Mario Kart Tour

Whoops, false alarm, game is still worthless
hey nintendo how about the kart 8 deluxe content
modding the switch to dump your switch saves is free :)
I like modding the switch to use emulators
Nintendo has shown that they are completely inept when it comes to releasing N64 and GCN games on Switch.
gamecube yes, but they got n64 games on wii u vc

and don't you have a gc? i presume so given you said you played ttyd
gamecube yes, but they got n64 games on wii u vc

and don't you have a gc? i presume so given you said you played ttyd
Wii U only got N64 games over three years after launch, whereas Wii had them from launch day. Switch doesn't have them at all at this point.

I do not have a GC. I have a Wii that can play GC games, but getting physical copies of GC games these days is expensive and a lot more trouble than it's worth. Homebrew allows Wii U to play GC roms through a certain application called Nintendont, and that's how I played Paper Mario 2, Mario Sunshine, Kirby Air Ride, and others.

Still though, I'd like to have an option to play GameCube games that doesn't involve illegal piracy or inane prices that don't even go to the developers.
I've got a ton of emulators on Wii U myself, mainly because Nintendo has shown that they are completely inept when it comes to releasing N64 and GCN games on Switch.

Haven't you learned by now? Nintendo isn't interested in simply re-releasing GC games. They will either remake or remaster them so they can sell it at near to full price.
Haven't you learned by now? Nintendo isn't interested in simply re-releasing GC games. They will either remake or remaster them so they can sell it at near to full price.
...and it just so happens that they refuse to make Mario Sunshine, the flagship Mario games for the system, a part of that remaster catalog. Those fiends.
I wish
thing is i can't find mario kart tour on this list
it seems generally right as hated games like hotel mario, mario's time machine, sticker star, mario party advance, new soup 2 are at the top, whereas loved games like ttyd and odyssey are much lower down, but tour isn't there at all?
thing is i can't find mario kart tour on this list
it seems generally right as hated games like hotel mario, mario's time machine, sticker star, mario party advance, new soup 2 are at the top, whereas loved games like ttyd and odyssey are much lower down, but tour isn't there at all?
Galaxy is ranked 7 in that list

Also Tour is worse than all those games, I'm not even being hyperbolic: it is THAT bad.
thing is i can't find mario kart tour on this list
it seems generally right as hated games like hotel mario, mario's time machine, sticker star, mario party advance, new soup 2 are at the top, whereas loved games like ttyd and odyssey are much lower down, but tour isn't there at all?
I like how you continuously act as if this website is a definitive ranking of the opinions of people on the internet when it absolutely isn't. I'd at the very least trust a website that let's me see the amount of people who voted on the poll and for what, which this website seems incapable of doing. Even then, I doubt the number is very high, probably a thousand at most, which is nowhere enough to get even a somewhat accurate opinion on the general consensus of which Mario game is considered the worst.