Would you choose LOZTP or DKCR?


King Bowser
My birthday is tomorrow and I can only get one of them. Help a bro out please!
It really depends on what you like. If you want an excellent, fun-filled 2-D platformer with nostalgic throwbacks to one of the greatest series on the Super NES, pick DKC Returns. If you want a largely hollow retread of Ocarina of Time in which Link is forced to spend half of his time as a wolf and you have to constantly waggle the Wii Remote, pick Twilight Princess.
DKC Returns is awesome. I haven’t played Twilight Princess though.
Metal Mario2 said:
If you want a largely hollow retread of Ocarina of Time in which Link is forced to spend half of his time as a wolf and you have to constantly waggle the Wii Remote, pick Twilight Princess.

There's a comparison image that immediately comes to mind for this, but I can't find it anywhere. Twilight Princess isn't a hollow retread, though it does some things similarly (OoT did solidify the way 3D Zelda's play until BotW, after all). Story is different, mechanics are different, tone is different, game is different. Though I'll admit the Wii Remote waggling isn't accurate much, so...

Donkey Kong.
Both are good choices that you can't go wrong with, so I guess it all really depends on what you are in the mood to play.
Metal Mario2 said:
For me, The Wind Waker was the last good console Zelda game. I haven't really enjoyed any of them since.

Wind Waker is awesome. Though sorry you haven't enjoyed any others since. Lots of good games in the series.
Tough choice since both are excellent games, but it depends on your tastes. DKCR is a well-designed game and preferable if you like challenging but fun 2D platforming, whether or not you've played the original DKC trilogy. If you prefer large-scale adventure games, while obviously not at BOTW levels, TP has a lot of stuff to do and explore, including some of the best dungeons in the series, and just great atmosphere throughout.

Both Wii games have motion controls (DKCR to roll, which I've heard is the one flaw that stopped it from being perfect; TP to swing the sword, which isn't perfect), so if you don't mind those, stick with the original versions. Otherwise, I'd recommend getting the 3D version of DKCR on the 3DS or the HD remaster of TP on the Wii U if you own those systems.