Monty Mole

For my top 3:
1. Pianta village - Secret of the Underside
They probably designed this to infuriate people the most. Every dang time when I talk to the chucksters (they always say "I'M A CUHCKSTER" like that's news) I always get thrown at an angle, or hit the sign or some random thing, or hit my head OFF OF THE NEXT PLATFORM. Doing the level the first time is bad enough but when you have to use the chucksters to throw you to the red coins later it makes me RAGE!!!
2. Ricco Harbor - Blooper red coins (or whatever the name is) This is an annoying one. Not only do you have to ride a blooper and collect red coins which involved jumping over objects and steering around them tightly but if you bump into anything you die instantly. Even more infuriating than the red coins is the fact that even when the shine sprite appears YOU STILL NEED TO RIDE THE BLOOPER AND COLLECT IT!!! I think I've died in this level more times when going to get the shine rather than actually collecting the red coins.
3. Sirena Beach - Phantamanta. Some may disagree but this level gets on my nerves. At first the manta ray is huge and will electrocute you pretty much everywhere and it also leaves behind a trail of the electric goop. Basically you need to keep spraying all the time or you will touch the phantamanta and get shocked. I know it's not supposed to be a overly hard mission but it is very rage worthy for me
Honorable mentions -
The Goopy Inferno in pianta village - This actually isn't that hard, if you watch some let's plays there are ways to bypass the lava and reach the golden mushroom without going under the village, however these are very hit or miss.
Red Coins in a bottle in Noki Bay - The missions where you have to go underwater get on my nerves frankly. Also, how does fludd even shoot water when Mario is already surrounded by water? This alone bothers me to the point where I dislike the mission. Also in the underwater levels like this it's hard to manuever and the you can't really adjust the camera