Danganronpa General Discussion Thread


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Considering it's coming back in popularity and the newest game is coming out this year, here's a forum thread for all things danganronpa! Discuss DR1, DR2, DR3, and DR:AE! And also the danganronpa spinoff novels stuck in japan forever! Looking at you, Kirigiri.

TAG YOUR SPOILERS! This is a very spoiler-heavy franchise, and any untagged or unlabeled spoilers will likely be deleted on sight!
Lord Bowser said:
if anyone takes kaito as a theme before i do i will kill them irl

K1-B0 is my robot baby and I will do the same to anyone who does that to me as well

Anyway I hate how I was unintentionally spoiled on execution 1 for drv3 but regardless I can't wait to play the rest of the game blind

DR2 is one of my top 5 games of all time for its ending
Rohan Kishibe said:
Lord Bowser said:
if anyone takes kaito as a theme before i do i will kill them irl

K1-B0 is my robot baby and I will do the same to anyone who does that to me as well

I'm piano lady Kaede
>name changes

it begins
Hello i still don't know who I am and I won't until the game releases so it you have any spoiler free stuff to put in my avatar and / or sig I'll do that
drv3 prerelease bundle is out of steam, with the game AND the soundtrack

steam didn’t specify it was a bundle so imagine my shock checking my email to a vague message saying drv3 is $80
question: what was the bonus for completing the demo? i remember they said you'd get something in the actual game but i don't remember what
Kirumi Tojo said:
i dont really want to play the demo though because of spoilers lol

now im conflicted
demo has a completely standalone case with no spoilers for the main game by virtue of using guest characters from past games

you can play it and you will know nothing about the actual case 1
okay ill maybe play it just before picking up the game then, whenever that will be since i technically have 0 time to play games rn
As promised, I'm going to liveblog my reactions to the entire game, split up by part. ENJOY!

-Very first impression: Surprised at the totally different title screen aesthetic!
-holla holla get monocoins
-also gonna try English voices first, see how those are
-"Hey remember all those other games? Those sure were good"- oh goddammit why do you remind me of peko death. WHY.
-Kaede that is one hell of an ominous intro... and one trippy self-introduction too. also why were you in a locker? are you telling me you're a NERD
-Wait, Shuichi was in a locker too? Bizarre... wonder if everyone woke up in them
-kidnappers they can actually remember? i'm sure there's more to this. it seems waaay too sensible and normal
-And that's when they found the giant robot, because let's go all out from the word go
-I have to admit I wasn't expecting the first movement sequence to be "run from the giant robots"
-Look, it's the other students! And man does it still look weird to see them in normal clothes
-rantaro why do you know 16 high schoolers is the important part
-i love how everyone's just "wat" at the monokid introduction
-now I'm wondering if they're gonna be doled memories bit by bit, judging by that phrasing
-i'm going to assume everyone went full magical girl, not just kaede
-wow, that was trippy (i like the title card alteration)
-Kaede is reliving the locker experience and it's Concerning me
-like it gives me the impression Round 1 was stuff we weren't supposed to see from an in-universe perspective and it's raising SO many questions
-NOW she's the pianist i know and love
-The Ultimate Initiative sounds even more hardcore than HPA
-I appreciate Kaede actually getting a title card (that tiny baby kaede tho)
-aaand they got memories deleted, too. that's never a good sign
>picture of kaede wearing a helmet - i have Feelings about this
-oh hey, a handbook!
-Interesting how bonds are kept on Kaede's page... and how nobody else is even on here until you meet them
-this is kaede's room, it was made for her
-Prediction: the Monokids will either all be gone in a swoop or go away chapter by chapter. that's it
-Tsumugi starting to launch into nerdity is legitimately funny, good work (Kaede stop hitting on her)
-and there's Miu Iruma! Let's see... jesus christ she's amazing, the way she and shuichi interact - and she wants to get high? god she's hilarious tbh. NO REGRETS
-A summary of my reaction to Rantaro Amami
-watch his extraterritorial rights give him two full chapters of ending-delaying power
-i like the way people show up on the map. the tiny sprites~
-Noticing that some of the intros are nearly the same as the demo, but I can't blame them
-hey it's turbboy and roboboy (same interactions as canon, this'll probably be fun)
-Maki more like Suspicious... ki
-hmmm, still need to find five peeps but can't see 'em on the map... what am i missing
-Oh, that they opened a new wing. fair enough! (SUDDENLY KOREKIYO)
-I gotta admit, i really like the effect of "yeah you CAN go outside! you just can't go anywhere"
-"the end of the world" yet more bizarre prologue setup that probably won't be answered until chapter 6
-Oh WOW, i was not expecting the dorm to be a physically different building. Thanks for swerving me, demo! (hey it's Sakuya)
-if kaito kills someone he's going to space TO DIE, calling it now
-Ah, Gonta. i hope you're not doomed, you're a good boy
-"Shrine of Judgement" why do i feel it will tie into the class trial somehow
-angie is weird but adorable
-time to learn it's murder time
-okay i really like the exisels paralleling the original normie apperance (and of course nobody remembers them)
-Yeah he's got a new voice and it's throwing me off big time
-nah the first prologue was short because they threw everyone in the same room and called it a day :V
-A KINNIKUMAN REFERENCE (hey now Nisei wasn't that bad!)
-I honestly don't mind the monokubs spouting memes because as far as I can tell they're basically walking shitposts anyway
-New voice actually reminds me of Mickey Mouse with the pitch
-And we got the dramatic cast shot, as usual. Can't wait to see who dies! (no comment on the intro since I've seen it a gazillon times
-I'm enjoying all these Kaede CGs. She a cute
-Continue until two people remain feels like it may or may not be relevant
-These little graphics are definitely Spike showing off
-Off to a good start, Kaede! I mean it won't last but
-and then the castle was the final trial ground again
-Our first ever "talk to everyone" scene! Next chapter it'll be 13 at maximum. :<
-"I'll soup up your crotch plate by installin' a nice, thick one!" robodicks confirmed???
-wait a minigame, what
-I feel like I definitely was supposed to job out at that fire thing :V
-oh it's possible to get past the fire jet, huh
-the tunnel of jobbing
-Awww, poor Kaede. She needs a hug. HUG HER, PEOPLE
-Tenko no, stop being so excited by Himiko's peeing
-I really like Darkness Time. It's a good theme!
-Well. Uh. Monokuma Theater got a bit of a makeover, I see.
-Just realized the Monokub announcements have dolls of all 16 kids
-Shuichiiii, stop raising death flags! It's not polite.
-Ouma status: totally fucking around
-"For the first murder that occurs, no class trial will be held!" http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/023/021/e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238.jpg
-I didn't think they'd actually shank Kaito for an example, but... that went odd places.
-okay but shuichi is seriously giving me some hardcore maizono vibes
-I love how Miu's just jumping right to "kaede takes it raw", you lovely lewd inventor you
-The way that Korekiyo says "Sister" and not "my sister' gives me Vibes
-A mole again? GASP (also I love the music here, it fits with Shuichi actually being a detective)
-Surprisingly short day. Assuming tomorrow is free times, though
-I'm really enjoying the optional conversations in this game! Good stuff, yo
-That fucking shot at Yo-Kai Watch tho
-"EVERY STUDENT WILL DIE" man he's even MORE deadset than DR2 bear
-Miu you'd better not die in Chapter 1, I really don't need a diminishing returns thing with my favorites
-Tsumugi don't you know you hide your porn BEFORE you go somewhere?
-Rantaro bringing up more of the First Prologue... why does it seem like he might remember it when nobody else does?
-The mastermind being an actual core student would be one hell of a twist, that's for sure
-Oh Shuichi is gonna be in a lot of trouble right before time up
-Free Time! time to beeline for miuuuuu
-I gotta say... this theme is a lot catchier than beautiful days piano.
-"but something good might happen if you keep it" soooo bonus unlocking items
-the start of her free time is "sour tits" and she calls Kaede "Kaediot" like i predicted. What a girl~
-"I'm Miu fuckin' Iruma and I'll say whatever I goddamn fuckin' want!"
-also: miu feeling up kaede to confirm her tit size
-Robot time! Gonna alternate between Miu and Kiibo until I've maxed them out. Or until they die. One or the other!
-I keep savescumming to see all the responses because they're great
-I like how I can have Kaede troll Kiibo or hit on him, Kaede is good
-...Oh, I get it! All the theater images are movie parodies. Monokuma Theater is at the NEXT LEVEL
-So a free time day and then murder day, sounds like it
-Kirumi making all the food really makes me think of Sakuya
-Oh hey, I actually knew about the Kaede bowing scene. still totally using it as ship fodder
-Surprised that worked, too (can't wait to unlock MIU BACKSTORY)
-That is a BIG lab; if it weren't for the whole killing game thing I feel everyone would enjoy these ridiculous labs. wonder if we'll slowly see labs for the more esoteric talents
-...Aww, I can't do free time with Miu! Kiibo and Angie it is, I guess
-Angie is both slightly concerning and endearing
-I... Kaede why did you push the button, that sprite concerns me
-"Mom" kiibo no you'll kill the woman - oh hey he can joke! good work kiibo (also it seems like it's just the first of each chain that has choices)
-That is not what I expected Ryoma to say. dang, he hardcore
-that rantaro crazy eye face is giving me some SERIOUS nagito and monaca flashbacks
-kaede can't fit through the air vent because TITS
-Is it just me or is this chapter 1 more cg-heavy than the others? PRODUCTION VALUES
-yyyeah i know from prerelease info someone's gonna die in a bit
-now that part i didn't know; Shuichi deep backstory (also afraid of finding the truth is gonna end badly somehow, i'm sure)
>Clair de Lune
-Kaede, please stop raising Shuichi's death flags for him
-Rantaro, Angie, Himiko, Tenko, Maki, Gonta, Kaito... the hell's with THAT group?
-I've got a bad feel about this receiver scoob
-Like I knew it was probably gonna be either Shuichi or Rantaro from pre-release but I did not expect it to be Rantaro honestly? I was sure he'd stick around for talent reveals and shit like that. GUESS NOT

-There's the title card and wow it's got a dead Rantaro too
-and he wasn't the mastermind, rip
-Nobody trusts Monokuma, and thus he inflicts a round of distrust. I was wondering how they'd handle it!
-Hmm, both method and time of death aren't giveaways in this case...
-On the other hand, this means if Kirumi did do it, she can't fuck with evidence. thanks monophanie
-I have a gut feeling based on nothing that Shuichi is somehow the killer. Let's see if I'm right
-Despair Searching isn't bad but I keep expecting Ikoroshia for some reason
-Weird, wonder why the BGM is relevant
-i love miu's DRAMATIC POSE as she points out the drone
-That blood trail on the wall... did someone drop the ball down on his head?
-Kaede being able to emote outside of the trial is really really good and really helps her
-took me way too long to find that vent, rip
-Shuichi's role is to be lectured on how to detect, I see
-platinum disciple
-tsumugi OVERHEAT MODE ("cospox")
-...Huh, I expected - oh it's just the photos, I was thinking we'd definitely be going to Rantaro's room
-...Guess we're not!
-Yeah, standing by it was a trap that dropped the ball on Rantaro's head
-Ha, I knew it'd be the Shrine of Judgement!
-Well, that takes the cake for most dramatic elevator reveal
-Obligatory elevator shot that's gonna shrink and shrink as time goes by...
-god i have such a bad feeling about how things will end for shuichi
-ayyyy we got the cutins (no rantaro one, surprised they didn't pull a twogami for him)

-Some skill adjustment, going on MAX DIFFICULTY to the start, and away we go!
-Mickeykuma continues to stand out, also that's a neat new portrait style
-Refusing to vote is death... that's new
-I just noticed that it's got a really fancy stand and is attached directly to the podium rather than just standing on the ground
-Ah, the most basic of introductory debates: what happened in order
-Also because if Rantaro was the mastermind wouldn't this all be over? :V (thanks maki)
-There's no way the mastermind is the case 1 killer, but hey, good effort guys
-Kaediot will never stop making me laugh, good work Miu
-Come on guys, you're supposed to get halfway through and THEN give up, you've barely even started
-i'm sad they didn't make a joke about it being 110.37 seconds as the previous record
-I thought he was gonna accuse Shuichi and my idea was a bust, but accusing Miu and she doesn't do it? Fine by me!
-RIP miu's arrogance. kaede to the rescue!
-I like how Agree is just immediately back
-I also like the effect of Miu moving into the center and being the focus
-Oh hey, the first time she gets to be Kaede and not Kaediot
-cospox tho
-I still say Korekiyo will turn out to be not a murderer ever
-I feel this is leading up to panic debate, as everyone keeps shouting over each other - yep, confirmed!
-kaito you keep saying suspicious shit, are you murderous or just hagakure
-"where do i find an alibi" well some people do sell them...
-debates still feel slick and smooth! good stuff
-...I actually jokingly considered Gonta throwing the ball really hard and Kirumi brings up killing from the A/V room as a real chance. I'm impressed!
-of course then i realize the problem too and just wait to see when it comes up
-Gonta's pure honesty will get him killed someday won't it
-Oh hey, we heat up now! and i finally get to use the idea i have even if it's sliiightly different bullet
-THERE it is, the photograph i thought of. thank u kaede
-"it's nothing" SPEAK UP
-...huh, that's actually a legitimate point - they mighta come from the other side. they won't turn out to have done so but still
-it's weird how much i knew in scattershot form thanks to previews and yet only now is it making sense
-Took me a while to get used to the new controls but I think I can handle this
-shuichi what are you thinking (also: they totally were never in there)
-Himiko lewd magic: turn only your clothing invisible
-SURPRISE CAMERA INTERVALS (miu you'd better not be dunking on yourself)
-i see, and here's where Shuichi gets brought up as a possibility. will i be right or wrong? FIND OUT... RIGHT NOW
-monobear hinting at lying, perhaps???
-that is one hell of an evil face ouma's got going on there
-man Shuichi is... not saying much in his own defense. you okay man
-and there i got the classic "hey i was stuck for like three minutes while i figured it out"
-this case is so solid against Shuichi that i'm legitimately not sure if it'll turn out to be him or not
-Probably gonna go minimum lie here and maximum lie in the future
-"Would I lie to you guys?" well yes
-Korekiyo confirmed to ship it
-kaede you gotta get good at lying to go up against him, you're light years away
-oh man they're building to scrum (HOLD ON)
-I like how they all just Ascend
-Debate Scrum is definitely fun! Took me a minute to get but it's good stuff
-Okay, but if it's not Shuichi, then who? will this be enough to get him to talk
-...come to think, we haven't done Choose a Culprit... who will it be (please not miu)
-FINALLY he speaks, now we might get to find out
-the camera flash
-the cameras
-okay i'm going to keep going but i wasn't prepared for this
-fucking hell i had to be right about the method
-yeah I'm just kind of drained right now so my reactions are lackluster, too hurt by the twist
-good try kaito, gonta, but it's too late. sorry guys
-oh hey hope vs. despair. i'd enjoy it more if i wasn't this upset
-clears it all up, no argument armament? i'm surprised
-oh, if THIS is the premise... god, that's painful
-there it is, and WOW does it look cool
-wow that took a while to figure out how to play but it's pretty cool... why is that the aesthetics get better time every time the gameplay gets more frustrating :V
-and now i have to closing argument her to death
-man the argument is again wonky but cool but i'm not used to it
-closing argument isn't too bad, i like the next climax return jam
-of course kaede actually did it. i wonder what'd happen if i protest voted for someone else... something to try another time
-Kaede's execution made me hate everything
-although looks like I was right about gradual elimination of the monokubs
-also this post trial is just draining even tho kaito's a bro now
-god fucking dammit I can't take clair de lune seriously because of car boys so now i'm laughing and upset at the same time
-and with getting kaede's hairpin I close chapter 1.

What a franchise.

What a game.
"ultimate revival" makes it sound like they're resurrected bodies. the opening sequence of not being anyone implies that these guys are souls that aren't alive/are coming to inhabit a body, but that's probably overthinking

kidnapped and released next to each other reminds me a lot of zero escape

replaying the beginning is fucked up but kinda brilliant. this whole thing gives me a simulation vibe, which is possible i guess seeing how dr2 reused amnesia and directly referenced dr1 for it. but maybe they're just misleading us

saihara's hesitance about his hat is interesting, either his father gave it to him, or he has horns underneath there and is a troll from homestuck

i thought of this in the demo but the warehouse makes me think of this place like some kind of bunker. but if it was built FOR these guys...

the Ultimates being a state-run program is interesting, and makes me think this is either an alternate timeline, or happens in a different time period than dr1+2. the distant future might make sense seeing as kaeda can't identify the languages in the library

the whole thing about the monokubs sticking to a "script" makes me think this is a fabrication of SOME kind but im just overanalyzing a joke

i forgot which guy but one of the people initially seemed to recognize this as a killing game which is interesting, implying he at least watched the dr1 killing game

meanwhile i really hope oma doesn't die, he doesn't seem like the character to die off at least not right away. but fingers crossed

some fun screencaps:

-right just open up on Kaede being dead, i wasn't sad enough
-...Empty frames for everyone else???
-so is everyone else dead or what
-...but first, to go back to chapter 1 free times and complete miu
-miu's arrogance continues to be fantastic
-And I can't complete Miu's. Huh. Well that's that.
-Back to this, then. BUGGES
-"horse a" bojack horseman confirmed as the 17th student
-Woah there's a bunch of new junk... which I'm sure I cna't check until later
-i'm upset about no kaede here
-NO HAT (he looks better with no hat)
-Tenko I think you need an intervention.
-It's definitely interesting to see them without Monokid. I feel they killed him off first because they knew he'd get old fast
-Oh, I get it! These just open new areas! Thaaat's why the castle has that
-Wonder if it'll be just labs for now, or more to... of course, i'm still not sure of all of these, just one more besides this
-Surprised this was just a single room, too.
-we just keep tearing down these walls. Ultimate Gorbachev
-I like how there's even a lab for an Ultimate Maid
-Gonta's reaction to the BUG ROOM gives me life (also, betting Angie is messing around with a memory flashlight)
-After the talisman was just Himiko's lab, seeing this one give us three labs and counting is a legit surprise (and we got two more areas to open)
-It's definitely a very personalized to these 16 school, hmm... (oh hey, a pool! POOL HYPE)
-Calling it now: someone dies in the pool
-Into the castle of something or other! Containing a casino I knew existed but am sad Kaede not never go to see
-...Huh, the casino prizes explain a lot. Will probably try to get them all! Eventually!
-I somehow knew Kaito was going to get owned
-i love how shuichi just NOPES out of the love hotel
-I think I managed to trigger a BONUS SCENE at least
-WELL ANGIE that's one way to get an explaination! and hey at least we know the flashback light works :V
-and then kaito either fixed things or ruined everything
-I like the parallel to Kaede's memory light, good stuff - also oh boy who let the reserve course rebellion go again
-So THAT's why they were normal high school students at the start! And that's the helmet, too! Guess it wasn't VR after all? (kaede isn't secretly alive? :< )
-ouma is going to live until chapter 4 or 5, calling it now
-OH my that is some good fanservice, nice bonus scene (too bad it's not Miu)
-Time to figure out how Shuichi Free Time works
-Let's see, experimenting with Angie... he gets a first fragment so Kaede's are definitely separate... I wonder if Kaede just has two per person due to her early death, and not a full complete arc?
-Might as well go work on Miu some more since I dunno if Irumatsu ever goes any further anyway
-all these space presents - but I don't wanna date Kaito now!
-miu making him perform dog tricks tho
-Ohhh wow, I've never been inside her lab before! It's cool shit (TM)
-okay miu's terrible dirty joke puncher punching herself is hilarious
-And of course she built an underwear teleporter.
-I feel like Monodam will be the only cub left by chapter 5
-i have a VERY BAD FEELING about that present
-...Oh, it's a motive mixup! That's a lot better, I was expecting Kaede and Rantaro body parts for some reason
-I do like the way that it's a take on DR1's first motive but mixed up to heck and back
-and there's the clincher
-Some people will tell others, some will hide it, and murder will happen
-Kiibo you're a smart roboboy, good work
-i'm laughing at everyone going "KIRUMI DO MY WORK"
-y'know what i'll just go ALL IN ON MIU
-is Miu just going to keep dragging Shuichi to her lab, cause I'm down for that
-oh my god she just wants Shuichi to fuck her doesn't she
-wait so what's the secret
-That is... a very strange secret. wonder if there's something deeper? (also miu PLS)
-I really appreciate Kaede not being forgotten and buried, i still rememebr Leon
-Awww, I can't go into Kaede's room anymore (i mean not that I could but i hypothetically could have)
-All these weird ominous people are reminding me of the Twilight Syndrome night in DR2
-to be fair i could never do 50 pushups, you done good detective boyo
-"I decided to trust Kaito" AND THEN HE DIED
>Bonus Miu scene - hype!!
-i'm enjoying this thing where Tenko keeps getting cockblocked regarding Yumeno
-A magic show tomorrow morning. IT'S MURDER TIME
-Let's see... that's an odd crew.
-that was a wild trip, RIP kaito
-more Miu free time and she's throwing her clothes off to distract? how odd
-oh well miusaihara is apparently a thing
-kaito the fuck did you dooooo
-he activated Super Gonta, it seems... who appears to be shutting people down?
-the mandatory Insect Meet and Greet. i'd attend it
-ah, he's forcing the motives. this will end well.
-I love how Gonta looks like a mad scientist when he really just wants people to like bugs
-Oh neat, Kiibo tape recording function!
-"It's not like I'l never see him again or anything." congratulations shuichi you just personally murdered kaito momota
-this magic trick feels so much like it's going to kill off himiko and go horribly wrong
-i have a REALLY bad feeling
-that is not the bad feeling i thought i'd be feeling????
-ryoma what. WHAT

-i'm still stunned ryoma A: died, and B: got fucking skeletonized
-maki just coasting - bet the lab meant something
-time to crush himiko's hopes and dreams, wooooo
-kaito you goofball, you're a bro and i'm concerned for your future. REMEMBER DR1'S BROS
-oh good, i'm glad it was drowning. ...time of death isn't confirmed. betcha he was drowned in the pool beforehand, dumped in with the piranhas somehow, espec. with gonta's account
-miu continues to be the best girl, especially with the second best girl tragically taken too soon
-i'm still impressed they went with FUCKING PIRANHAS
-"super crammed into the tank" yeah he was in there
-...man i'm either really on the ball with this trick OR i'm totally falling for the game's trap
-"but that sounds like a lot of work" kaitochouli
-Kaito is getting a lotof buildup this investigation and it's giving me a bad feeling that he's totally screwed
-Calling it now: Maki's thing is being built up for being a big deal only in chapter 3 or later
-Huh, didn't expect that Ryoma's shwoer room woudl actually be prison themed
-okay yeah I feel I know the trick to this murder
-If the monokubs keep dying, will they still get as many popins? Questions for later.
-I'm still not over not playing as Kaede anymore.
-Huh, trial ground looks basically the same as trial 1's
-"you 13 are the only ones left in the world" I. Hmm. There's... gotta be something.

-Class trial time! Tomorrow when it's not 3:30 AM and i havent' been up for over 21 hours straight!

-it begiiiins
-ahahhaah I wasn't expecting Monokid to get a portrait too
-Seeing the Kaede portrait makes me sad.
-Seeing Ouma getting shut down is legitimately hilarious
-Angie you're concerning me a little here
-Shuichi's just like "uuhhhh", but you can do it, dude! You'd better make up for Kaede!
-Still saying he was just dumped in the - ouma u lil' shit
-At least some stuff I was right on already!
-Himiko firmly in the "it's more important to maintain this than to stay alive" camp
-Idk, maybe it's just me but Angie feels a bit pushy and I'm concerned she's doing it because she's the killer
-I keep being tempted to hold the lie button just to see the inversion of various bullets
-Still kind of messy with rebuttal showdowns but I do appreciate the style
-rip himiko's hopes and dreams
-I have no idea where this Tenko/Himiko stuff is going in the long run but it'll be Interesting
-I seriously can't tell if Angie is being full "i done did it and I'm throwing her under the bus" or if she's just being Angie
-I almost immediately knew Gonta's Account was relevant... just not which point to shoot :V (going minimal lie run since I don't trust myself to figure out when the lies are relevant
-OOH OOH I KNOW WHERE IT WAS HIDDEN (i always get like this when I know)
-Didn't know how it was split, though, until right now
-Maybe it's just me but V3's agree sprites are kind of meh compared to DR2's... or maybe it's just 'cause I'm so used to DR2's
-Also, it doesn't look like culprit Xs are talent-themed anymore, judging by Kaede's; all the portraits have different generic ones instead, it seems
-Himiko, you're uh... not as inspiring as Kaede was.
-the oumiu interactions leave me conflicted
-That'd be the tank adjustment, and I wonder if the wild trick is the actual death... hmm
-Kirumi just like "yeah i'm suspicious as fuck", double bluff??? - oh five minutes, hmm
-ah good, panic debate is back! i was worried it was Kaede-only due to her musician hearing
-I like how equipped one particular skill means I just immediately break the loud voice by hovering (also >kokichi proving anything)
-Like DR2, this game at least does a good job of letting everyone feeling active and relevant. Much better than certain trials (1-1 cough)
-things i appreciate: being able to eliminate miu as a suspect
-Miu's tactic is literally "i'll be too sexy for him" and I appreciate that we get a picture of it
-kiibo don't diss her :I
-and then it turns out Kaito did it - "perfect idea" it's scrum, i bet it's scrum
-Oh, they'll just argue with each other
-I really expect Ouma to be in it for the long haul, but not to make the whole way. Sorry, Turb!
-The motive videos! I had almost forgotten about them!
-Oh god, if Kaito and Shuichi start arguing with each other it's gonna be wild
-Kaito just totally going off the rails (Akane flashbacks)
-i love how everyone's just "wtf kaito"
-Kaito being totally dismissed is amazing
-Shuichi's character arc is gonna be interesting, if only because I dunno where it's going
-OH SHIT. That explains the wild trick that was needed for the gym, no wonder
-I somehow knew Shuichi's inner monologue would be the pause point
-I don't think the Monobear/cubs dynamic is as good as Monobear/Monomi tbh
-A little less dramatic than last select a person... but nothing can really top why we selected the protagonist
-and then ouma lied again because that's what he does
-Yyyyeah this game's theme is definitely truth vs. lies, big time :V
-Hmm, necessary lie? Feels like it... and there's the perjury. Let's hope Shuichi can hold together better than Kaede did
-Honestly, that's a pretty solid story, Shuichi. Good work! (and then he gets fucked over by Kaito eventually I bet)
-I still have no idea where this is going; I've got my suspicions but it's not obvious. I like it!
-It's also nervewracking, tho. Who's it gonna beeeee
-Ah, HERE's where that whole contraption will come into play!
-And here's scrum! I love how it's just Monobear latching onto things and going TIME FOR SCRUM
-Oh goody, I enjoy that it's a different lineup. Idk, I was wondering if people would ally/go against differently and they do! Hyyype
-Scrum is still good stuff, yo
-...It's gonna be Angie, isn't it. Only one with the chance to set up the tank, right? ...Oh wait, she just pointed out the ladder. Maybe not? God this game keeps me guessing
-I just realized Brain Drive and Mind Mine haven't shown up yet... although no, they've got skills. they wouldn't make completely fake skills (...i think)
-Still betting he was drowned in his own sink. It'd make things line up - yep, there we go. I still don't know whooooo
-There's no way they could have gotten away with the onscreen piranha devouring if he didn't have such a nonstandard design
-Hmm, these trials feel pretty long and I'm not sure how to explain it...
-There's Psyche Taxi! And it's got Shuichi driving it, too, nice
-Like I said, yo; tire swing!
-...Oh, or slide. Well I had the right general idea, just not the right ending to it...
-Did somebody say more Miu? Cause I'm not complainin'
-that kaito/shuichi scene makes me really concerned that kaito did it
-I remember when we all thought Gambit 3.0 was going to be The Worst
-And there's Mind Mine, yaaay. Fun little game!
-Hey i didn't do that one half-bad, nice work me
-Monosuke's longevity feels like it's dropping like a rock. Calling him as the cub that gets chumped here
-...Wait. What if... what if - no, that'd be a crazy option but it WAS built up earlier...
-Leaving it in the pool - oh nevermind, that's not what it was building towards.
-...oh. i have an Idea
-smart, thorough, using a high-tier tactic... could it be?
-Holy shit, it was Kirumi. And here I was fretting constantly about Kaito or Angie
-New sprites, neat! Even if the context is she's gonna die
-That debate took me a hell of a while. Not looking forward to my score :V
-I like how she even gets a rebuttal, Kirumi Tojo will not back down!
-Oh and she's mad now
-If Kirumi's utter maid devotion is why she did a murder... it's the motive, isn't it
-Unlike Leon, the killer actually gets to bring up their video, I bet :V
-oh shit she's using the kaede button, that's just a low blow
-At least it didn't put Shuichi off. GET HER, BOYO
-Oh, I get it! It's strips from her maid gloves!
-Oh, that was... a rather lewd-ish final sprite. Oh my
-Hmm, this trial feels almost more trial-1-esque in a way? Hard to explain
-Huh, it's a nonlinear version. That's pretty neat! (I like how it even starts with Act 5 and then goes back to 1-4)
-I see she's willing to accept defeat, at least
-Kirumi voted for Shuichi? How rude.
-Time for reasoning and explanations, yoooo
-monosuke death flags confirmed???
-i have a feeling the unfortunate event already happened
-...I actually did suspect that Ryoma outright let Kirumi kill him, honestly
-OW, that video. owww.
-I don't think we've had someone outright try to escape the execution beforehand, have we?
-Man, that was a brutal ending. also i called it re: monosuke, nice
-monodam will keep exterminating the cubs and finally himself until they all get along BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL DEAD
-Guess I was wrong about Kaito, too. He really is a bro!
-The stars being different gives me some really concerning vibes...
-i have the feeling Maki has a REAL talent she's been hiding the whole time
-...i've got it: Maki Harukawa, the Ultimate Assassin! - and then ouma immediately confirms it lol
-and now we have 12 students left, and i'm absolutely sure at least 6 more deaths to happen. WHO'S IT GONNA BEEEEE!?
I'll post my ch1 daily life thoughts later but just wanted to get in my investigation thoughts before i do the trial

really interesting how rantaro died before we knew anything about him... the current evidence makes it look like gonto threw the shot put through the sliding doors to kill rantaro. i don't want to think that since i love gonto and he doesn't seem the guy to kill... but maybe the music triggered him dr3 style?
-What the heck is with these weird preview videos... it feels like that's somehow tied to the outside world in ways I'm not sure of...
-"Transfer Student From Beyond The Grave" um
-I like how her talent changed even in the report card, too
-by god monodam's gone rogue, BEAR VS. BEAR
-Chapter 3 looks like it'll be the monokubs taking over for a while
-So far, everyone with a known talent who died had their lab already revealed at the time of their death. Will this continue?
-Honestly, I do have to say this progression method is a LOT more interesting than just "and then a new floor was open"
-Oh, Korekiyo gets the three-floor lab, huh
-another gold-plated sword that flakes off easily. truly an ESSENTIAL relic!
-Between his lab, his talk about calling on the dead, and the title of the chapter, I feel like Korekiyo will be pretty damn important in this chapter.
-It's somehow fitting that both Angie and Korekiyo get labs on the weird spooky floor
-Good theme, too. I could jam to this.
-okay was that the ghost of monosuke cause it sure looked like it
-That optical illusion... I have no idea if it'll be relevant or if it's just there to trip me up. On this floor, I could buy either.
-man I remember finding that ninja statue yesterday morning and it feels like it was days ago
-And there's the Tenko lab! With a giant fighter in the background!
-yessss we've got miu hitting on kiibo, all is complete
-oh. Oh my. OH MY.
-i am legitimately glad this scene exists (and i love how shuichi just nopes out)
-Oh, the optical illusion was immediately relevant. Neat
-So the labs that have shown up are... Kaede, Ryoma, Kirumi, Miu, Tenko, Himiko, Gonta, Maki, Angie, and Korekiyo. If my theory is correct that someone won't die until after their lab appears, then these are our potential victims this chapter. Can't wait to find out!
-Maki is dooooomed i bet, dooooomed
-an overdose of memories... oh. Oh. That's... ominous.
-Wow, free time already! I'm impressed.
-Interesting how Spirit, Praise, and Belief overrides even Becoming Friends. Time to finish the Miu chain!
-Miu baked an apple pie. Good work, Miu!
-wow uh miu that's... kinda creepy. i mean i still love you but that's kinda creepy
-miu fucking teleports her own underwear into his hand
-I... wasn't expecting Miu's chain to go quite that way, but it's not too bad. Glad I focused on her!
-Now the question is, what mysterious thing happens tonight?
-Kaito really going hard with Maki, that's what
-i somehow expected maki would be really good at pushups
-One thing I noticed is that there's not really a new set of clear trial point getters like it seemed they'd have, although kaito might be building up to that?
-oh god they've hijacked the theater, all is lost
-I'm not sure what's funnier about a man's fantasy, but Shuichi's reaction is hilarious
-At least it so far doesn't feel like there's so much focus on anyone in particular that they'll die for sure.
-I... am concerned about how many people are suddenly okay with Atua.
>resurrect one of the four people who died so far - there is NO WAY this is legitimate
-yyyeah why does it feel like angie is going to turn out to be a malicious cult leader
-that message gives me a sudden thought that i'm gonna hold onto
-Angie's hug is starting to give me bad vibes
-STUDENT COUNCIL (angie is gonna die)
-i had almost forgot about man's fantasy... oh come on, why is there no Miu (also i feel like this whole cg is shuichi's fantasies)
-With Miu FTEs done, I'm gonna do Kiibo now. Live to chapter 4 so I have enough time, Kiibo! Liiiive!
-Ah, so Angie played on his paranoia of being treated different for robot nature... rude tbh
-...Huh. No free time? Maaan I forgot to save in case I messed up. Guess council peeps aren't willing to hang out
-Time to listen to the machine spitting all those space presents at me... except not because he's ALSO unavailable
-uhhh ouma??? okay he's hanging out
-kokichi ouma: shsl bullshit
-Also decided to give Korekiyo a try; his first FTE was surprisingly... normal
-i have to wonder if the monocubs will run the trial too
-What i like is how it feels like we've got multiple subplots for this chapter, which I'm sure will all come together soon enough
-I feel like Maki's FTE arcs are very plotlocked
-oh dear, angie has gone mad with power
-monodam promotes nihilism
-will shuichi attempt to seance kaede back to hear her for just a bit? and let's see... council vs. non is six vs. six. perfect for a scrum debate :V
-Are we just going to get CGs of Angiehugs all the time
-wow angie that's a bit too far, i'm REALLY concerned
-I thought you were cool, dammit!
-i am really concerned about kaito
-Oh hey, more free time! Even if it's... very limited, options-wise. No student council and no Kaito and four dead people means... Ouma, Korekiyo, Miu (who I finished), and Maki. So Ouma it is.
-this kid is a fucking yugioh nerd
-only two events until shuichi dies! TICK TICK
-ohhh my, no wonder kaitomaki is a ship
-...i'm really concerned about kaito tbh
-Hey, that's a neat twist with Tenko! It makes me concerned for her health but it's still a good twist.
-We're actively going to angie's lab? ...I've got a bad feeling about this.
-Statues of dead people! That's not creepy! At all!
-I have to wonder why Angie went off the deep end, she seemed relatively held together in chapter 1
-Honestly, I really can't tell where this chapter is heading murderwise (other than my theory that Angie will die to have the cult stopped), and it's pretty crazy
-Maki Roll
-I think I'm about to find the murder.

-Huh, not a double murder. The Chapter 3 trend is over?
-so is it Shuichi/Kaito/Maki trio because i'm down for that
-oh god will the seance be that relevant, i have a bad feeling
-maki assistant is pretty cool, espec. after kaito assistant last chapter
-waaait that's the gold katana from korekiyo's room
-Good ol' locked room mysteries
-This seance is really weird and i have a REALLY bad feeling
-robophonia intensifies :I
-Chapter 3 Tenko is actually pretty likable!
-well maybe if you weren't so tiny ouma
-This seance is getting so much focus... could they be doing what I think they're doing...?
-I'm surprised they're actually doing the entire song
-Ah, I see; that thunk is going to be important, and the song helps us with timing
-oh i think i know what's going on
-i do really like the twist of "murder #2 happened during the investigation"
-and it means miu is my first #1 to make it to the third trial! i'm proud
-Yeeep, there's Monobear. (i like how it's an almost the same animation but minus Monokid and Monosuke)
-That resolution makes me feel like Tenko probably WAS murdered by someone else for a change, and they just decided not to get two executions and lose four people in one chapter
-ahahahaha that kaito/maki hug cg
-Not much to say about this investigation so far... although it's definitely interesting that it's so immediate and in front of people. Even more so than Twogami, really
-Investigating under the floorboards really gives me 2-1 flashbacks
-ouma you LITTLE SHIT
-wow, I wasn't expecting to be cut off like that. reminds me of never getting to investigate Rantaro's room
-Fun trivia fact: 10 people is the most a Trial 3 has ever had!
-ah, Miu. I know some people will hate you but i love you
-Huh, seems like V3's trial grounds just never change at all.
-Trial time~

-Yadda yadda, same as always
-I do enjoy how every portrait is completely individualize, even if they're not talent based anymore
-Oh god, Angie's portrait though
-I like how Shuichi still has two living people next to him, while both Naegi and Hinata had only dead people next to them
-Himiko is Pissed (TM)
-This reminds me of the KIRIGIRI'S A GHOST DEBATE but at least with (a tiny bit) more reasoning
-I really don't know if the dead resurrection stuff is bullshit or not. That's how much this game is screwing with me
-i can't believe monotaro is going to die
-Miu leaping to the attack! Let's see if it's total bullshit or just based in a little bit of logic
-I like how I had the right weak point but three different wrong bullets before i realized the right combo
-pls no kiibo - oh my god miu don't be robophobic!!! how could you???
-I like how I can tell when it's splitting into a panic debate even before it happens
-yeah ouma's definitely gonna be long term because of how much he fucks around, he's totally blatantly lying right now
-I'm surrpised the locked room mystery is getting cleared up already
-Heyyy I'm actually getting good at Mind Mine
-I'm honestly laughing at the gold leaf katana being so important, what a callback... though I am getting the sense this game might not be as disconnected from 1 and 2 as Kodaka claimed...
-I wonder if psyche taxi and mind mine are showing up so early to make up for not even being introduced until the second half of trial 2
-you spin her right round right round like a record (at least kaede wasn't hanging right side up, because if she was...)
-Honestly this is so far a pretty wild chapter 3... but maybe i'm biased because i knew 2-3 going in. 1-3 was just... ugh.
-There's something nice about Kiibo and Miu being right next to each other in the trial.
-Oh, Ouma, I can never tell how much is just you lying
-dear god this oumiu stuff
-don't diss the recording function, last time ouma had to spend hours with BUGS
-Oh, Kokichi, you and your fuckery
-If only Tenko knew how Himiko felt before she died - although Ouma has a point :V
-Man I don't know who's gonna die at the end of this chapter and it's fucking me up inside
-I knew the seance would be important but man I did not know THIS important
-Korekiyo's another guy who I didn't expect to make it this far
-Oh and then he brings up the idea I had, guess my idea was wrong :V
-OH! Nevermind, it was just Kiibo he brought up. Perhaps I am still right!
-For once I latch onto the right idea in the debate immediately, I'm proud
-Tsumugi and her 2-1 references
-A different time COULD make sense, actually! It could have been after they light up the candles, allowing the person under the floorboards to attack
-dear god miu is busy getting off on everyhting - OH MAN MIU COUNTER
-I'm very glad Miu gets a rebuttal showdown
-she was killed under the floor the second someone turned on the lights and the thump was the floorboard getting moved, that's my guess and i'm stickin' to it, ya cockroaches
-...Kaito. Kaito, you're a bro, but also a complete idio- MAKI WHAT
-Oh, Maki's just bringing up the suggestion... wait, does she want me to pick Tenko?
-Oh wow, we did a portrait pick already! In Chapter 3!
-Hmmm... i dunno, it just doesn't feel entirely right to me
-I'm not surprised it'd be like Ouma to say "she wants EVERYONE dead"
-I thought that might have been a buildup for "gotta lie" or a buildup for trial pause
-Ooh, I know what this is! Now it's bullet but not sure of point
-the thing falling down might have been the real killer yo
-Oh, they stomped on it... maybe tenko did it in a trap?
-...Huh, I think my Kaito theory might be a bust after all
-This gambit is just kicking my ass because I don't know what it's asking me for.
-Ohhhh, there we go. ...wait, does this mean... does this mean the sickle was installed in the cage, which Korekiyo was setting up... and that Korekiyo murdered Tenko!? Man and I thought he was tied to the OTHER case!
-Maybe he thought doing a second kill during a kill would be able to get him for free, or he could use the other one to obstuficate...
-I mean he's accusing Himiko... and he had time to prepare the room, prepare the iron cage, prepare a suspect...
-Oh, THERE's the intermission
-yyyeah monodam is going to murder a third cub at the end of this trial
-himiko's lack of energy finally being played for tragedy
-oh shit that's why ouma got injured, the trap was in every room so korekiyo was completely set. it's gotta be him!
-awww, i appreciate people thinking about the dead and not just totally forgotten (dr1)
-magic circle blocked it... time to see if I'm right
-here we go, Korekiyo's either gonna confess or be totally no-selling
-it was the latter, i'm unsurprised
-I just like that I was able to have a completely wrong suspect and method and yet this one makes sense, especially if you consider Korekiyo setting it up before Angie died and just working off that for his own kill
-don't you overlook kiibo :I
-miu and kiibo doing stuff together is great and oh my god what sexual reasons did you have for putting an image recording function into kiibo
-OH, HE DID ADD LINES. thank u kiibo! (i bet it was there and a clue from the beginning, i just couldn't remember it because there's been so much)
-"monitor my health" Oh. Wow. miu please. PLEASE.
-Korekiyo's really not giving up, it's almost possible to forget we have a second murder to deduce after this
-Oh. Did he... did he just confess? I... I think he did.
-...what, he KNEW he wouldn't graduate if you won? man, and now we're going to have Korekiyo the killer hanging around
-oh, that's fair; he thought he would and then whoops
-SCRUM TIME YO, i forgot about scrum entirely for a bit
-i believe that someday i will be on the same side as miu
-oh wow, now WE'RE the outnumbered ones
-This one is the first one that really makes you need to listen all the way through, I feel
-I also like how the people with two statements are Shuichi and the confirmed killer :V
-Hmm, I think it's actually really cool that they're going double killer here
-...WELL, that's not what i expected. angie was killed outside the lab???
-oh god i have a sudden feeling Kaito done did it to stop the cult, I kind of hope it's wrong but it would make sense in some ways, especially since this is specifically about revealing the council members didn't do it
-oh miu, you and your kinky waxplay
-unlike korekiyo not everything has clicked into place yet, but it probably will soon
-plus why would the killer move the body if they didn't want to make it look like the council members done did it
-...Korekiyo, are you okay? you don't seem very okay.
-i like how korekiyo is flipping out harder now than when he was proven to kill tenko (but to be fair he'll only die this way)
-Only one person? Hmm... oh thak fuck
-...OH. wow, i did not expect it to be korekiyo. I'm honestly a little disappointed, I liked the idea of an actual killer running around among them
-literally killed tenko to cover up for angie, and she got hiyoko'd. i'm amazed that the cult didn't come in at all (although at least she got a lot of focus in the main chapter)
-also i'm still not used to sister
-i really like korekiyo being full youkai stuff
-Argument Armament is actually pretty fun now that I'm getting the hang of it
-I had been wondering earlier what an inference for two murderers would look like :V (also wow, 13 pages is a new record)
-...Oh hey, this means what I noticed about everyone dying only after their research lab opens is right
-definitely a better inference than dr2's case 3
-Still wondering why he NEEDED two murders, though
-20 minigames in one trial has gotta be a series record
-...um, korekiyo, what are you thinking
-oh it's just canon incest, that's less hilarious
-korekiyo and syo would make the ultimate team
-that execution was fucking wild (i did not expect monodam simply ending it all)
-Ouma I can't tell when you're trolling or being serious. Ever
-maybe he was trying to help??? idk
-I have a bad feeling about what Kaito's doing tbh... oh, is it imminent death from natural causes? feels like it
-And with that, and with nine alive, we leave off with chapter 3. ...HOW ARE SO MANY OF MY FAVORITES STILL AROUND
here were my thoughts for the ch1 daily life

"killing game will go on until only two people remain" wait what the fuck, this hasn't been in any of the other games. alarm bells ringing

"ultimate hunt" i forgot to talk about this last chapter, but my impression is people really don't like the Ultimates for one reason or another and are rounding them up and maybe forcing them to do this game?

i spent all my free time on Kokichi even though i think he'll live, because he's the best. but also i failed 2 out of the 4 free times by giving him bad presents. im a shitty friend

it''s interesting that monokuma doesn't automatically regenerate now, apparently?

saihara is giving off huge Death Flags, he and/or Miu are like 75% confirmed to die this chapter