Why does Bowser never die?

time travel exists
Ask :babymario:
Or, it can be that...

Bowser is from the Koopa species. Not Koppa Troopa, just Koopa. The kind of turtle that has hair and spikes on their shells in addition to horns.

If Bowser is part of that species, it’s likely that he’s not the only one from said species, aside his son, and the Koopalings. There may exist other Koopas like Bowser.

As YFJ stated above, Dry Bowser is the skeleton of "a" Bowser. Take it this way: a Dry Bowser you see in any game where Bowser appears at the same time is simply another Koopa on his species, but only his carcass.
Toadgamer said:
Mr. Saltman said:
Maybe Dry Bowser is Bowser's dead father?

Probably. Then how can both :bowser: and :drybow: go Mario Karting at the same time?

Well, he's dead, but that doesn't mean he can't even move or be sentient or anything.

I meant he could be Bowser's undead father.
My headcanon is that Kamek probably casts a necromancing spell on his remains sometime after Mario delivers the supposed coup de grace, either that or Bowser is secretly hoarding a vault filled to the brim with 1-Up mushrooms as far as the eye can see just for the occasion.
Because the Mario series is a cartoony series, vallains always "get defeated" and they never actually die. And while there are a few exceptions where the villain does indeed straight up die, those tend to be a tad bit more "serious" cartoons; with Mario being all sunshine and ranbows and about a mushroom-eating plumber saving a princess that's so dumb she never protects herself against a dragon-turtle-bull hybrid-thingy with an army of evil mushrooms and turtles I'd say that's the reason why the villais never die in Mario games (or most other cartoony games for that matter).

Both because it might be a bit creepy for children (not saying that children can't handle death, considering Bowser is technically a bad guy) and because it might simply be a tad bit off-putting with all the happiness that's all over the place (heck, the clouds freaking smile there are dancing flowers and singing baby dinosaurs!); however he technically "kinda died" in New Super Mario Bros and Bowser Jr. has to revive him as it seems like after he got "broken up" in his Dry form he could't put himself togheter like most Dry Bones do, meaning that he would have stayed dead if his son didn't put his rests in a cauldron.

So yeah, Bowser never dies because he comes back in his Dry form after dying almost istantly and even if it seems like bresking up his dry form might "kill him" he can always be revived by Bowser Jr., Kamek or any of the Koopalings. He CAN die but the only istance of him actually dying (again, breaking his Dry form) appears rarely and is always followed by his resurrection by his servants/allies.
Still, he might stay conscious even when broken up in the Dry form and only unable to move (like Dry Bones, who can sometimes be able to do stuff with their head missing; maybe Dry Bowser can't regenerate himself like Dry Bones because his skeleton is too large, thick and heavy to rebuild itself like that of the smaller and lighter Dry Bones) and we might consider that kinda like a "complete incapacitation", like a "coma" he goes trough and still not an actual death...
He has survived falling from a bridge into lava, breaking bricks with his ass and then falling to a bottomless pit, getting blasted by bombs, and even being vaporized by the titanic explosion of his own galaxy, among other things.

And yet he's still among us. Why? Is he a god or something?

...Maybe those theories about Bowser being a ghost were true all along?
I think it depends, I think he lives in different ways.For example he admits he has lost sometimes and simply leaves (as in the case of Mario 64), other times he is revived by someone, (as in the case of New Super Mario Bros), other times he passes out, he still a massive monster. For Mario Galaxy instead I have a different theory, nobody knows what happens when you go through a black hole, and I believe that the creation of the black hole saved Bowser from the vaporization in the star, as I said he is a monster and stayed alive for a while, Lumas' sacrifice will have an effect on him too, the black hole was neutralized before dying finding himself in the new galaxy, or what Idk maybe he just used some power up or the power of the stars to survive in some way, maybe he's an expert on the collectibles powers like Stars, he will know something that we do not know. Basically I don't think Bowser is some God, Ghost or some other immortal thing, I think he's just lucky.
I think it depends, I think he lives in different ways.For example he admits he has lost sometimes and simply leaves (as in the case of Mario 64), other times he is revived by someone, (as in the case of New Super Mario Bros), other times he passes out, he still a massive monster. For Mario Galaxy instead I have a different theory, nobody knows what happens when you go through a black hole, and I believe that the creation of the black hole saved Bowser from the vaporization in the star, as I said he is a monster and stayed alive for a while, Lumas' sacrifice will have an effect on him too, the black hole was neutralized before dying finding himself in the new galaxy, or what Idk maybe he just used some power up or the power of the stars to survive in some way, maybe he's an expert on the collectibles powers like Stars, he will know something that we do not know. Basically I don't think Bowser is some God, Ghost or some other immortal thing, I think he's just lucky.
I forgot to say that maybe he has developed a resistance to lava, as can be seen in some of the games, he even walk in it, why would he have chosen a planet made of lava? Maybe these skills take time for him or he can only use them in various Mario games, or with the use of some magic
I see people are practicing their necromancy skills.
Mario simply has no continuity whenever there's no tangible "plot" of any kind, like in the main series, except for like, new characters that they can milk for spinoffs or whatever.

Simple as that.
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Easy, he's Bowser, dude strong as fuck. His tenacity probably helps too. Adn of course he has that big ol' spike shell.
Jesus was I really that curious to know the answer to a question like this one? As if there was some scientific explanation?
There's probably a research paper written about it if you dig deep enough in the wiley online library.
This just shows how defeat is different from destruction. You can lose a fight and still live. If Bowser definitely died, where would the adventure be? 😁
Joke's on Mario. Bowser rises from the lava like a phoenix and gets stronger (but dumber) every time.
If you're looking for a, well, scientific motivation, it looks like the Bowser species is somewhat resistant to all kinds of major injuries - Koopalings did survive lava and collapsing castle, and Bowser Jr. was scared not by being thrown in the outer space. But again, it's Super Mario.