Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

it's draq time!

voting closes october 2nd

#12: Kate Alen
#14: Jack Levin
#24: Michael Chain
#26: John Tanaka
#28: Roger Buster
#29: Dr. Clash
#35: Daigoroh
#37: Lily Flyer
#31: Lucy Liberty
#32: Miss Killer/Luna Ryder
#N/A: Clank Hughes
Jack Levin

im not attached and can be convinced to change my vote (but don't bribe me again)
Alright, it's time again to fight against Waluigi Time and go all out on shilling, while telling everyone why my choice is clearly superior to his...


Or I coud just go and join him instead

Michael Chain