Occasionally Returns
Fluffy boi(or possibly gurl?)
Luigi64DD lives near a chocolate fountain
LeftyGreenMario said:John's 2285th post in June 09, 2016, 02:32:38 PM in a Mindless Junk thread called "daerhT egamI modnaR laiciffO" (which was the 22992nd reply in the thread) was him seriously meaning it when he said "Nice grammar." He intended no irony. He was a genious. Then, there is a quote from DragonFreak, where there was not[sic] grammar mistake. She wondered if it's because he said "their" instead of "his". She then wondered, how could one assume the person identified their gender as male anyways? No one couldn't. So, she concluded, if one was not using gender neutral pronouns to people one didn't know, one could be really offending them. She then wished happiness with John.
John then thought, "The "guy" refers to a male, right?" And besides, he was happy. He was smart, everyone! He was not stupid...... he said he was beautiful no matter what they said....
The post ended with a gif of a camera zooming into a man in a purple girly wig shaking his body and grasping his smartphone, accompanied by a text of "[insecurity intensifies]" with a watermark that said, "MAKE YOUR GIF AT YOUREPEAT.COM".
Ah yes, I remember that.
The man named John said unto the man with the theme of Lapis Lazuli "nice grammar" because he said "their" instead of "his or her" then the DragonFreak knew this and preceded to mock tumblr because of it. The man named John then responded to the DragonFreak saying that the word "guy" refers to male and found an excuse to include Filthy Frank in his post. She then told him that she referred to everyone as "a guy" regardless of gender and clarified that she was only joking about tumblr then. "Shrek your privilege" was then said by the one called Magikrazy and the man known as Kingbowser breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the DragonFreak was not being serious. The DragonFreak then admitted that she found it to be frightening at how convincing her impersonation of a tumblr user was before the man known as Kingbowser stated that she was the chosen one to infiltrate tumblr, gain enough of the community's trust to climb to the highest of ranks, then ultimately put an end to the server of tumblr, ending it once and for all.
The man named John said unto the man with the theme of Lapis Lazuli "nice grammar" because he said "their" instead of "his or her" then the DragonFreak knew this and preceded to mock tumblr because of it. The man named John then responded to the DragonFreak saying that the word "guy" refers to male and found an excuse to include Filthy Frank in his post. She then told him that she referred to everyone as "a guy" regardless of gender and clarified that she was only joking about tumblr then. "Shrek your privilege" was then said by the one called Magikrazy and the man known as Kingbowser breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the DragonFreak was not being serious. The DragonFreak then admitted that she found it to be frightening at how convincing her impersonation of a tumblr user was before the man known as Kingbowser stated that she was the chosen one to infiltrate tumblr, gain enough of the community's trust to climb to the highest of ranks, then ultimately put an end to the server of tumblr, ending it once and for all.