Mario Tennis Aces

I'm loving how huge and inclusive the roster is this time around. I'm really hoping for an appearance from an RPG character, but we have Kamek, so I'm fine for now.
I feel like the whole RPG character thing is like Sonic's Knack the Weasel. They're fairly popular characters within their small niche, but outside of that, no one really knows who they are because they're part of that small niche which tends to make them overlooked by Nintendo.

I mean, it would be nice if Nintendo did acknowledge that but the chances are very unlikely, especially in favor of putting new characters that more people are familiar with, such as Pauline or Boom Boom. I don't think there's ever been a large franchise, especially as large as Mario's, that has acknowledged everything the series has (but if there is one pardon my ignorance). Zelda doesn't do it (Hyrule Warriors afaik didn't reference the handheld games), Kirby doesn't do it (nothing from say Kirby's Avalanche but at the very least they're a bit more liberal with it in terms of collectibles and stuff), and Pokemon doesn't do it. Mario is pretty lucky to begin with to have all of those spin-offs with potential for playable characters too, I think it's pretty much the only franchise with stuff like, tennis, golf, kart, party, etc all at once.
Play Nintendo is officially toxic and problematic


not really, i just wanted to use cringy millenial speech

Still tho, i guess thse sites are managed by people who don't play or know things about the games.
you can already see their emblems on the rackets they are holding so uhhhhh
Baby Mario? Please?
Ray Trace said:
I feel like the whole RPG character thing is like Sonic's Knack the Weasel. They're fairly popular characters within their small niche, but outside of that, no one really knows who they are because they're part of that small niche which tends to make them overlooked by Nintendo.
Yeah this is exactly what I've realized and as someone who would absolutely die of happiness if they did start using them, I'm hoping one of these days they get a glance when Nintendo's brainstorming new additions. I have seen some degree of support for Fawful as DLC on Twitter, like more than I usually see, so maybe Nintendo sees it. Not getting my hopes up though
Also I'd argue that when it comes to "picking people from spin offs for spin offs" the rpgs deserve no special treatment over any other spin off that has created it's own characters, to which there are many.

In other news, still waiting on everybody getting a Lucien skin.
Baby Peach, who debuted in Partners in Time, became a spinoff mainstay.

Yes, I know that's not the best example and it was really her appearance in YIDS that popularized her, but counts for something, right?
J — Pony Disguise said:
The Star Spirits got into Mario Party. I know that was like 15 years ago, but hey, that's something.
On the other hand, Mario Party's original characters never branched off into other spin-offs. The worst part is that by the time Mario Party 9 comes around, no new original characters were introduced anymore meaning that there's no chance for older guys like Tumble or Koopa Kid to return or branch off.

Thank you for reading.
It was a crime that Koopa Kid didn't accompany Bowser's crew into the playable roster in Super Mario Party. It would've been the perfect way to bring him back.
Swiftie_Luma said:
Play Nintendo is officially toxic and problematic


not really, i just wanted to use cringy millenial speech

Still tho, i guess thse sites are managed by people who don't play or know things about the games.

It's clever, you see, because some Lumas transform into Grand Stars. I mean launch stars dammit

Nah the website is written by careless morons.
That hurts the Mario Galaxy fanboy in me.

Quite a lot
it's baby luigi right
But Baby Mario was in the datamine!!!
Should I get this game? I'm a big fan of the tennis game in Wii Sports, and I kind of enjoy Mario Tennis Open.