Your avatar vs the avatar above you; who will win?

I say its 50/50, bc knuckles can just kinda run past and hit the axe, but if there's no axe, then we might have a difficult situation.
Well, shells can be very dangerous if used correctly so I'd say Koopa Troopa has a chance against Knuckles.
Yeah no contest. Dragon vs a cat. (Unless there's some hidden superpower that particular cat has).
Muffins VS a dragon I'm assuming? Sorry I don't know much about Dragon Ball. I don't know if Muffins would win this one…
Supernova (the crystal star's special move) can do a lot of damage in TTYD but since a literal month can't take damage it doesn't matter.
But then again, can a literal month do any damage?
Because if not then I think it's a tie
BlueFire, since the ember from Paper Mario is kinda like ghosts but fire.
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Fire is super effective against Steel so BlueFire