Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield

That particular rumour seems to be developing quite a credibility, since it mentioned Sirfetch'd. Among other things the rumour had mentioned are Team Yell, Bede and Marnie, along with Camping.

Thank you for reading.
What else is in this rumor?
(Text highlighted in dark purple means that it's confirmed)
  • Your rival is named Hop, but you will also be facing of against Bede and Marnie
  • Team Yell is the gang in this game, who are well meaning fans of Marnie causing trouble
  • To become part of the gym challenge, you will have to get an endorsement. Bede gets an endorsement from Chairman Rose and his secretary Oleana
  • Eternatus is the evil legendary. The other legendary will be a wolf, who will either have a shield mane or hold a sword like Great Wolf Sif. Don't recall its name
  • Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing are new dynamics that will supersize pokemon in specific areas. Gigantamaxing is different from dynamax as it changes what the Pokémon looks like. Meowth looks like long cat. Lapras gets layers like musical bars to its shell and musical notes. Pikachu looks like retro fat Pikachu
  • Sonia is Leon's former rival who is researching the dynamax phenomenon at the behest of her grandmother and professor of the game.
  • Some Pokémon, like Farfetch'd, will get regional evolutions, like Sirfechtd. Meowth looks like a ball of spiky grey fur
  • Skwovet and Greedunt are chipmunk Pokémon who will hide in berry trees and attack randomly if you shake for too many berries. If they attack, you lose half the berries that dropped.
  • The fourth gym is the first Fairy type gym, led by an actress named Opal. Milo, Nessa, and Kabu are the first ones.
  • Before fighting the gym leaders, you have to complete the gym challenges.
    • Milo has you herding sheep Pokémon named Wooloo, but Pamper, an electric corgi Pokémon, will startle them and send them rolling elsewhere.
    • Nessa has you running through a maze where water blocks the way
    • Kabu requires you to catch Pokémon and get five points, but you have to be in a party battle with another trainer who's also trying to catch it
  • While there is a transit system, you will have to go through the Wild Area at times, an open world biome that has a weather system and little pockets where wild Pokémon dynamax and have to be beaten in a for person raid. You will randomly see nearby players and interact with them to get their league cards and items
  • Camping is how you play with Pokémon now. You'll get two toys, a feather toy and toy pokeball, which can raise friendship. You can make curry which will raise starts and friendliness
  • Pokémon will not walk beside you in the overworld map
  • Scorbunny will have fighting moves, but is pure fighter [NOTE: Might mean Fire]. It becomes Raboot, but I don't remember the final evolution, except that it looks like a fighter. It looks humanoid
  • Sobble becomes Sizzile and then Intelleon, a chameleon with a spy theme
  • Grookey will end up as a giant gorilla that beats a wood drum to attack.
  • The best Pokémon so far is the blue seagull who when it dives, either gets a barracuda in its mouth or a pikachu, which it launches at its enemy

Thank you for reading.
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Well, there's apparently leaked Pokemon.

Grookey and Sobble evo lines
I really don't like Sobble's 2nd form. That color scheme is just terrible. Sobble's last form? Not sure if I'll like it or not, but it's definitely better than the alleged second form. Grookey's final evo isn't offensive to me, though.


Edit: Latter colors are just photoshops of shiny, true colors are posted in next post







Found it in this thread https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/259372-pokemon-sword/78127181, a little more tidbits but they're behind 4chan links
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Sobble and Grookey's second form are actually the shiny versions, here's the normal versions

I actually kind of like Grookey's final evo, I think the concept is cool it doesn't look to bad.
I really like Sobble's final form, and Grookey being an ape actually looks pretty good. I'm crossing my fingers for Scorbunny though, I really hope she has a good final form too because other than that, I'm liking these starters so far. Don't have any strong opinions on the new Pokemon and new Meowth form, they're bland to me as far as I'm concerned.
If I were getting the games, avoiding spoilers would be an easy thing to do, but I have already chosen the path of spoiling myself in favour of seeing how GameFreak release future updated games. So without further ado, here are my opinion on some leaks that appeared:

  • I think the starters' full evolutions are quite neat, especially Rillaboom (Grookey's final evolution). Intelleon (Sobble's final evolution) is a bit unexpected since it didn't look very spy-themed at first glance. Cinderace (Scorbunny's final evolution) is interesting how humanoid it looked, not only for being bipedal but also the fact that it looks like it wears football uniform.
  • The starters' types being all single-typed is, in my opinion, a very daring move. Fans tend to prefer dual types far more than single types, and I think this is a point against Gen 2 and Gen 5 starters (the latter is exacerbated by having a 3rd Fire/Fighting starter in a row). I wonder if a certain rumour for the starters' getting a secondary type after getting a certain item is true.
  • There are a couple of foxes that are very classy, and in my opinion, they look like they could only look this good on a console game. I like how one of them have a campfire for a tail, and the other has a short moustache.
  • Interesting how Greedunt is mentioned to be a Normal/Grass Pokemon, which makes it the second one to have it and reminds me of Bibarel due to being a rodent Pokemon that gained a secondary type.
  • Although most of the Gigantamax Pokemon shown so far have been Gen 1 Pokemon including a previous leak mentioning Lapras, I like how one of the Gigantamax Pokemon is Garbodor, a Gen 5 Pokemon.
  • It's interesting how Meowth gets a second regional form, and if the other similar Pokemon is of any indication, it looks like it might not evolve to be Persian.
  • It looks like Farfetch'd is not going to be the original, but instead, it has a Galarian form with a large leek.
  • I am liking the coiled-up snakes.

Thank you for reading.
I feel like Sobble's case is kinda like Litten's. You'd think Litten would evolve into something like some kind of female cat or something, but he just evolves into a pro wrestler. I would've thought Sobble evolved into a lizard, like, I dunno, some kind of water-type Charizard. But he reminds me more of Greninja in his final form.
Oh yes, the first bird definitely has "Rook" as part of its name. Rooks are a type of raven.

What surprised me is that they cribbed the design from perhaps the great tit

Comparison picture

The second one isn't really any new bird, however, but it looks cool nevertheless.

Green: Returning.
White: Not in the game.
Orange: Has a Galarian form.

This roster of returning Pokemon is so much worse than I thought. Oh my god. It's only 400 Pokemon returning out of...well it's less than half returning
This really sucks. I know I had low expectations for GameFreak, but some of the cuts were still really surprising to me. I also am extremely disappointed and admittedly bitter that Charmander's line (i.e. Charizard) is the only returning legacy starter because they *had* to give Charizard a Gigantamax forme while the Champion's Ace is a Charizard and you get a Charmander as a gift at the end of the game, when we had several generations giving that thing two megas, solo playable status in Smash 4, and also somehow defeating Ash in the Pokemon League for no reason. If I didn't dislike Charizard enough, I dislike it even more, and I condemn GameFreak even more for the pandering to an audience at the expense of consistency.

The cutting of things like a lot of the Gen 1 roster (it's even smaller than Gen 5's this time) is very surprising. They had a full game on Kanto just a while ago so conversion to another game that probably uses a very similar rendering/modeling engine shouldn't be really difficult. I'm disappointed that Porygon didn't make it despite being very unique, disappointed by the lack of even Pidgey or Spearow. Removing Greninja is also very surprising since it's popular enough to get a form from the anime and it was playable in Smash 4 and Pokken tournament. I'm also stunned by the lack of common fan favorites such as Salamence, Garchomp, Mewtwo (while Mew is here), Scizor, and the other two Kanto starters (which are heavily marketed and behind only Pikachu, Eevee, and Charizard).

My favorites being the Mudkip line, the Piplip line, the Spearow line, the Slugma line, the Porygon line, Huntail, the Rowlett line, Skarmory, the Taillow line, the Fletchling line, are all removed in Galar and it doesn't make me happy.

It's not a total loss for me, though, since I still have the Shellos line, Wingull line, Litwick line, Rufflet line, Remoraid, the Vanillite line, Mincinno line, the Natue Line to enjoy

and I still have some new Pokemon I like such as Apple Dragon, the wacky fossil Pokemon, the ice Penguin thing, and Corviknight.

i wonder if Toxapex will be unstoppable this gen tho

This pre-release cycle has been among the most negatively received storms I've seen from Pokemon in a really long time, mainly from Dexit and so many disappointing mechanic changes, and I think it's going to be very disheartening that this game, in spite of the huge content cuts (not even Pokemon but also gimmicks they don't develop and instead abandon) and additional half-baked gimmicks that don't justify the $60 tag on these games, is still going to get a lot of sales for branding. The general ho-hum reception is evident on the little activity this thread has received compared to the amount of discussion during Sun and Moon's pre-release cycle. I also think the drip-feeding of content by GameFreak this cycle didn't help with the lukewarm reception either.
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This won't be the end of it. They'll probably bring in more Pokemon through DLC like they did with Smash. Seems like that was the plan to begin with. The game hasn't even been released yet and people are already thinking the worst.

You should see the folks down at reddit, already cursing Gamefreak and vowing never to pick up any pokemon game ever again.

When the game hasn't even been released yet.

Putting extra Pokémon as paid dlc is worse. There's no reason to spend another extra amount of money for content that should've been in the full $60 game in the first place.

If it's free DLC then that's fine then.

I've been at GameFAQs, the negativity is extremely noxious there. People already forming conclusions about Pokémon they don't like. "Intelleon is the ugliest Pokémon evar!!!"
Sorry, I didn't mean paid DLC. It'll be more like an update to the game which will allow the game to hold all the Snapped Pokemon.

It'll likely only be a few Gig to do so, GF probably didn't have space to put them all in for the initial game. It'll be a christmas present or something along those lines

I don't really get the hate on the new Pokemon designs. They've all been pretty great, with some being average at worst. Intellion is probably one of the better designed Pokemon this gen, definitely the best designed of the three final starters (not to say the other two are bad or anything)

I think it might have flipped me from Team Grookey to Team Sobble, I'm not sure yet.
It'll likely only be a few Gig to do so, GF probably didn't have space to put them all in for the initial game.

That's what I said about Mario Kart Tour, and I was clearly wrong. Let's hope that GameFreak has the incentive to put all the Pokemon in the final game, updates or not.
I believe that whatever we've seen in the Pokedex isn't the be-all, end-all of the available Pokemon. My basis on this is that despite how Ruby/Sapphire lacks any means to obtain the Pokemon outside its Dex, they are nonetheless able to be obtained when the time is right, which in this case is the availability of FireRed/LeafGreen. In the same vein, I speculate that there may be Dynamax events where Pokemon outside the Dex will slowly be available.

When I see the amount of new bird Pokemon here, I thought that there is less than usual, but when I checked back, it's pretty much on par, with Gen 1 and 5 being outliers due to introducing more than average birds. I love Eiscue the most for how unusual it is: it's a strange animal due to the cube head and penguin body.

I wish we have more Grass-types though. I mean, what we have isn't bad, especially the Applin family, but I was hoping for more. I am satisfied with the variety of Ghost-types we got.

We have only seen 4 Gym Leaders before this, so here are some more. Note that this is based on Shield.

Basically in Shield we have: Milo (Grass), Nessa (Water), Kabu (Fire), Allister (Ghost), Opal (Fairy), Melony (Ice), Piers (Dark), Raihan (Dragon). That's right: this is the first time we have a Dark-type Gym Leader.

I must say that they are pretty varied in terms or physical characteristics. Opal impressed me the most for looking uniquely British. And then there's Melony who looks quite cute and she's actually quite broad (as opposed to slender).

I am unsure if Kabu is young or old, because there's one card that depicted him as younger and the one here depicted him as older.

Moreover, the lad with Melony is Gordie, the Rock-type Gym Leader that is Sword-exclusive.


Thank you for reading.
I don't really get the hate on the new Pokemon designs. They've all been pretty great, with some being average at worst. Intellion is probably one of the better designed Pokemon this gen, definitely the best designed of the three final starters (not to say the other two are bad or anything)

I think it might have flipped me from Team Grookey to Team Sobble, I'm not sure yet.

I really couldn't agree more with you that I really like the new Pokemon designs. I'm going to ask, have you seen all the revealed Pokemon yet? I have, and there are some that are instantly my favorites, even among older Pokemon. As for Intelleon, I really like its design and I would never get the hate surrounding it. The same goes for Cinderace. I really can't get myself to dislike the design, Intelleon's design is just too charming, quirky, and funny for me to go like, omg this pokemon sucks. Then again, I also liked Delphox when that was cool to hate on it.
Sorry, I didn't mean paid DLC. It'll be more like an update to the game which will allow the game to hold all the Snapped Pokemon.

It'll likely only be a few Gig to do so, GF probably didn't have space to put them all in for the initial game. It'll be a christmas present or something along those lines

I don't really get the hate on the new Pokemon designs. They've all been pretty great, with some being average at worst. Intellion is probably one of the better designed Pokemon this gen, definitely the best designed of the three final starters (not to say the other two are bad or anything)

I think it might have flipped me from Team Grookey to Team Sobble, I'm not sure yet.
I actually don't hate most of them. I had okayish first impressions, as I expected the creature to maybe have some more spy gear, but Intellion grew on me. I saw apparently leaked art of it shooting bubbles with a finger gun and if that's real, then that's even better.

There's a few I like that most seem to hate.


And I like all the fossil Pokemon. Don't sue me.


The worst part of the haters is that they seem to coalesce around individuals, particularly James Turner, a designer for the more recent Pokemon games. for designs they dislike (and IMO aren't bad), assuming he's responsible for designs they don't like. I've seen them advocate he gets fired. There was a thread where people could push a button and get all Pokemon back but 10 random Game Freak employees would die, and one hoped Turner would be taken out. People don't seem to understand how game design works; designs have to be approved by a committee, a team of other developers. It's just not just one guy driving the thing. But I suppose Turner is a human, a face behind all of this, and this makes him a target by haters. I'm sometimes worried he'll get harassed online including death threats.

The designs are never really bad. I've seen fan designs and they tend to be worse/generic/half-baked than what the official ones are. So it makes me appreciate what the official ones are, but sometimes even I dislike them, but I think it's just a matter of taste. Unless you can explain why a design doesn't work, especially knowing the surrounding context and thought process (perhaps the fossil Pokemon look like this because they're mismatched) and the animations for each one, you probably should not express your opinion as fact.
From the latest controversies you can feel the smouldering hatred from some of the messages posted online, with ones that accused Game Freak of lying and how those who show support to the Pokemon creators are accused of betrayal (to put it lightly). It would not be a surprise if the important people at Pokemon cancelled their meeting at the launch event because of concerns that the discontent might get physical. It's not likely that it will happen since the internet sentiment doesn't usually translate to real life, but I fear that someone unruly (and reckless) might ruin it for everybody, by the time the games are ready to be sold.

Thank you for reading.
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