Your favorite Quotes in video games...

Holy shit Yoshidude, is it really necessary for you to post between every single post?

If you have that many favorite quotes (Which I'm kind of doubting, because now it seems like you're spamming to get your post count up) put it in one post or something.
A ncie bit from Fire Emblem 8:

Innes: What are you waiting for? You may go.
Gerik: Well played, milord. I've always loved the melodrama of martyrdom...There's no way I can abandon you after that fine a performance. I'm staying with you. To the end.
Innes: To the - What are you saying? You dare ignore the orders of the one who's paying your wages?!
Gerik: Tethys, I want you to go and surrender. Give my regards to Ewan and Marisa.
Tethys: Don't be ridiculous. I'm not going anywhere. Now would the two of you kindly stop acting like And you! You've already fired us. You can't order us to leave now.

~Gerik and Tethys pointing out to Prince Innes that he can't order them to leave after he fired them.
apocalypseArisen said:
Holy *bleep* Yoshidude, is it really necessary for you to post between every single post?

If you have that many favorite quotes (Which I'm kind of doubting, because now it seems like you're spamming to get your post count up) put it in one post or something.
I 'm not spamming
Help we're being sucked in!-Knuckles-Shadow the Hedgehog
So you just have awful taste in quotes?

That's nice. Put it all in one post, anyway.
the cake is a lie- portal
"Just where did you learn to fly a plane, professor?"
"Plane? this is an automobile!"
Luke and Layton, Professor Layton and the Unwound/Lost Future.
When Shadow says 'you can do it Sonic!' in sonic generations. It's not the quote thats funny, its shadows new voice. Sounds like a 5 year old trying to imitate his old voice.
"That looks like a homing shot!"

~The new "broken record line" in Sonic Generations.