Total Drama: Pahkitew Island Hurt and Heal

Shawn: 9
Max: 30
Scarlett: 33
Ella: 28
Amy: 30
Shawn: 8
Max: 30
Scarlett: 34
Ella: 28
Amy: 30
Shawn: 4
Max: 30
Scarlett: 34
Ella: 28
Amy: 30
Max: 32
Scarlett: 34
Ella: 28
Amy: 30
Max: 32
Scarlett: 34
Ella: 28
Amy: 24
Max: 32
Scarlett: 34
Ella: 26
Amy: 14
I have no idea who these people are but eh screw it

Max: 32
Scarlett: 32
Ella: 26
Amy: 16