Weird facts you know for some reason


Heart of an ox
Do you know something we don't? I guess we all have some knowledge that isn't commonly known, it depends if that's a good thing or not, today I'm discussing the "Not" part of that.

There is a movie where Adam Sandler plays the son of Satan, yes, it is unfortunate that Adam Sandler movies are made but do you know that this of all things had a tie in game for the Gameboy Color ... and it was rated T for teen

It such a curious piece of knowledge that I wished I didn't know, so, there it is, you know anything weird?
the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
Cracking your knuckles doesn't cause arthritis, but it weakens your hands and your grip on objects also weakens.
In Russian, Germans are adjectivitzed as "Немецкий" (Nemetskiy) rather than using their derived form, as in other cultures such as French-Французский (Frantsuzskiy), American- американский (amerikanskiy), Japan-Японский (Yaponskiy), etc. It's derived from the word for "mute", "немой" and it's used to degradingly refer to foreigners who couldn't speak Russian: most foreigners who lived in Russia just so happened German, so as time went by, the name stuck with just Germans. This also applies to other Slavic places like well such as Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Belarus.

The German land is properly refereed to as Германия, at the very least.
Pepperoni Rolls originated from West Virginia as a cheap and affordable form of lunch for coal miners.
Birds can see UV light.

Also, the color blue on blue-colored birds isn't from pigment, but from how light interacts with the microscopic features of the feathers.

Prum discovered that as a blue feather grows, something amazing happens. Inside each cell, stringy keratin molecules separate from water, like oil from vinegar. When the cell dies, the water dries away and is replaced by air, leaving a structure of keratin protein interspersed with air pockets, like a sponge or a box of spaghetti. When white light strikes a blue feather, the keratin pattern causes red and yellow wavelengths to cancel each other out, while blue wavelengths of light reinforce and amplify one another and reflect back to the beholder’s eye. The result: blue, an example of what scientists call a structural color (as opposed to a pigmented color) because it’s generated by light interacting with a feather’s 3-D arrangement. And different shapes and sizes of these air pockets and keratin make different shades of blue.
"Watch for Rolling Rocks" in Super Mario 64 can be completed in 0.5 A presses.
Frankfurters (hot dogs) didn't originate in the U.S. but in in Frankfurt, Germany hundreds of years before the first hot dog was made in the U.S. In fact most people believe it originated in the U.S. Also the hot dog's alternate name Frankfurter comes from where it originated.
Snails defecate from the left side of their face
Killer bees are not natural and do not originate from Mother Nature like normal bees and their species, they are the product of human experiements and due to whatever error they were able to reproduce in the wild and now we are f***ed

: )
You know what else didn't originate from Mother Nature? Our own food! They are also the product of generations of human experiments!

When the Internet was first set up, it was only used in a few colleges in the U.S. before going global.
And you have the scientifically illiterate trying to make alarm of that fact.

Food Babe said:
The air you are breathing on an airplane is recycled from directly outside of your window. That means you are breathing everything that the airplanes gives off and is flying through. The air that is pumped in isn’t pure oxygen either, it’s mixed with nitrogen, sometimes almost at 50%. To pump a greater amount of oxygen in costs money in terms of fuel and the airlines know this! The nitrogen may affect the times and dosages of medications, make you feel bloated and cause your ankles and joints

Steve Novella said:
FB seems distressed that the air that is being pumped in isn’t pure oxygen. It’s a darn good thing it isn’t. Perhaps she is not familiar with the Apollo 1 disaster – pure oxygen atmospheres are fire hazards.

She also is concerned that the air may contain up to 50% nitrogen. She is apparently unaware that the earth’s atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% CO2 and other gases. Yet according to FB’s bizarro world the evil airlines are contaminating our pure oxygen with 50% nitrogen to save money.
The Siberian Traps may of have been a factor in the Great Dying (Permian extinction event) With all of that volcanic activity came with a microbe called Methanosarcina which converted all that CO2 released from the Siberian Traps into methane which caused it the extinction event, making a eruption of methane like the hypothesis of a large methane release from the ocean obsolete.
The Chinese guardian lions are composed of a male and a female:

The male has a ball under its paw, which signifies that it protects the outside. It symbolises power and supremacy.
The female has a cub under its paw, which signifies that it protects the inside of the building. It symbolises compassion and support.

(perhaps it's not weird so much as it's fascinating...)

Thank you for reading.
The forbidden fruit in the Bible in the Book of Genesis is not an apple. The actual forbidden fruit is unknown.
If you consider a bunch of stock footage put together with new voice acting a crossover, Sonic and Kirby actually crossovered before Mario and Sonic in Fight For The Fox Box
Pac-Man was originally going to be named "Puck-Man", but the reason he got his final name was because Namco were afraid vandals would change the "P" on the arcade cabinet to...a certain letter..
Your moustache or beard will not grow thicker if you shave it. The hair will get thicker over the course of years. I have the experience with the former, never shaved my moustache, and I had it since age 12. It is thicker then then it was back then. So it is one of those old wise tales.
Lyndon Johnson used to call his dick Jumbo and would wave it at reporters
King David said:
Your moustache or beard will not grow thicker if you shave it. The hair will get thicker over the course of years. I have the experience with the former, never shaved my moustache, and I had it since age 12. It is thicker then then it was back then. So it is one of those old wise tales.

Hair quality is dependent on the follicle that grows it anyway. The reason that it looks thicker after you shave is because you cut off the tapered ends, so you're left with a flat stump instead of a thinner-appearing one.

The hopak dance, you know, that one squat dance the Redeads do when you wear some of the masks in Majora's Mask, isn't originally Russian. It originated from Ukraine, and the squat part of the dance is just one part of the sequence.