Sonic the Hedgehog Movie

it doesnt really look bad to me so much as.....different
Isabelle said:
I mean how were they gonna make him look better than that, may I ask?


Something closer to the fan-made mock-up to the right probably would of gone over just fine xP (Impossible because we already knew about the weird legs and we were warned that the eyes were going to be drastically changed but yeah)
So is it just going to be sonic in this movie

I want to see what abomination tails and abomination knuckles look like
This is why they should not have gone the live action route.
Iirc isn't it going to be only Sonic and Eggman?
The 3 biggest things that seem off with this rendition of Sonic:
1. Real eyes.
2. The hands. They're white fur instead of gloves, and that's wrong.
3. The shoes.
The proportions too. Sonic is known for having long, skinny arms and legs in comparison to his body.

And yeah the shoes have to be Product Placement. At least it tells us what kind of movie it's going to be.
Product placement makes the movie scary?
If you think about monopolisation and the idea that future movies could essentially become 2 hour long ads if this trend is to continue, then yes, product placement makes the movie horrifying
ok, I'm not a dedicated Sonic fan so it may not be my place to say this... but seriously I don't see why Sonic's normal art style wouldn't work perfectly fine for a CGI film, trying to make it realistic and placed with real humans just takes away charm without compensating with anything worthwhile imo. In terms of visual design they literally had one job and they decide to reinvent the wheel. Because that worked so well for Mario am I right?
Man, I hope the script and direction of this movie somehow turn out brilliant, and they turn it around into a great movie. That would be really funny.
Hey, we can't have that, the Planet will go flying into the sun and gaming communities will cease to be toxic to each other in the off-chance that this happens!
"Man, I hope the script and direction of this movie somehow turn out brilliant, and they turn it around into a great movie. That would be really funny."

I'm actually hoping for the same, man.

By the way, newbie here as well. Aside from being a gamer, I'm also a critter-lovin' guy. I live with my Pomeranian, Denny. Whenever I'm outdoors, I usually walk my dog in the park, though as a precaution, I'd fit him with one of those dog shock collars, as he tends to wander off most of the time. So, that's me. Have a nice day, everyone!
You sure about that? What's the source on this? Isn't this a parody?
That picture is not an actual thing for the movie. I believe it's already been reported Sonic and Eggman are the only Sonic characters in the movie anyway.
Really?! I thought for sure that the picture was legitimate!

This means:
No Amy to chase Sonic
No Shadow to have the fans wowing over
No Tails
No Knuckles
No Chaotix
No Big appearing when he doesn’t need to be
No Rouge
No Metal Sonic
No Omega
No Blaze
No Silver
And most disappointing: NO CREAM!! :'(
It's... it's for the best.
Toadette said:
Really?! I thought for sure that the picture was legitimate!

This means:
No Amy to chase Sonic
No Shadow to have the fans wowing over
No Tails
No Knuckles
No Chaotix
No Big appearing when he doesn’t need to be
No Rouge
No Metal Sonic
No Omega
No Blaze
No Silver
And most disappointing: NO CREAM!! :'(

Now I'm not exactly excited for this film either

But the lack of Sonic characters is hardly a problem with the film. If anything only Sonic and Eggman gives the film some amount of focus at the very least. The film's probably still not going to be good, but including all of Sonic's friends just for the sake of having them there might add more complications then any positive attributes. It'd mainly just be a "AGH! An abomination version of *insert Sonic character other then Sonic* here!" throughout the movie.