Your favorite Quotes in video games...

YoshiGo99 said:
Your Lord Chickiness by Kammy Koopa in PM:TTYD
Oh, I LOVED Kammy in that game.

Fawful, M&L:BIS
Freaky Fred said:
"I am the milkman. My milk is delicious."

- I'm not bothering with the name.

All I remember is Boyd.

Damn it. I want to play Psychonauts again (quote related).
Don't know if it's been posted already, but...
I am Andrew Ryan and I am here to ask you a question:
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

No, says the man in Washington; it belongs to the poor.
No, says the man in the Vatican; it belongs to God.
No, says the man in Moscow; it belongs to everyone.

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
different. I chose the impossible. I chose...


A city where the artist would not fear the censor.
Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality.
Where the great would not be constrained by the small.
And with the sweat of your brow,
Rapture can become your city as well.
--Andrew Ryan, BioShock
May I borrow your earpiece?

This is Scout! Rainbows make me Cry!
Herr Shyguy said:
I prefer his speech from when you finally confront him.
My brother accidentally deleted me file before I finally confronted Ryan, and then me computer crashed, so I never actually saw him.
It's ridiculously good. But it totally feels like the end of the game then the game keeps going for some reason so I never played past it.
I totally :3 Visari's speech in the first Killzone, mostly thanks to the delivery.

My people. Sons and daughters of Helghan.

For many years, we have been a broken nation. Shunt, oppressed, and conquered by those we sought to escape. 10 years ago, I asked for time, and that time was granted by you. You, the strength in my arm, the holders of my dreams.

Our forefathers embarked on the greatest exodus in the history of all mankind. An exodus for freedom. Helghan became that freedom. Our new world changed our bodies. At first, it weakened us, but in fact, we were growing... stronger.

In the time you have given me, I have rebuilt our nation, I have rebuilt out strenth, and I have rebuilt our pride! Our enemies at home have been reeducated. We have given them new insights into our cause. On this day, we stand united once more. On this day, those driven to divide us will hear our verse. On this day, we shall act as one, and we shall be ignored NO MORE!

Defenders of the Helghast dream, NOW IS OUR TIME!
Chuggaa: Hey guys, it's Chuggaaconroy! Welcome back for more Earthbound and this is a very special playthrough part, because I have a very special guest with me on this one, please introduce yourself.

SonikDude: Hi, this is Chuggaaconroy's mother.

Chuggaaconroy: Shut up, dude.

SonikDude: All right, all right, it's SonikDude, what's up people?
The best one in Sonic Heroes

Espio:They're a sleep so stay quiet and move slowly
Vector:What are you doing me quiet!
Eggman: This isn't over yet, you troublesome fools!
*a few seconds later*
Eggman: What? Defeated? Impossible! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
and another one I like Sonic Heroes quotes

Eggman:Hmph not bad bad
a few seconds later defeated
Eggman:don't get so excited boys those where the easy ones.
Shadow the Hedgehog quote here

Vector:Have you got it yet?
Espio:Not yet who signed me up for this anyway?
Charmy:Let me try let me try
Vector covers Charmy's mouth
Chamry breaks free
Chamry:I'll do it get out of the way
Vector what?
Charmy rams the data thing and it works
Chaotix:Hey it's working
here are ones I remember good:
Thank you Mario. But our princess is in another castle!-Toad,SMB.
You're right...It's none of your buisness! Karen to Elli-Harvest Moon 64
................Hiya! -Wigglytuff, Pokemon mystery dungeon:explorers of time/darkness/sky
I don't remember the exact quote but some guy in Power Quest said something along the lines of

I'm sorry. I will blow myself up to make amends.
[quote author=Professor Frankly]
Are all of you ready? And you, there! In front of the TV! You listen up, too!
A lot of eggman quotes, he is always funny.
Hey Toadsworth, any last words? Can I have your cane?
-Toad, Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
I think this one is really funny in SPM

O'Chunks:Ye remeber this maria
Tippi:His name is Mario!
O'Chunks: Well ye remember this Maria the Count will get you

or something like that I can't rember the last bit but it is funny
Sonic Adventure
Dr. Eggman: Get a load of this!

Shadow the Hedgehog
Dr. Eggman: You know what they say, the more the merrier!
*cheerful music*
Mario: Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, 'ey Luigi?
Luigi: I hope she made lotsa SPAGHETTI!
Mario: Luigi, look! It's from Bowser!
*reads letter*
Mario: Dear Pesky Plumbers,
The Koopalings and I have taken over the Mushroom Kingdom. The princess is now a permanent guest at one of our seven Koopa hotels! Try and find her if you can!
*ends reading*
Mario: We gotta find the princess!
Luigi: And YOU gotta help us!
Mario: If you need instructions on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book.
*intense music*