Mario Kart 9 - What It Should Be Like

i agree , Coconut Mall is an awful track just like Shy Guy Beach.

If we get any HD remake of a MKWii track it should be Mushroom Gorge or the Rainbow Road which to me is still the best in the series.
I love Coconut Mall. Easily ranks among my favorite Mario Kart Wii tracks.
Coconut Mall is tied for my favourite track in the series with Electrodrome, but I doubt it'll be coming back again any time soon since it reappeared in Mario Kart 7, the same for Mushroom Gorge. I reckon Toad's Factory is probably the most likely course from Mario Kart Wii that hasn't reappeared yet to come back as a retro course next time, potentially Dry Dry Ruins and/or Moonview Highway too... though Daisy Circuit is by far the track I most want to see in HD.
Swiftie_Luma said:
If we get any HD remake of a MKWii track it should be Mushroom Gorge or the Rainbow Road which to me is still the best in the series.
I thought I was the only one that liked the Mario Kart Wii Rainbow Road! Of the six I've played (Double Dash, Wii, 7, 8 and the retro SNES and N64), it's definitely my favourite in music, appearance and how fun it is to play on. Glad to know I'm not the only one!
Swiftie_Luma said:
i agree , Coconut Mall is an awful track just like Shy Guy Beach.

If we get any HD remake of a MKWii track it should be Mushroom Gorge or the Rainbow Road which to me is still the best in the series.

I love all of these except Shy Guy Beach. What's your beef with Coconut Mall?
We're going to get Super Circuit's Rainbow Road (which I'm very biased for because Super Circuit was my first Mario game) at the end of Lightning Cup, based on the pattern so far. And if there's DLC, we might get that blasted SNES one again because Nintendo seems to be addicted to that one.
J & Siph said:
We're going to get Super Circuit's Rainbow Road (which I'm very biased for because Super Circuit was my first Mario game) at the end of Lightning Cup, based on the pattern so far. And if there's DLC, we might get that blasted SNES one again because Nintendo seems to be addicted to that one.
The SNES one is great, just not as great as the N64 one.
Kirby of the Stars said:
J & Siph said:
We're going to get Super Circuit's Rainbow Road (which I'm very biased for because Super Circuit was my first Mario game) at the end of Lightning Cup, based on the pattern so far. And if there's DLC, we might get that blasted SNES one again because Nintendo seems to be addicted to that one.
The SNES one is great, just not as great as the N64 one.

I love the SNES as well, but the way they butchered the N64 version is awful. I was looking forward to a long peaceful race, like in the original, but they took away the lap race. Idiotic.
it kinda bothers me that MK8 was gonna be some sort of MKWii HD during the demos and beta stages but then it turned out to be very different.

Dont hate MK8 but i honestly look back at some early footage and some things looked way more interesting.

For MK9 i hope they go baaaack to something closer to the chaotic feeling of MKWii plus better voice overs and items , something MK8 lacks greatly.
Hopefully the next Mario Kart installment has a cute-looking kart body that excels in acceleration.
They'd never do that what are you talking about

Assuming they don't just bring back an older acceleration kart instead of making a new one.
Maybe we'll have a good soundtrack along the way. Mario Kart's soundtrack as a whole tend to verge on "ehhhh".
Princess Mario said:
Maybe we'll have a good soundtrack along the way. Mario Kart's soundtrack as a whole tend to verge on "ehhhh".

I'd rather have good quality tracks than good music (although this is biased, since the music distracts me).

I'd want to have a Nitro Course that focuses on gliding. We have lots of underwater courses already.
Mario Kart 8 didn't have very many tracks that focused heavily on underwater driving though. And for one track, the underwater segment was also an anti-gravity segment; I'm not sure if anti-gravity speed outranks water speed or not.
I would have loved a deep underwater track in Mario Kart 8 that took place entirely in the driving. I feel like Mario Kart 8 was sorta missed potential for that type of track, we did have tracks that are entirely in anti-gravity anyway.
What about an all-gliding track (except for the start of the race)? It would probably be a A to B track like Mount Wario, but you're gliding the whole time and if you get shot down, instead of placing you back on land Lakitu will fling you forward back into gliding, though you still lose time from it. Items would receive unique antigravity properties to not be completely useless on this track.
At this point, I'd rather have just have actual flying mechanics altogether, maybe like Sonic Racing Transformed.
that was broken as hell lol

And AFAIK , as long as gliders are still a thing then it's not gonna be possible.
I don't think gliders make sense if the vehicle needs to get launched far and high. If it's a shorter distance and generally going down, then it's okay.

I just remembered something else: triple bananas. I want them to trail behind the vehicle again instead of orbiting.
Eh, I'd rather not. Orbiting makes it less brain less when you're in first and the guy in second can't do much else.
The voices need to be good again. Mario Kart Wii and Double Dash had good voices (Mario Kart 7 reused most of those two). Mario Kart 8's voice is mostly rubbish, though Shy Guy and Baby Peach are good to me.