The Waluigi outfit is unironically one that I enjoy running around with, so do I with the cowboy hat/Explorer outift or Captain Hat/Black Suit which all look cool. Also Sunglasses, but that's not a set.
Hard to choose just one, but here are my favorites (no particular order):
Mario 64 Combo - The very fact that you have a 64-bit Mario in a 128-bit realm makes this outfit one of the best.
Sunshine Combo - Mario just looks really cool in shades. It was an awesome feature in Mario Sunshine, and I'm glad it's back! If only it darkened the screen like in the aforementioned game...
Luigi Combo - In yet another game where Luigi isn't playable, I'm glad they have this. It's a decent replacement for a playable Luigi, and I like how Luigi reacts when he sees this.
Classic Mario Combo - While not as cool as a potential 8-bit combo, it's nice that you can at least wear Mario's old clothes. I wonder if they're dusty...
Bowser's Wedding Combo - Bowser's wedding outfit is easily the best in the game. You even get a cheap knockoff of Bowser's shell! BWAHAHAHA!
Gold Mario Combo, King's Crown - Gold Mario from NSMB2 is back, looking as shiny as ever! It's even cooler in conjunction with the King's Crown.
Invisibility Hat - "???", say the NPCs when you talk to them. There are some weird aspects of this outfit (there's no way to see yourself, Cappy is visible when thrown), but sometimes those things make it even cooler. Great reward for Culmina Crater.