Nintendo Labo

what the fuck lol

it's not for me but it seems cool, though $160 cardboard toys for kids feels like a weird sell

but maybe this is the new lego
Well, I wasn't expecting that. It's definitely not for me, but I'd assume it'd be cool if you're a parent and being able to craft and play it with your kid(s).

No idea how it'll sell. Can go either way.
Devil's advocate maybe but they are two separate packs, $70 and $80 each. Both include Switch games to go with the cardboard and not just some cardboard.

That said it does look fun, but let's see how it unfolds. Or folds, rather.

It does fit nicely with Nintendo's history of toy-making.
this is pretty interesting, although knowing how expensive canada will make it, i'm gonna have to pass on the cardboard
Wait a minute, is this Nintendo's version of VR!? That robot punching game seems pretty VR-like to me.
It looks...interesting but I'm not really into this sort of stuff.
I'm getting "At Your Fingertips: Boxes" vibes from this, make it stop.
Finally we can play dark souls with a fishing pole
The way god meant it to be played.
Well... it's certainly creative to say the least. Although $160 is kind of pushing it a bit...
I could make Baby Luigi's eyes by cutting off Boo's eyebrows and using Toad's eyes.

Thank you so much Nintendo!
This will be the Lego Mindstorms of Nintendo.

Also, teachers will love this. (Inb4 videos of school kids playing with Labo)
This is a neat little idea
and a good way to recycle that project giant robot game they were gonna do on the wii u.
while i think the price is pretty steep, i also think that if i were ten years old, id be incredibly hype for this

i was skeptic at first but fuck it, its a creative idea that im sure kids will love
I don't think the price is too steep. I used to get and buy building and construction sets all the time and almost all of them them were like 60 dollars anyways. Maybe a little higher than average but I wouldn't consider it steep. I mean I assume the majority of the money in it is the disk that I think goes with it? Unless it's literally just cardboard.