Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

I'll vote Mighty Gazelle.

Question for Hibiki Tachibana, while the twist about Deathborn and Don Genie in the anime was definitely a cop out, in the anime subs I saw, Black Shadow referred to them as "his shadows." I'm curious if Black Shadow used the term, "bunshin" in the Japanese text, meaning Don Genie and Deathborn could also be translated as his avatars, similar to Bowser/Party's Koopa Kid and Ganon/Agahnim? Could you look into that?
Delsait said:
I'll vote Mighty Gazelle.

Question for Hibiki Tachibana, while the twist about Deathborn and Don Genie in the anime was definitely a cop out, in the anime subs I saw, Black Shadow referred to them as "his shadows." I'm curious if Black Shadow used the term, "bunshin" in the Japanese text, meaning Don Genie and Deathborn could also be translated as his avatars, similar to Bowser/Party's Koopa Kid and Ganon/Agahnim? Could you look into that?
I took a listen and had a couple friends take a listen just to make sure I wasn't personally mishearing it.

There's definitely no "bunshin". There is a "kage", so... it was translated accurately! Yep, he's just talking about them as shadows.
Hibiki Tachibana said:
Delsait said:
I'll vote Mighty Gazelle.

Question for Hibiki Tachibana, while the twist about Deathborn and Don Genie in the anime was definitely a cop out, in the anime subs I saw, Black Shadow referred to them as "his shadows." I'm curious if Black Shadow used the term, "bunshin" in the Japanese text, meaning Don Genie and Deathborn could also be translated as his avatars, similar to Bowser/Party's Koopa Kid and Ganon/Agahnim? Could you look into that?
I took a listen and had a couple friends take a listen just to make sure I wasn't personally mishearing it.

There's definitely no "bunshin". There is a "kage", so... it was translated accurately! Yep, he's just talking about them as shadows.

Thanks, does shadows mean anything in particular in that context? Were the two simple disguises or offshoots?
Delsait said:
Thanks, does shadows mean anything in particular in that context? Were the two simple disguises or offshoots?
No clue, I'm just personally assuming disguises with no thought to the greater implications behind it.
Baba until he wins
PJ in case my like wasn't clear.
Dr. Stewart, as he is one of the two characters from the original game that have not received a section.