Mario Kart Tour

Great Scott, Pauline has finally made it into Mario Kart, it took her the longest to get into Mario Kart even though she is the first female character in Mario, being neglected for lots of years in favor of Peach due to the focus being put on her instead. I mean this is the sole reason why Peach got all the attention and why Peach is the queen of video game ladies.


Yeah, ponytail peach has always been my personal favorite peach look as well
Yeah, I absolutely agree.
After Odyssey it was bound to happen.
Great Scott, Pauline has finally made it into Mario Kart, it took her the longest to get into Mario Kart even though she is the first female character in Mario, being neglected for lots of years in favor of Peach due to the focus being put on her instead. I mean this is the sole reason why Peach got all the attention and why Peach is the queen of video game ladies.


Took her the longest but still needs to borrow things from someone else ...

Ain't that familiar ... well looks like it does



Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.


Regardless i will say it's nice to see more of Pauline and that adds more to the game aside from Diddy Kong.
Well it is a mobile game so I wouldn't expect much animation wise to begin with.
we got Diddy Kong with his own animations tho!


Anyways, this is looking ok. At least is a good thing because this may be similar to what we would see in Mario Kart 9.
I'm always happy when neglected, forgotten characters get back into the spotlight. I'm so happy for Pauline! And I'm glad she's not forced to wear a hat here.
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played through the first set of stages
it plays ok for a mobile mario kart... i actually had more fun than i was expecting, considering i never play mobile games. probably the game ive enjoyed the most from a pure gameplay standpoint when it comes to nintendo's mobile offerings (although the monetisation scheme is probably the worst one yet lol). i'll probably play it a bit more and see what i think fully
...but that said, the biggest feeling i have when playing this is "this is ok but imagine how much better it would be if it was on the switch"
Also, for five bucks a month, you can get the gold pass, 200 cc, better rewards and badges

Oh please, I already pay 7.99 every three months for Nintendo Switch Online. I think Nintendo making another "If you buy this you get better stuff and you can do this thing that was free before" subscription service is just them wanting more of our money.
Oh please, I already pay 7.99 every three months for Nintendo Switch Online. I think Nintendo making another "If you buy this you get better stuff and you can do this thing that was free before" subscription service is just them wanting more of our money.

If you're using it the whole year, you should be doing the once a year subscription, it's cheaper than what you're paying if I've done my math right.

Anyway, my brother got it and will hopefully have a more concrete opinion on it when he comes back from school later today. Apparently it has some weird controls and he got Toadette and Peach has his first characters.
i like the game but i'm hating the system already.

Drifting is unconfortable, and if you grab an item box while holding an item already, it makes you use the item.

the pipe thing is the worst, i already have the worst luck.

Wanted Peach and it gave me this of all things


I got Toadette and Bowser as my first summons. I hate the randomness of this game a lot. This gatcha system sucks. Nintendo should've made you pay once for the game like Super Mario Run.
It's okay so far, I got Peachette and Peach. Also the taxi. I gave the trial gold pass a try, 200cc feels too fast for the controls. Absolute chaos. No stamina means I'll probably just keep it on my phone for if I'm bored and want to give it a go.
Also, for five bucks a month, you can get the gold pass, 200 cc, better rewards and badges

no fucking thank you, you greedy, contemptuous company, you already put your fucking lootboxes and sonic collectible items in the game and now you want more?

Also, Baby Luigi isn't even on roll call to begin with. There goes my only reason I should even bother playing this game at least on day one (or if at all).
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no fucking thank you, you greedy, contemptuous company, you already put your fucking lootboxes and sonic collectible items in the game and now you want more?
This so much.

This is far worse than what Konami is doing with Metal Gear Survive. Lootboxes are the things of the devil. Nintendo is going to down into their death if they keep this shit up. No one likes to pay for micro transactions. This game should've been a pay once only game. It was a mistake making it a free to play game.