What is your favorite Mario character?

Yoshi The Nothing

The Two-Tailed Flying Fox
Banned User
What's your favorite Mario character ( any CHARACTER)
My username: YoshiFlutterJump

Bowser and Toadsworth are close runner-ups, though.
the pow block

Dragalge said:
A tie between Donkey Kong and Peach
Would be funny watching DK and Peach fighting over DK's only article of clothing. :)
Obvious answer is obvious, so I'll make my answer a bit more interesting:

Man this makes me feel old...

Yup, he's definitely my favorite, not some other green character whose name starts with an L...

he's lumpy too
Moon Captain Mario said:
I know it's ironic because of my username, but I've always liked Luigi. :luigi:
There's really nothing ironic about liking both Mario and Luigi, only certain specific Luigi diehards who despise Mario for "stealing the spotlight". But that's hardly the entirety of Luigi fans.