Mario Kart Tour

Found two more sources on who developed the game and who is running it:

This post by a Nintendo employee reveals that the game is currently run by Nintendo Smart Devices Division, while Mario Kart Tour was found among the games developed by SRD.

This, along with the list of the game's producer and directors, essentially confirms a tweet that claimed that Mario Kart Tour is developed by Nintendo and SRD (it should be noted that the directors both work for the EPD, hence the EPD claim even though there is now a specific division for mobile games):

Interesting detail: Kosuke Yabuki, the director of Mario Kart 8, is cited as "creative director" of Mario Kart Tour. Effectively, the file names and the Bandai Namco page indicate that the 3D assets come from the Mario Kart 8 team - after all, pretty much all of them can be easily ported to the next Mario Kart 7 based game, and it's likely that the next console Mario Kart game will be based on Mario Kart 7 as well.
claimed that Mario Kart Tour is developed by Nintendo and SRD (it should be noted that the directors both work for the EPD, hence the EPD claim even though there is now a specific division for mobile games)
Also the fact that Hideki Konno is the manager for the mobile division

so is Smart Device Division part of Nintendo EPD?
And we don't have an MarioWiki article for SRD (and even a mention/article in Wikipedia), since they worked on a lot of Nintendo games.
Also the fact that Hideki Konno is the manager for the mobile division

so is Smart Device Division part of Nintendo EPD?
And we don't have an MarioWiki article for SRD (and even a mention/article in Wikipedia), since they worked on a lot of Nintendo games.

Your guess is as good as mine - the names of the people involved make it seem like the Smart Devices Division is part of the EPD, but its name make it look as if it's a separate division.

About SRD, yes, we are definitely missing its coverage. Maybe there was the impression that it was a division of Nintendo, but it's indeed a subsidiary that has worked on plenty of Nintendo titles - including many Mario ones. Anybody willing to make a page in the wiki to cover them has the green light, as far as I'm concerned.
I reached level 50 today
Meanwhile, this is the highest score I've ever gotten on any track.
Screenshot_20210908-194224_Mario Kart.jpg

I refuse to spend a single cent for this game, so that's why.
Good luck! The badge surely is beautiful ;-)

By the way, in what kind of crazy ranked tiering are you in? 95k points and not even 1st!
If I can get one ACR badge, it would be an Aussie one of course :')

Also first in my ranked has 114K at the moment, they can keep the win lol
I refuse to spend a single cent for this game
And with the most recent update, Mario Kart Tour is no longer compatible with my phone. Same principle applies here. Looks like I'm permanently done playing. But I'll still work on my dumb little mspaint project with each new tour. It was fun while it lasted.
For some reason everything on my phone became smaller, even though the display size is still at its usual. This has affected MKT for me too. It's.. odd.. and all I can do is set my display a size bigger, which makes everything bigger than usual. It's missing the good ol' inbetween it used to have.. :(
Gosh darn it, Baby Peach (Cherub) isn't even a spotlight in either week's pipe, she's in a 50-pipe with no spotlights. I was hoping to get her in my F2P account (already have her on my main account), but I don't want to risk it, so I'll just pull the next week's pipe and hopefully get Baby Rosalina (Detective).

I also beat Kart Pro last night in just three races with Baby Peach (Cherub). She's my go-to character for this challenge since small characters with the Heart item are the way to go.
Decided to reinstall this game after not having played it in least a year, year and a half?

Why are the controls so...bad? I tried both control options and it's just man.

(Was the game always like this and I just forgot?)
The game's controls, I immediately hated upon playing it the months ago and still remember it for its wretched handling and lack of speed, so I'm pretty sure it's not yours.
The controls are hilariously bad, and often I find myself losing a combo because I accidentally use a defensive item and then get hit or even just because it's so difficult to recenter the finger after a Mini-Turbo. Sure, you can actually slide a second finger in the direction of the turn to regain full turning capability, but at times that is highly impractical (and not even that properly explained in the game guide). I still cannot understand why some reviews heavily punish the on-screen buttons in favor of pure touch controls. The buttons might be ugly, but they're miles ahead in terms of precision, in my opinion.

Oh, well, if anything the controls do a good job: they pretty clearly tell you that you're not supposed to take this game too seriously…
That and even with Smart Steering off, it'll occasionally redirects you on paths you weren't intending to take.
Ie I turn to an offroad glide ramp and the game is like nope back to the middle of the road for you.
I got used to the controls, honestly. I don't think they're as egregious as people make them out to be.
Game's still boring as the speed is ass (and faster speeds aren't viable due to said bad controls), drifting is ass, the tracks are all butchered to accommodate these controls, all tricks are auto, there's not much risk taking because off-road and tricky turns are just not an issue. The game's Mario Kart but way worse in every aspect.
congrats! I hope to join you there someday.. playing everyday nwn

I wish there were a way to hide other peoples usernames on Single Player races, I find it dis-immersive and am constantly trying to ignore them.
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Dixie's in the tier shop!! Thanks, Nintendo! I now have her on my F2P account as well! She's like the best non-alt character that they added to this game.

Also, a few days ago I did end up pulling the 1st week's special pipe and I did get Baby Peach (Cherub) on my F2P account. Plus, I finished 2nd in the ranked cup (on both accounts) and got Blue Birdo and her blue Turbo Birdo kart!