What characters do you want for Smash?

Oh boy, this is active again. Piranha Plant: Would you main them?

  • Show our leafy lord and savior some respect! / Heck yea!

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • They're a cool addition, but probably not.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Nani? Bakana!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I MIGHT not, we'll have to wait and see.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope. It's a stupid addition.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • *Insert long copypasta about how the Grinch Leak was false.*

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • I honestly have no opinion on this.

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
Wrong smiley, it should be :dk:
Surprised I never posted in here, well here goes
Fighters from repersented franchises
Roll(Echo fighter of Mega Man)
Shadow(Echo fighter of Sonic)
Isabelle(Echo Fighter of Villager)
Dixie(Echo fighter of Diddy)
Black Knight(Echo of Ike)
Giygas(Mother 1 design for playbable version, uses Earthbound design for Final Smash, Echo of Mewtwo)
Malon( Riding on Epona)
Bandanna Waddle Dee
Fighters from new franchises
Arle from Puyo Puyo
Rhythm Heaven Fighter
Rosie from Style Savvy
Terry Bogard
Wonder Red
Mewta said:
Giygas(Mother 1 design for playbable version, uses Earthbound design for Final Smash, Echo of Mewtwo)
I don't think this is possible like people think. Look at the sprite from Mother 1:

First of all, his body looks really long and skinny, making it not work very well as a Mewtwo echo or even as a Smash fighter in general. More importantly, he's in this giant machine thing and it's unclear whether he even can walk around outside of it.

On the subject of Mother reps, I'd like to see Ninten as an echo of Ness. I don't think they'd ever add any other character and it completes the trio. They may have to change Ness and/or Lucas's moveset in order to make the three different enough from each other though.
Giygas is psychic, though, he can probably float around instead of walking.

But I agree on that he wouldn't work as an echo of Mewtwo. Besides, for all we know, echoes can only be based on a character from the same series, as it is now. This may change later, but I don't see it happening.
Giygas' entire shtick is that you literally comprehend what he's doing due to how powerful he was.

Even back in the original game when he had a proper body you had no idea what he was doing.
I would like it if they went easy with the non Nintendo characters though.

I don't want this to become a battleground for all video game characters. Smash is about Nintendo franchises colliding in a world where the characters throughout the history of Nintendo, including a few guests, coexist. Too much third-parties would ruin this harmony. It would open the door to any character for getting in, and in the end, make us forget what Smash really is about: Nintendo.
Well, we're still getting like, what, several Nintendo characters before third parties. But in a way, yeah, I think having more than four third parties back in the Barlw days would be unthinkable.
tbh i would have zero issue with smash becoming a celebration of the history of video games in general rather than just nintendo and it'd be way better if it were
but at this point the franchise clearly doesnt give a shit about western video games so it's not like that'll happen
As much as we wish for crazy crossovers, copyright ain't gonna make that happen.
I think the 3rd party characters should still be connected to Nintendo in some way with a possible exception being if they are extremely popular and/or famous such as Cloud (although Cloud's series has had many games on Nintendo systems even if the important ones haven't been for years and he's barely in any of them). For example, I wouldn't like it if someone like Nathan Drake got in (nevermind that Sony would never allow that anyway).
I want Doomguy.
For Assist Trophies

Bubbles from [Clu-Clu Land
Bubbles Bugzzy from Kirby
A Ghost and an Ooze from ScribbleNauts
Interviewers from Pokémon
A Watcher from Horizon Zero Dawn
Kammy Koopa and a Spinia from Paper Mario

Bren McGuire (Turrican)
Proto Man
Fred the Spanyard (Neglected Mario Characters)
Bill the Extra Guy (Neglected Mario Characters)
Dr. Donez (Neglected Mario Characters)
i want two newcomers:
-new f-zero rep (unlikely)
-reimu from touhou (v. unlikely but i can dream)

other than that, getting Ridley and Dark Samus satisfied my desire for more Metroid reps so i'm pretty damn satisfied!
honestly i'm pretty happy with the roster we have now. there's so many good characters that i wouldn't even care if this was the final roster
that said, karate joe (or another rhythm heaven rep but i feel like karate joe makes the most sense here) would be a nice cherry on top for me
I'm feeling Geno right now. I'm not saying the leak is definitely true, but... don't let me down now Grinch (though I'm gonna go watch that in theaters thanks to this leak lol)
Paper Mario and Capt. Toad (except he's on New Donk City tower). I always say I want Geno, but I probably wouldn't even use tbh.
I would like Geno, because him being in the game means we get Super Mario RPG music, and by extension, Forest Maze.

My actual wants though are Paper Mario, Captain Toad, Impa and Bandana Dee. Sadly, at this point, none might make it in, but I am more than happy with what we already got now, especially with Isabelle.
Let's tally up our overall wants now that we know the full roster. I'll take a look at what I wanted...

Waluigi: Deconfirmed early on, returns as an assist trophy.

Bandana Waddle Dee: Deconfirmed from base game, but may turn up as DLC.

Geno: Deconfirmed from base game, but has appeared as a Spirit. May turn up as DLC.

And here's what I got instead...

Waluigi - He returns as an assist, so at least he's still in. Plus we got the character I never knew I wanted, Piranha Plant!

Bandana Waddle Dee - Although he may not be making the cut for base game, the Kirby series is getting plenty of other representation. Plus, Kirby Kirby Kirby he's the star of the show...

Geno: ...he's a Spirit, at least...
Let's see...

Czario said:
Here's my top ten newcomers list. Characters that are not blue (#7 on down) are ones that I don't want very strongly but I think would be cool.

1. Waluigi - Deconfirmed; Assist Trophy
2. Squid Sisters (this is my pipe dream choice) - Deconfirmed; Assist Trophy
3. Midna and Wolf Link - Deconfirmed; Assist Trophy
4. Shovel Knight - Deconfirmed; Assist Trophy
5. Ridley Confirmed
6. Rayman
Not in base game, could be DLC
7. King K. Rool Confirmed
8. Tetra Not in base game, could be DLC
9. Deciduceye Essentially deconfirmed because of Incineroar
10. Arms Character Essentially deconfirmed due to Spring Man assist trophy and Ribbon Girl mii costume

Yeah, I've had it kind of rough, especially since the two that were confirmed I partially wanted for everyone else's sake. I don't mind too badly though, because of every veteran returning and because the newcomers are pretty cool even if they aren't exactly what I wanted.
Well we didn't get Bandana Dee.

But that's ok. Piranha Plant unironically makes up for it. No, he didn't waste a slot (besides, there are no "slots") and after him 5 characters have been confirmed and it's possible that Bandana Dee is one of them!

Besides, look who we got already! Inklings (although we all saw that coming), Simon and Richter Belmont, King K Rool, Chrom, RIDLEY (remember he was revealed at E3 do we actually need to get reminded?), and... Isabelle!

And Ken to me looks like a better, more badass Ryu, while Incineroar a very small part of me still wanted, which is why I got hyped when he was revealed. I take back what I said about him.

I also love how Piranha Plant's moveset is based around various species of Piranha Plants, such as the Stalking Piranha Plants, Ptooies, even the Putrid Piranhas from Paper Mario!

Yes sir, this is a promising roster and I'm glad that speculation has finally ended for the base game tbh.
Updated List:

Characters that are not in base game:
  • Mike Jones (Startropics)
  • Geno
  • Rayman
  • Banjo-Kazooie
  • Bandanna Dee
  • Dixie Kong
  • Crono
  • Tingle
  • Slime (Dragon Quest)
  • Excitebike Guy

Characters that have been confirmed:
  • K. Rool
  • Snake
  • Ridley
  • Wolf
  • Ice Climbers

Characters that have been deconfirmed:
  • Shovel Knight
  • Bomberman
  • Toad
  • Chibi-Robo

Not much has changed since last time, other then Chibi-Robo being deconfirmed due to his Mii costume status.