I just finished a new page of my Animal Crossing New Leaf chibi comic, and then when I went to post here I realized I hadn't posted the previous page yet. So you get both!

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Mirror!J and Mirror!KK, from the Mirror dimension, where right is left, and left is right. That's why everything looks backwards, because it is! But not to anyone within the mirror. But to those who venture to other normal dimensions, they do get caught off-guard whenever they see the front of an ambulance.

I made Qur a magical boy of sorts, giving him a magic wand with a small, flat, double-sided mirror at the top. No 30-second transformation sequences, though. This is also my first time ever drawing human feet. I need to practice if I ever want to draw him again, because the man does not like wearing anything on his feet if he can help it. He will wear shoes and socks if its for regulation or protection, but he won't like it and will let everyone know regularly that he doesn't like it. The mirror wand allows him to change his physical appearance, body, hair, and clothing. It can also turn into a small pocket mirror to blend in, which he also uses in interdimensional adventures outside of the Mirror dimension in order to read stuff.

As for Pry, I came up with her name months before I decided anything else about her. But then I gave her a crowbar as her trademark item, and decided she's a wrench wench. Then it was only within the past month that I started coming up with an actual look for her. That particular front-tie tube top with that specific kind of knot positioned specifically at the hem, does not exist according to Google. It was meant to be beige, but I didn't want it to look too much like her skintone. Crayola has its limits. I was torn between that and leaving it and her sweatband plain white.

Mirror!J and K.jpg
Two new revamped copy abilities and a new copy ability.

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    I have a lime green t-shirt irl too.
  • J's-Copy-Abilities---Crash.png

    Ken doll anatomy. J's eyes glow, too.
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    Take out the water mysteriously floating on J's forearm and it's what he wears to the Lake and Seaside kingdoms. The hair looks brown because it's constantly wet with this ability.

I had an idea to revamp Daisy's PLMB armor design, but I remembered my promise. And I shuddered.
I've uh neglected this thread, haven't I? I have a couple new drawings to showcase.

  • Dark!J and K.jpg

    I've always been obsessed with dark clones and evil costume switches. I blame the 2000-2010 era of video games and kids cartoons. Those years were chock full of the stuff.

    Meet Jevvel (idk what syllable to put the accent on, should it rhyme with devil or Chanel?), Dark!J-Yoshi64. He has a penchant for guns. Any conflict comes up? Bullet! Quasi-perceived slight? Bullet! Bored? Rain fire upon the first thing you see! He doesn't care. Unlike J who can't even hurt a gnat without feeling bad, Jevvel has no empathy for life at all. Big heart vs no heart.
    While when J received a Mini-Yoshi egg and took care of it to hatch into Siph, Jevvel took the Mini-Yoshi egg he received and, seeing no point in keeping it, decided to pump the egg full of lead just for the heck of it (I'll be honest, when I came up with this idea, I felt a bit of rage myself, which probably indicates I have an unhealthy attachment to my made-up son).

    Meet Lilika (LILL lick ka), Dark!Kayla. This bitter young woman is an insane straw misandrist who will beat with her umbrella any male who makes the mistake of even having her in his peripheral vision. In Lilika's head, anything a male does is motivated by the desire to take advantage of a female, and anything a female does is a result of her being a victim of male oppression. She can also use her umbrella to fly, which entraps any man who is wondering what is casting that strange shadow on the ground.
    While KK is the amicable and loving mayor of Ie, Lilika's domain is oppressive, especially for males. They're all imprisoned (and she's trying to find a magic source to "turn them into the pigs they are"), while their spouses, mothers, sisters, etc all live in "luxury" while being forced to do things according to what Lilika sees fit. Heaven forbid a woman try to do anything Lilika thinks is patriarchal, such as cooking. She is also raising her Precious Stone Buzzy daughter Reba to follow in her footsteps. Reba in particular is pretty bratty and snobbish, but wandering outside of Lilika's domain might open up her eyes just a little.

    While J hates Jevvel out of protectiveness of Siph, KK hates Lilika because she's insane. KK also made it clear that Lilika is not welcome in Ie under any circumstances.
  • Meralde Reba Thistle.jpg

    Buzzy Beetles! These are the adoptive daughters of J-Yoshi64's rule63 interdimensional counterparts. Odd how they aren't Yoshis. But still adorable nonetheless! I drew them with their cute lil eyes visible, like in the first three Paper Mario games, but I gave them the same adorable feet as mainline games. Best of both worlds!

    Specifically, they are all Precious Stone Buzzies. Stone Buzzies with shells as durable as a regular Buzzy Beetle's, and shiny too, with metallic gold plastrons. I actually meant to make them silver, but I grabbed the wrong crayon. But gold still looks good, so I'm keeping it.

    Meralde (pronounced mer-AWL-dee), with the emerald shell, is the daughter of Kayla. She's commonly encountered frolicking around Ie, or tagging along on an adventure with KK or Siph, etc.

    Reba, with the ruby shell, is the spoiled rotten daughter of the villainous Lilika. She follows in her beloved mother's misandristic extremist footsteps, but she's also not allowed outside the mansion. She's never seen the outside world of her mother's empire, let alone other dimensions where males aren't seen as less than scum. Lilika genuinely believes she's protecting her daughter. Incidentally, I can't help laughing every time I look at the facial expression I drew on her. It was supposed to give of Mean Girls vibes, but she just looks so done!

    Thistle, with the amethyst shell, is the daughter of Pry. Thistle often helps her mother out with mechanical and industrial projects, such as carrying tools, spotting a ladder, and holding a flashlight. I drew her upside down because in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Buzzy Beetles are cutest when they're rocking back and forth on their shells before they upright themselves on their turn. Need to capitalize on that cuteness! But here Thistle is doing it on purpose.
  • Cameron Tracy Cow.jpg

    Cameron Tracy Cow

    Species: Cow
    Breed: Holstein
    Age: 16
    Favorite Color(s): Blue, white
    Instrument: Bass, Vocals
    Sport: American football
    Favorite Food/Drink: Fruit punch
    Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Banana
    Other Interests: Hiking
    Superhero name: Implacabull
    Super Power(s):

    Nigh-Infinite Stamina: Cameron's muscles never tire out from physical activities. However, he does not have super strength, so he has to bodybuild to get stronger and stay strong. He forces himself to hold back when playing official football games.

    Bio: Cameron is the oldest child of the 7 Cow siblings. The 7 year gap between him and Sister happened because the Cow family (mainly the parents Mark Sr. and Maia) charitably took the Bear family in and helped them with financial stability Furzy and Brianna Bear suddenly came into a teen pregnancy while the Bears were still in high school, unmarried. When the Bears finally paid back the Cows for their charity (at the Bears' insistence), the Cows decided they could expand their family. Until then, Cameron and Bonnie grew up together, with the Bears living in a smaller house next to the Cows' farmhouse, and eventually that childhood friendship grew into a romance during high school. A classic tale of a high school football player dating a cheerleader who he's known since childhood. In addition to spending time with Bonnie, Cameron tries hard to bond with his little brothers and sisters despite the age gap, usually by giving them help with the farm chores that he is all too familiar with, having years more experience with them. He's good at them, too, thanks to his powers preventing him from tiring out, and his intense training regiment keeping him strong. It's a miracle he finds time for it all!

    Cameron's best friends are Bonnie Bear (his girlfriend) and Squiggle Zebra.

    Character emblem not yet available.
  • Siph: Wow, this pretty lady's magic is crazy strong!
    J: That's Princess Zelda. Well, one of them, anyway.
    Siph: Riiight. Incarnations. You'd think the royal family would learn that if they name a daughter Zelda, some nasty stuff is gonna go down later.
    J: But then there wouldn't be anymore Zelda games.
    Siph: That's the out-of-universe explanation, but I want an in-universe explanation!
    J: I wish I could give you a satisfying answer, but I just don't have one.
    Siph: Ugh, this is just as bad as Bowser putting those bombs in his arenas.
    J: Also in Wind Waker, Zelda was named Tetra and didn't even know she was a Zelda, so I'm not sure what's going on there.
Every time I look at this panel I just acnvlwcmlxsfk why do I find my little Yoshi so cute

I decided that since Rosalina's leotard from the Rio Olympics had some physical variance from Peach's and Daisy's, I could take some more creative liberties to design one for Pauline. Taking a nod from her Tennis Aces outfit, I decided to give her a halter top one the ties in a bow in the back, with a black one underneath. They could also just be one piece altogether, with the back tie being fake.
But that wasn't enough for me, nope! I also wanted to add a little something extra. So I gave the black leotard a single long sleeve on the left, with a metallic gold cuff to resemble the bangle Pauline always wears with her standard dress and with her mayoral pantsuit. I event gave it a shiny gradient. Aren't you proud of me?
Lastly, I added that gold heart that Pauline wears on her official sports outfits. While it's in the same position as the one embroidered on her golf polo, I decided to make it a brooch instead for some three-dimensional pop to match the other Lordly Ladies.

So yeah, this is what I think Pauline should wear in aquatic and gymnastic events.

Fun fact: Trying to look up references for one-sleeved swimsuits and leotards only yielded one-shoulder swimsuits and leotards. Googletard must think they're synonymous
and apparently a piece with this shape doesn't exist

Made in Adobe Illustrator, using the Pauline base by KatLime



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My Mario/RWBY parody returns with a vengeance!


Her "season 4" outfit lol.

Just like how Daisy has armor influenced by Sarasaland's kingdoms of Chai and Birabuto (based on real-life ancient China and Egypt, respectively), I decided to give Pauline a kind of armor more befitting a modern, urban environment: kevlar. I also gave her some combat boots and a military cap to go with them. The cap has the heart pin from her Tennis Aces outfit, and she has that golden pin from her mayoral pantsuit on her vest. I also decided to give her some purple knee socks that match the color of one of her hats in Odyssey, because having her shins completely bare didn't look right, and I didn't want to just do more red or black.

Made in Adobe Illustrator, using the Pauline base by KatLime

Not pictured: Her handbag that turns into a gatling gun, a la Coco Adel on RWBY.

so um I've made a few character emblems.


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I made 2 more Paulines!


Winter Olympic gear and biker jumpsuit

Not much to explain here. I gave her a long sleeve winter coat with black fleece trim that goes up the front, and her golden brooch from her mayoral pantsuit too. And I made the stripes on the sides the golden yellow instead of white or red. Yes I used the exact same boots from her PLMB armor becuase I'm lazy. But I reduced the amount of laces, if that counts for anything.

And then for the biker gear I took a different direction than most. Red base with golden yellow stripes, her red scarf is tied in a bow behind her neck like her default dress, she has the same golden brooch, and I decided to make her gloves and boots white with black accents. Lastly, since it can't be shown here, I imagine the heart on the back is altered to be her character emblem, in the same golden yellow as her stripes. And her belt is black with a golden buckle.

I promise this is the last Pauline for a while.

Made in Adobe Illustrator, using the Pauline base by KatLime
After this I'm going back to making character emblems. Prepare yourself.


I was inspired by BradMan267's art of Rosalina in some winter attire where he gave her long sleeves, which I thought really suited her! Much more than Peach's and Daisy's shrugs and sleeveless minidresses. But I still kept the woolly hem of the classic princesses' minidress, just with a little more coming up to a point in the front to match the hem of Rosie's usual dresses. The cuffs of her long sleeves would also be wooly, but her collar wouldn't be. Then I gave her some white tights with yellow stripes, and some silver boots with white bottoms and teal laces, and silver gloves. I imagine the boots and gloves glisten a little.

Made in Adobe Illustrator, using the Pauline base by KatLime
Stone Spike emblem!

This is soooo much better than my old one. I was able to download the actual model for Stone Spike's uh... stone spikes from NSMBWii, and I recreated the form from that for its character emblem. I went back and forth between having outlines for each face, but I like how it looks like this better.
Sooo.... I just launched a bunch more emblems. Here are 6. Take guesses at all of them! Some of these are for characters who already have emblems, but I don't like Nintendo's choices for them.

Here's some with multiple versions.
I tr
If Paratroopa's emblem outline was the same color as its shell.
I was recommended to make Baby Bowser's emblem look less like adult Bowser's.

I tried my best to make it resemble Baby Bowser from before Bowser Jr's debut. No horns, two fangs, and a big nose.
One recreated his Tennis 64 emblem, the other recreated his 8-bit Tour emblem.
empty space


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More emblems! Take your guesses on who is who!

After this I'm all caught up on the character emblems in my gallery. Don't get me wrong, I'm making more. But these are the last completed ones.
@Fawfulthegreat64 will like these ones in particular.
Not happy with Sushie's, but I didn't know what else to do.

Now featured in my sig, sprites of all interdimensional versions of J that I can be bothered to make, plus their respective kiddoes.

From left to right: J-Yoshi64, Siph Jade 64 the Gemtone Mini-Yoshi, Mayor Kayla aka KK, Meralde the Precious Stone Buzzy, Qur aka Mirror J, Slack the Yo Bro., Pry aka Mirror KK, Thistle the Precious Stone Buzzy, Jevvel aka Dark J, the Mini-Yoshi who never got to hatch, Lady Lilika aka Dark KK, Reba the Precious Stone Buzzy


be sure the memorize them for the quiz later lol jk
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More emblems!
Piantas', stolen directly from Sunshine's sound options

Noki's, stolen directly from the map. I only used the females who have clamshells.

Baby Yoshis'! With the background colors being his respective shoe color.

Birdos', but recolored so that the bow is the same color as the one the Birdo wears, rather than her skin.

And Baby Birdos, with the background being her respective skin color. There's no such thing as a Purple or Brown Birdo yet, but I like the bow color I assigned to them.

E. Gadd, whose emblem I couldn't decide on a color.

And seven colors of Gearmo. Did you know their gears have 14 teeth? I counted!
Okay I think these are the last character emblems for a while now. Also @Fawfulthegreat64 these will be your favorites, probably. Also I promise this will be the last time I @ you for a while lol



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I completely forgot about Lubba, which makes my New Mario Kart roster complete, minus alt costumes.

And speaking of alt costumes... HELP THEY KEEP COMING

The top 4 are regular Daisy, Fire Daisy, Retro Daisy, and Verdigris Daisy. The bottom three are Kitsune Daisy, Dark Daisy, and Cat Daisy.

These ones should be easy.
Most of these are just proof-of-concept recolors, but dagnabbit I'm proud of how well I executed the recoloration because they look terrific.