What characters would you like to see as DLC for Smash Bros?

Ok!!! Yikes...

*Back to topic....*

I wonder why Nintendo doesn’t listen....
Nintendo can do only so much. They do listen, but making stuff takes time and money, especially under deadlines.
Listen to what? Exactly what you want? If anything Smash is the series that has listened to fans the most. Banjo & Kazooie, King K. Rool and Ridley in Ultimate are perfect examples of this, and the fact that a poll was set up and was what got these characters in shows just how much the developers really do listen to fans.
Well, I still want Toad and Rayman... Bandanna Dee would be nice too.
also, stage builder returning, all playable fighters returning, as well as 80% of all stages returning in ultimate

fans are a huge amorphous blob of people. it is simply impossible to meet all of their requests and demands concerning a hugely popular game enjoyed by many people.
wario is playable though
Oh yeah sure.


I mean seriously Nintendo has released no games for two hours now, why don't they provide us fans with all our hopes and dreams and future lifes and families.
Ray Trace said:
wario is playable though
That is how wa feels when he hears that...

Forde said:
Oh yeah sure.


I mean seriously Nintendo has released no games for two hours now, why don't they provide us fans with all our hopes and dreams and future lifes and families.
Btw... HAL labitory is the one responsible for it....
HAL hasn't been involved with the development of Smash since Brawl.
That is how wa feels when he hears that...

i don't think wario minds being destroyed by blast boxes and smart bombs actually
i maim him
:mario: *spits out coffe* WHAT!!! YOU PLAY AS WARIO!!!!

:mario: You play as him^^^, I must not be understanding right, your kidding, or you think I mean something else.

Maim - To injure, disable, or disfigure, usually by depriving of the use of a limb or other part of the body
*waves white flag, then slams it down* I WILL NOT BE HAPPY UNTIL WA IS IN IT!!!!
Isn't he already in? (Assuming you mean Waluigi)

Btw... HAL labitory is the one responsible for it....
No, actually. HAL developed 64 and Melee, and assisted with Brawl, but it's actually Sora, Sakurai's own company, who has been primarily responsible for the development of Brawl, 4, and Ultimate. HAL primarily works on Kirby and BoxBoy these days.

Ray Trace said:
fans are a huge amorphous blob of people. it is simply impossible to meet all of their requests and demands concerning a hugely popular game enjoyed by many people.
Precisely this as well. Sakurai simply can't make all the fans happy. He's trying his best, though, and he's really done an absolutely amazing job at it.

Who even mains him????
You wouldn't believe it, but every single fighter in every single Smash game has a cult following of people who main them. Although, in this case, BLOF maims Wario, which has a different meaning entirely.
Waluigi is my number 1 Dream Pick. Maybe some day, The Waa-Overlord will get his justice.

Also special mention goes to Geno. My friend really likes him and hopes he comes through, and his admiration for SMRPG rubbed off on me and I genuinely hope the star warrior pulls through now.
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My most wanted is still Bandana Dee. That wish has not died. That wish will never die. Not until he gets in and we have true complete representation of the franchise that inspired Smash.

Toad is also still up there, as the one Mario-series fighter that's truly needed to complete the representation (tbh Waluigi isn't that relevant to me and Geno is probably the single big fan request I can't get behind). Pauline would be cool too, maybe even Kamek, but Toad comes first.

I'd also like to see Tails or Eggman but having both would probably be too excessive for a third party franchise.
I wanted him since Smash 4 when that damn trophy tickled my senses too much
First Parties:
1. Paper Mario
2. Sceptile
3. Bandana Dee
4. Chorus Kids
5. Hades
6. Bylethe
7. Captain Toad
8. Bandana Dee
9. Ninten (Ness echo)
10. Medusa (Palutena echo)
11. Octoling (Inkling echo)
12. Dixie Kong (Diddy Kong echo)
13. Impa (Shiek echo)
14. Funky Kong (Donkey Kong echo)
15. Rex and Pyra
16. Elma
17. Ravolos
18. Black Falcon (Captain Falcon echo)
19. Masked Man
20. Sword and Shield rep
21. Cooking Mama
22. Porky
23. Chibi Robo
24. Isaac (As a special update due to popular fan request)
25. Waluigi (Read Isaac)

Third Party:
1. Sora (w/Roxas's echo)
2. Lara Croft
3. Dante
4. Leon Kennedy (w/Chris Redfield echo)
5. Crash Bandicoot
6. Spyro
7. Doomslayer
8. Dragonborn
9. Professor Layton
10. Billy and Jimmy
11. Conker
12. Mike Haggar
13. Scorpion (w/Sub Zero, Rain, Reptile, and Smoke alts)
14. Shantae
15. Big Boss (Snake echo)
16. Heihachi
17. Phoenix Wright
18. Amaterasu
19. Rayman
20. Travis Touchdown
21. Ryu Hayabusa
22. Crono
23. Geralt
24. Captain Price
25. Duke Nukem