Super Mario Party

Yo said:
The thing that really gets me about Luigi not talking is that he, along with Mario, still uses talking animations, as if he's the one talking.

Just make Weegee talk and Mario not, simple as that. Luigi already has more personality than Mario anyway.
How about have both talk? And speaking of "personality" Luigi having more personality isn't saying much. It's Mario for goodness sake. It's why developers think it's acceptable to have Luigi silent in more cases than you think. Luigi is charming, yes, but he's also flexible to an extent too. Just look how he is in Paper Mario.

Ghostly Yoshi said:
The point of having a silent protagonist is not to remove its personality, but to give it a flexible one. You already play as Mario, so they want players to be able to choose for themselves what Mario is like.
That's the point, but execution also matters. No one has ever praised Mario for his alleged "flexibility". I mean guys, you can't complain that "Mario is boring lol" and "Mario should stay 'open to interpretation'" (which is code for "he's fine when he's boring"). It's not like Mario's personality is "open" to interpretation and his personality is determined by the paths you take. This isn't Elder Scrolls. Mario's personality has been the same: he's nice, he's pure, he's cheerful, he's a good sport, he's brave, and he loves pretty much everyone. Why not reflect this in his dialogue? Why even give him particular animations or a voice that reflects his mood? Why not, like, just have him T-pose everywhere and be totally silent? Why go through all this effort to have him look like a complete door knob?
Whatever you do, don't kill him.

Remember the time I drew creepypasta Toads just for you? They could be coming for you.
It would be cute if Luigi was a Chain Chomp or something. Not a fully grown man who has full-speech capabilities.
When I checked the unique character dice blocks from Mario Party Star Rush, I am amused to learn that a number of characters have different dice blocks. For example, Waluigi's Dice Block in that game is the same as Wario's Dice Block in this game, and was sad because his Star Rush's block is far more useful than what he has now.

Observations on which character is pretty much the same:
- Luigi
- Peach
- Donkey Kong (one of the 0's is replaced with +5)
- Diddy Kong (one of the 0's is replaced with +3)

Slight differences:
- Yoshi (one of the 5's is replaced with a 3)
- Daisy (depends on number of partners, so still overall consistent)

- Wario (obtained Waluigi's dice block)
- Waluigi (obtain Yoshi's dice block, except the 0 is now -3 coins)

Mario and Rosalina's dices are quite different. Mario's dice in Star Rush is similar to Luigi with a slight risk, while Rosalina has a consistent dice roll based on rank.

Thank you for reading.
Daisy pretty much has Toadette's Dice Block.
I find the change to Yoshi's dice block to be really unnecessary. At least in Star Rush he had a 50/50 chance of getting a high or a low number, and his dice wasn't even OP. Now he has a 2 in 3 chance of rolling a low number, and I don't think his dice is worth using because of that. I think it's only useful in Partner Party if you need an odd number to land on the Star Space.

Also, poor Rosalina. I think her dice block is pretty bad in both games. In Star Rush, you have to be losing in order for it to be good (it's really good if you're in 4th), otherwise you have a high chance of rolling a 1 or a 2 if you're in 1st or 2nd. In this game, all of her numbers are low except for the 8, but it's unlikely you'll get the 8.
So guess what.

Me and my bros. gathered enough pocket money to buy thee game. However, we still didn't order it from the website where we found it, because for some reason, the phone isn't working very well. But I'm sure I'll at least get the game today!


EDIT: I just ordered it. It should come 30 minutes later or something. So I already (kinda) own the game.
Enjoy. Plenty of party fun to be had.
Well I've finally beaten all of the master challenges in Challenge Road. Proof:



Some of the hardest challenges were:

Pie Hard: In this minigame, you have to go the whole 30 seconds without getting hit by a pie and also get more points than the other team. I would hide behind my teammate, and then when the other team turned around to grab more pies, I'd go throw a pie at one of them and then go back to hiding (unless my teammate was grabbing pies, in which case I couldn't). This was very hard to beat and I failed at this minigame more times than any other minigame.

Lit Potato: You have no allies in this minigame while everyone else does, and you have to be the last one standing. This one took several tries.

Can Take Pancake: You have to get 15 points and the computers are very fast and will grab the pancakes that have a star on them as soon as they're uncovered.

Candy Shakedown: You have to empty the jar within 15 seconds which is definitely not easy. I just kept doing this one until I got lucky and managed to do it.

Surprisingly, the final minigame wasn't even that hard, and I also didn't have any trouble with the tug of war minigame (everyone was saying that this one is impossible).
I got Super Mario Party recently and Koops already unlocked all minigames. Here are some of my favourites:

-Slapparazzi (my favourite in the game)
-Gridiron Gauntlet
-Croozin for a Broozin
-Looking for Love
-Smash and Crab
-Off The Chain
-Every Coop minigame
-Every Rythm minigame
Can I just say that I really like Peach's idle animations?



There are some other good idle animations like Luigi sneezing and DK adjusting his tie, but Peach is the cutest! <3
MarioFan632 said:
Some of the hardest challenges were:

Pie Hard: In this minigame, you have to go the whole 30 seconds without getting hit by a pie and also get more points than the other team. I would hide behind my teammate, and then when the other team turned around to grab more pies, I'd go throw a pie at one of them and then go back to hiding (unless my teammate was grabbing pies, in which case I couldn't). This was very hard to beat and I failed at this minigame more times than any other minigame.

Lit Potato: You have no allies in this minigame while everyone else does, and you have to be the last one standing. This one took several tries.

Can Take Pancake: You have to get 15 points and the computers are very fast and will grab the pancakes that have a star on them as soon as they're uncovered.

Candy Shakedown: You have to empty the jar within 15 seconds which is definitely not easy. I just kept doing this one until I got lucky and managed to do it.

Surprisingly, the final minigame wasn't even that hard, and I also didn't have any trouble with the tug of war minigame (everyone was saying that this one is impossible).

I have also beaten Challenge Road, but I have to disagree on Train in Pain (the train one) and Pull It Together (the tug-o-war one).

The other minigames you listed aren't as tough in my experience:
- Pie Hard is essentially balanced out by making the CPUs only able to target one player, so by being a moving target one can do the trick.
- Lit Potato is a Team Minigame, which is difficult because the playable character is alone, but I beaten it on my first attempt (make sure to throw the bomb at the last minute)
- Candy Shakedown is basically shaking the bottle as fast as possible to get the candy out

I would say that for the latter 3 worlds, I have trouble with:
Train In Pain: It's very difficult because it's basically a 1 vs 3 with nothing to sway the advantage to the single player, and it took me many tries to beat. Makes me kind of dislike Bowser since that's the opponent I faced and he beaten me so many times.

Pull It Together: I had to employ the Joy-Con strap trick, where you use the round part of the strap to swipe back-and-forth across the button to mash faster (I learned this from Youtube). I just cannot button-mash very quickly to overcome the 1 vs 3 disadvantage.

Fiddler on the Hoof: This one and Strike It Rich are Rhythm Minigames that kind of stumped me in the timing, especially Strike It Rich. Thankfully this one is easier compared to Strike It Rich.

Can Take Pancake: This I agree is tough, because I need to get 3 pancakes with stars to stand a chance, which is difficult and probably only possible if the star pancakes are nearer to my side. Fortunately it can be restarted in the minigame itself, so it's not as frustrating as some others.

Sizzling Steaks: The fact that every side needs to be done in 15 seconds is tough, so a light flip is important. Thankfully it didn't take long for me to complete this challenge because I can see this one being frustrating.

Barreling Along: The inability to use dash pads means that I need to start from the very sides to stand a chance, since the CPUs don't have that limitation. Good thing the CPUs can sometimes make a mistake.

Trip Navigator: Similar to Barreling Along, the inability to do what other CPUs can do puts me at a disadvantage since every banana is a no-no, and I feel that some bananas are required to be crossed to take a shortcut.

Croozin' for a Broozin': The final stretch of the 50 seconds is the tough part, because if the pathway is not straight I can't win. Luck was on my side eventually and I beaten it.

Follow the Money: 30 coins is an incredibly high amount to gather, and the inability to get hit makes it more difficult. It's basically a matter of getting the proper level to beat, and I find the Thwomp one the best stage to get the necessary target.

Tall Order: 16.00m is very tough as a target, but I managed to scrap by with a height of 16.02m after several attempts.

Now that I conquered the challenges, it's time to beat the River Survival (Hard) levels, as I only gotten 2 goals (out of 5).

Thank you for reading.
OK, I have managed to get all 5 goals in River Survival (Hard), but I had to perform something I don't normally do. Before that, I got lucky with the CPUs since they are usually cooperative, but my third run was not so lucky. So what I did was to control two characters at once: one on the left and one on the right, because the CPU is predictable yet did not cooperate in the way I needed. Because of that, my success rate went way up, because I have better control on where I want to end up. Of course, the minigames are more of a challenge since I have to account for two people, with the most difficult one being Fireplace Race and to a lesser extent Home of the Rang'. I have also obtained all the branching paths in Hard mode, so now I don't have to worry about filling up the paths.

How does one get a golden oar icon in River Survival? I only gotten a golden oar goal once but it did not light up.

My next target is Mariothon, which I have never played so it's time to get to that.

Thank you for reading.

It has recently been announced that the US side gets the Super Mario Party Joy-Con bundle, where you not only get the game, but the Green Joy-Con (L) and Yellow Joy-Con (R). This is the only bundle so far that provides those specific colours, which probably fits the game since it goes well with the Neon colours for the red/blue/yellow/green combo. Unfortunately for me, I have already gotten both the game and a bundle individually at different points (though with the Green + Pink bundle instead), so it's of no use to me. This is a shame, because the bundle provides a great deal more value than its individual components (100$, vs 140$ for game (60$) plus Joy-Cons (80$)).

Thank you for reading.
Right now, I don't really need a new pair of Joycons. But I am actually planning to get a Pro Controller.
I already have four Joy-Con, but after getting some nasty hand cramps after playing four-player Kirby last night, I'm going to need those single-Joy-Con grips. I plan to get a Pro Controller sometime as well.
I'm hopefully getting SMP for Christmas, but I'm also getting an unofficial pro controller in the Gamecube style. We do need more Joy-Cons though.
Having an extra set of Joy-Cons would be useful for my brother and me, since we only have the one set that came with the Switch (red and blue). Let's see... since I have the blue one and he has the red one (our respective favorite colors), I'd end up having the yellow one and he'd end up having the green one. Assuming we can sync different pairs.
J & Siph said:
Having an extra set of Joy-Cons would be useful for my brother and me, since we only have the one set that came with the Switch (red and blue). Let's see... since I have the blue one and he has the red one (our respective favorite colors), I'd end up having the yellow one and he'd end up having the green one. Assuming we can sync different pairs.
It doesn't matter which Joy-Con were packaged together. You can use a red and a yellow Joy-Con together, for example. I've tried it myself, and it works.