Forum level up thread

Aw yeah, Lakitu time
It is shocking that we don't have a Yoshi rank.
Yeah I forgot about that. There should really be a Wario rank.
Toadette said:
:drybow: Now, I’m a legend as well!
I once mentioned spamming posts in forum games in this thread.


That was an exaggeration, I didn't expect someone to actually do it.

Toadettefan's stats page

1867 (Counting)+1836 (Elimination)+238 (Forum Games)=3941
3941 (Total posts in Forum Games)/4058 (Total posts)=0.971 (when rounded down)

This means 97.1% of Toadettefan's posts are in Forum Games.

Toadettefan joined on the 21st February, that's 99 days ago.
4058/99 is ~41 (40.989898...)
3941/99 is ~40 (39.808080...)

This means Toadettefan has been posting ~41 posts everyday since she joined, ~40 of which are in Forum Games.
Well, I don't call it spamming. Some people like me just love games.
Well my post total used to be mostly Forum games.

So it wouldn't be my place to blame anyone for that.
That happens to be the case with me too.

And yet I find that I am not posting there very much.
I think it appears if you remove your custom title. Haven't tried but I have vague memories of someone saying that.