and Spanish and French countries replace some of the states. Especially on the west side of the Mississippi River. Alaska is part of Russia. And Hawaii isn't part of the states, but still in Oceania. But, besides this, it's pretty normal. Though, I wouldn't want to live in this place.


S. S. Chuckola, after it left Teehee Valley, never hit a rock and then sank, but Mario and Luigi still made it to Gwarhar Lagoon soon after this.