Make up a terrifying hybrid

Mr. Resetti + :posh: + :bowser: + :wario: + :bowjr: + :waluigi: + an anaconda + a megalodon + a Bokoblin
A Toyota Prius that watches you when you sleep and snaps pictures of you drooling.
a zombieman mixed with a cyberdemon
Thanos from Avengers Infinity War + Hi-5 from The Emoji Movie.

While I was watching Infinity War, I actually pictured Thanos as the Poop Emoji from said Emoji movie for the rest of IF's runtime after the scene where:

Thanos killed Gamora for the Soul Stone.
George Jones plus :daisy: on :bowser: that is on :posh: that is on :mario: that is on :waluigi: that is on a sharknado.
Many years ago, I decided to use my old cut-outs of Brawl characters to make some terrifying hybrids. I'm not sure where they are now, but here's a badly-edited approximation of the most terrifying one:

A Camry Hybrid hiding in your closet and eating all your snacks.
and :dk:
Eh we're not scratching the surface of terrifying

Barney x Squidward

Good luck sleeping