WarioWare Gold


fire emblem chromfirmed

Now on to the next step.


Perhaps he's getting his chance soon.
Ike's Chrom costume was removed but they had to cut down on his costumes anyway due to him having both designs now. An Ike echo seems very possible.
But isn't it always tough to translate?
What languages would this game be available in?

I don't have a 3DS, so I can't get the game, so I'm spoiling myself the game. In case the same thing is happening to a few of you, I'll put the final boss in this post (in a spoiler tag, duh!)

this game's voice acting is top notch.

Martinet finally portrayed a Mario character with very distinc dialogue and it's not even Mario.

(Sunshine is not voice acting, everybody barks in that game afaik)

Also i found out that this game has a Latin American Spanish dub as well and , as a latin american person , i looooooooooooooooooooooooove it.

I'm thrilled about Ashley , 9 Volt and 13 Amp having the same voice actress as Sakura Kinomoto in my language.

love it.
Swiftie_Luma said:
Martinet finally portrayed a Mario character with very distinc dialogue and it's not even Mario.

Now Nintendo, about that silent protagonist thing you're doing.
I haven't taken a listen to the voice acting for this game, but is Wario's voice acting the same as Wario's Press Conference and the Crowdfarter videos, or is it much better?

For reference, here's a recording of Wario's Press Conference:

Thank you for reading.
There is a microgame where some guy punches a lot of people. This guy looks a lot like :waluigi: !
bought it, finished it, loved it

i'm only truly disappointed by the lack of more boss microgames since nearly all of them are remakes from smooth moves but really, i can handwave a pass for that since it's got fucking mewtroid

also, probably due to my waning interest in vidya in general, but i strangely don't feel like i want to return to this one in the same way i wanted to keep playing Touched/D.I.Y./Smooth Moves. you clear the story mode pretty much lightning quick as expected, and while the story is damn good (wario being a villain in his own game is beautiful for the way it's handled), i'm not really caring about the post-game unlockables aside from music tracks and games.

another thing, the voice acting when you're replaying stages can get a bit... grating depending on the character. there's something slightly off about the way the voice lines play as well, past warioware games let the interjected voice lines pretty much flow with the other sounds/gameplay of the stage, but here it feels like the game yells them at you deliberately and noticeably louder than anything else. it's probably because they hired actual VAs for this instead of using compressed sound-bites from hell, but it can get a little annoying at times

doesn't stop me from loving the way the cutscenes were handled though, they're all really great

anyway despite those few nitpicks it's the greatest warioware game in existence by sheer amount of content, and i'm so happy it was made :ashley:

p.s. it has the best amiibo content and nothing else will ever compare
bought it yesterday and spent about 9 hours playing it
overall think it's a great game, probably one of the best warioware games, especially in terms of how much content there it

i'm gonna sort out my thoughts by each game mode so if you don't want spoilers don't click the tags
so i thought the story mode was pretty cool. the voice acting was actually surprisingly good, although some cutscenes felt like they moved toward more of a "tell, don't show" mentality as opposed to what it's been like in previous wario games, which is kinda eh, but i guess they really just wanted to show off that voice acting
as far as characters and categories go, basically all the warioware cast is here with their own category so that's pretty neat. it's sorted by control scheme, but i also liked how they brought back categories that are by theme (sport, fantasy, etc.). i've always liked that way of sorting things as opposed to just control scheme because it lends a better sense of cohesion within the stages so i thought that was cool.
one final thought: fronk has been given the biggest role he's ever had (even has voice acting like the rest of the cast) and as someone who spent a lot of time jokevoting him in mafia many years ago it felt kinda weird seeing him become this prominent lol (not that i'm complaining, i actually think it's pretty cool)
i think this is a pretty great way of changing things up from regular gameplay. obviously you have your regular ones, like all mixed up, thrill ride and super hard, but there's some pretty cool and inventive ones in here as well. my personal favourites are sneaky gamer (never had game and wario so i'm glad this made it in), wario interrupts and split screen.
so i like the concept of arcade, but not sure that i'm 100% sold on how to unlock stuff. don't really like the gacha aspect, but i guess if there's no chances of getting repeats then its not as bad as it could be. main issue i have is that it feels like a bit of a grind to get money, but i guess that's what the missions are for.
i like the missions as a concept, i guess it's a good way to fit goals like "reach X score on this stage" into the game in a way that fits with the money system, but idk, i liked the way they did unlocks in mega microgames and touched better. although that said, i understand why they did the change considering how much extra junk they threw in for you to unlock
speaking of, hoo boy there is a lot to unlock here. personally i think some stuff just kinda bogs down the unlock system but eh. going by category:
-minigames: a staple of the warioware series. haven't unlocked all of them yet but there's some pretty good ones. some are expanded versions of microgames, others are wholy original. shoutout particularly to pumpkin panic, which stars ashley (even has her own 3D model) and even has it's own gallery of unlockables
-phones: honestly i think this is my least favourite of the categories here. having to unlock 30 different codes to dial in is pretty annoying, especially since coins aren't the easiest to come buy. much preferred the way they handled this kind of thing in rhythm heaven tbh
-studio: so this is one of those weird things that you'll only find in wario. basically you can just dub over all the cutscenes. i'm personally not gonna really use this but it is a nice feature.
-movies: pretty self explanatory. let's you watch cutscenes again whenever you'd like. these are the only things here that unlock as you play as opposed to you having to buy them so that's neat
-cards: character cards with artwork, stats and a short description of the character. i guess it's nice to have the descriptions (especially for the more minor characters) but idk what the stats and stuff are for. might be for a minigame or something? idk
-nintendo: pictures and descriptions of all the toys/games that nintendo has ever made, from hanafuda to the switch. warioware seems like kind of a weird place to have something like this, but i guess it's a cool thing to have.
-records: probably my second favourite category after minigames. features a whole bunch of music not just from this game, but also basically all the vocal songs from previous games as well. which means i can listen to body rock whenever i want now. it's great. it also has lyrics for all the songs with words too so thats a great bonus.
-misc: basically just a bunch of random stuff. wario's amiibo sketch is here, and it's great when it works. i've found some of my amiibo (shulk, dark pit) don't work with it though so that's a bummer. also has alarm clocks and 3d models of 3ds systems that let you play microgames which are cool for five minutes and then you never go back to. and also there seems to be parts of the love tester that nintendo made way back when but i haven't got them all yet so idk what they do

so overall i feel like there's a whole bunch of stuff that could have been either not put in or handled in a way that doesn't make the whole unlock system feel bogged down.
actually now that i think about it, i would probably have a lot less problems with this if they just made the minigames unlocked like they normally are and then just let all the minor stuff be relegated to the gacha. i think that would have been good but whatever.

anyway that's my detailed thoughts on the game. in general, i do think this is probably one of the best wariowares there's ever been. basically it is to warioware what megamix was for rhythm heaven. after having no wario for so long, it's nice to finally have this.
now give me warioware switch, nintendo :ashley:
I wonder if the WarioWare cast will be beautifully drawn similar to how Wario portrayed himself, if they were to have amiibo. What I mean is similar to how Game & Wario portrays the WarioWare characters in the title screen.

Thank you for reading.
This game is happiness in a cartridge.