Mario Tennis Aces

yeah the same bones ... but without all the muscle mass that makes up for that power ...

yeah, not the same, no wonder he is defense. Not the same case as Petey either.
and you know all those differently coloured yoshi's in open with extremely different appearances that make them have all different play types. Yellow is definitely the most powerful colour while shades of red are canonically full of technique.

That being said, lots of characters could be reasoned to fit into multiple different categories so they'll just do whatever they feel like with them. It's not like the amount of characters in each type has been completely even in any other Tennis game.
ok for 1. It would have been incredibly pointless to have the colored Yoshi's be 1 type only so obviously the switched them up.

2. there has never been this incredible gap of character types , there's already 5 power characters. And the most similar scenario to this was Mario Tennis 64 with 5 technical characters and it was just as ridiculous.

if anything they filled the category once again and they aren't gonna make it to 6 based on info and leaks and logic.

I'll just have to wait a bit more to see how it plays out but as for now it doesn't seem that im incorrect from what i have gathered.
Nadeshiko Kagamihara said:
That being said, lots of characters could be reasoned to fit into multiple different categories so they'll just do whatever they feel like with them.
that one treehouse tumblr thing about defensive characters said:
What do these two characters have in common? That’s right… Long limbs! Waluigi and Bowser Jr. (or his Koopa Clown Car, rather) use their extendable arms to strategically block, attack, or gra—wait, sorry, wrong game. They use their long arms to return all kinds of shots! It’s tough to hit a ball out of reach for these folks.
Mcmadness said:
Not to mention that Petey is huge, his body shape is perfect for defense.

There's multiple characters that we don't know the categories for thanks to the datamine and almost all of them don't seem like they'll fall into the power type so the ridiculous type gap that you're assuming will occur won't exist in the final roster even if a potentially playable Petey does end up as Power. It's unlikely they'll spread those remaining characters evenly across each class as well so there will always be a category with fewer options (All-Around generally) and one with more (Power in this game).
Boom Boom might be playable. I mean, the game's been datamined. I showed it in a video I posted some days ago.
Waluigi’s trick shot is him moonwalking. Cool! I always love seeing new animations for him.
Adventure Mode gameplay.
We now have a name for the evil racquet: Lucien.
Also Special Shots (putting under a spoiler tab just in case):
My god that racket really is the infinity gauntlet.

Also that has to be the most generic background for anything this series has had yet, so much so that it actually makes me laugh since we are talking about a TENNIS RACKET.

It's almost DDR Mario Mix levels of dumb.
That Toad needs to die.
Mcmadness said:
My god that racket really is the infinity gauntlet.

Also that has to be the most generic background for anything this series has had yet, so much so that it actually makes me laugh since we are talking about a TENNIS RACKET.

It's almost DDR Mario Mix levels of dumb.
Given that it destroyed a kingdom, can we say that it is implied that people have died because of a tennis racket?
I mean, this is sports anime-tier (then again, Mario Tennis Aces' story probably will play out like a sports anime...)
Princess Mario said:
That Toad needs to die.
On it.

seriously though, this game looks fantastic except the part where Toad is your guide. I'd rather have a disembodied narrator text than that thing bleh
But I must know.

Will he blend?
This video recently came out:

Here you'll find out more about the "Infinity Racquet" and-

He says "What the-?"
I can't tell if it's the accent at the end or not.
ThatGuy62 said:
Given that it destroyed a kingdom, can we say that it is implied that people have died because of a tennis racket?
I mean, this is sports anime-tier (then again, Mario Tennis Aces' story probably will play out like a sports anime...)

It reminds me of those anime they used to sell toys, like beyblade.
If you consider the fact that it is a proto infinity gauntlet though, it makes sense.

A lot of sense.
The demo is now live for Japanese accounts.

European and Australian accounts have to wait 4 more hours.

Americans accounts also have to wait... 15 hours.
Played the demo. Since I dislike playing online, and admittedly the online experience is an unplayable mess because of the lag, I'll just give my general opinion.

Grafically, the game is beautiful.

Gameplay-wise, it's nice. It feels smooth. Not a slow fest like Power Tennis was, at least.

One thing that does bother me to no end, however, is...





IT'S BEEN 14 FUCKING YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Word of warning, if you lose connection midmatch, you lose by default.

Found this out the hard way....
I gave it a shot, even participated in the online tournament thing.
Overall gets an A+ from me. The mechanics seem pretty useful and more reliant on skill rather than luck, which is usually a good thing. Although, I always trip up the trick shots, but I basically get to make Waluigi moonwalk, so I'm not too miffed.

Anser said:



IT'S BEEN 14 *bleep*ING YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd be okay with reusing the announcer if they had him say the characters' names again like I'm sure he did in Power Tennis.
Does that mean that this is Toadsworth's voice they’re using, because I recall Power Tennis' announcer was him.