MSTing:Horrible Smash Bros Crossover.

Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

Last resort attempt to get this back on track.

Keep in mind that this is my first MST

9-Volt, Kat and Ana's "Mistreat-a-bad-game" video
Bad Games have feelings too you know :(

Me: "So what's this you're about to show us?"
Kat: "Our possible ways to mistreat a bad game rather than just destroy it."
"Because we're too lazy to get a refund for it!"

Ana: "Mona, 9-Volt, Kat, and I went to a pawn shop to look around for a little bit, and we found something called 'Zelda's Adventure'
Never heard of it.

ApacheMan2K: "That game, along with Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: Wand of Gamelon, sucked so badly. You could say that those three were the meaning of what we call the 'Unholy Triforce'."
I don't get what they're complaining about. It's way better than this story.

Me: "Just be glad you never got to play those horrible games, including Hotel Mario."
"It's a good thing we've only heard of four games on this system!"

Mona: "I heard about those games too, and I'm glad I warned 9-Volt about them. Getting back to the point, we did buy Zelda's Adventure only for a single penny. The shopkeeper was excited to hear this, and only charged us a penny for it. He said that he's glad someone was able to buy it to destroy it, so that he'd never ever wanna see such a bad game as this again."
"Take this object, but beware for it contains a terrible curse... Plus I'm too lazy to destroy it myself"

9-Volt: "Is your camcorder on, Mona?"
Mona: "Yeah. I got it. You, Kat, and Ana, are on film now."
9-Volt: "Thanks, sis."

Totally related.

Ana: "We're here to give you what you came here for! Instead of having to torture yourself in this..."
(She shows the Zelda's Adventure game disc)
9-Volt: "...Why not do something to it like, say, use it as a pizza cutter? That might be a good use, but you might wanna consider washing it with soap and water really good before using it as a pizza cutter..."
"Waiter! There are crappy cutscenes in my pizza!"

Kat: "Hmm...that's a good one, but I have a better idea! Why not use it as a mirror?"
Ana: "Uh...Kat? Vanity isn't on our agenda."
"Yeah, we're just here to make a useless item more useless!"

Ana: "So anyways...I have just the super-duper best idea of all! Let's use it as a frisbee!"
(She whistles for Shadow the Dog to come by)
Ana: "Here, Shadow! Here, boy! Fetch!"
(She tosses the game disc like a frisbee for Shadow to catch)

9-Volt, Kat, and Ana (in unison): "Do the Mario! Yaaaay!!"
That was totally necessary.

Wario: "Meh. That video sucked. It was BORE. RING. Fail."

(Kat and Ana glared at him)
Kat: "Ashley, turn him into a puppy."
Ashley: "Gladly."
Wario: "Nooo!"
(Ashley swung her magic wand at Wario, turning him into a dog)
Ana: "Ha ha ha! Wario the doggie!"

Aaron (me) -- MYSELF
ApacheMan2K -- HIMSELF
Cyber-Crash -- HIMSELF
18-Volt -- CHRIS RAGER

Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

That was pretty good for a first MST. :)
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

All of you, stop acting like idiots.

Yes, Lario is homophobic, which makes him:

A.) A Republican.
B.) Rudnicki sock.
C.) An idiot.

I say all of the above.

However, acting like dicks yourself helps nothing. I'm even warning a few of you because of that.

To Scarecrow in particular... You're on thin-ice, pal. You've been acting like this for the longest time and I'm getting sick of it. Watch it.

Next post-relating in this topic about that = a suspension. I am not kidding. I am sick of you people.
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

Jeff said:
That was pretty good for a first MST. :)

What he said. Though I must point an image doesn't show up.
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing


Meanwhile, at the skies above Seattle, WA, Mona and 9-Volt


Mona read one of the in-flight magazines. She wasn't too much into jewelry, but she looked through them anyway out of boredom.
damn I didn't know in-flight magazines were exclusively about jewelry. I'll bring my celebrity gossips magazine next time!

Unfortunately for little 9-Volt, he had a nightmare, which is--in fact--a vision.


He was in a flaming background, with two hidden figures who bore a striking resemblance to Bill Rizer and Lance Bean.

If the figures are hidden, how could he see them.

However, those figures were evil.

Of course, it can only be such in a flaming background.

Mona: "9-Volt, what's wrong?"
9-Volt: "It's happening again! This could be for real! :( "

Pronounced as: This could be for real! colon Bracket

9-Volt: "I don't think I can sleep peacefully now. The vision just keeps popping up in my dreams for some reason..."
Mona: "Maybe it's not of this world. Maybe those alien monsters aren't of this world either. But what's more important is that we stick together, and face the bad along with the good."
(She pulls out her Nintendo DS)
Mona: "Here, how about we play some video games together? We'll play something that's cheery and fun to clear your sorrows."

your life may be threatened so LET'S PLAY A VIDEOGAME.

Mona: "We'll start by playing Mario Party DS. I'll be the host."

... You said you were going to play something fun.

however, they were completely unaware of the inevitable, as shown in 9-Volt's nightmare. Could this be true?

Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

Nice MSTing.
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

ScarecrowPerson said:
Nice MSTing.

EDIT: An MST of Jaller's new fan fiction:

Chapter 1: Twelve Years Later
I like how this is the first words in the entire fan fiction.

Twelve years ago; Jaller2 and his friends were on an adventure,
What kind of adventure?

Posh died, Irockz was possesed, and Arend was cursed. Everyone was on an adventure.
There's a difference between dying and being on an adventure.

Now those years are forgotten.
They drank blue juice from under the sink, giving them amesia.

Everyone was at peace.
Odd, I thought they were possesed/dead/cursed.

In another part of the MW universe, a small planet named Vandi.
In another part of the fan fiction, a small sentence named Non-sense-making.

This was the Dark Users resided.
Odd, I thought it was called Vandi.

Now it was completely deserted, not a single bit of any Vandal.
Even though one sentence ago it said that trolls resided there.

The factory that made the Killering was broken down into pieces.
Really? I thought it was broken down into something else beside pieces.

Palkia47 was on his way to the Uncharted Waters with a Hydrocraft.
For no reason.

He made it and saw a tiny flashing object. Then lots more surrounded him and started beeping.
They were robots.

The beeping grew faster, and faster, and faster...
Until one day, the beeping grew so large it took up the entire space of the Universe.

When it stopped, all of them grew a blinding red and started to explode.
But they didn't actually begin exploding until a few minutes later.

But he was worried that he would fail his mission; anythying at the Uncharted Waters.
Yeah, I bet he probably found some trash at the bottom of the water.

He can't seem to think about those bombs being 'anything'.
Why put "quotation marks" around anything?

Suddenly, he fell of his boat and into the water.
Even though he was never on a boat in the first place.

The Hydrocraft sunk down
There was a big invisible rock in the water.

He quickly went there and saw himself on a charred wiki called Userpedia of the Scribblewiki. No one lived there anymore.
No one can live somewhere that doesn't exist.

Right after he turned it on, a fierce wind pierced through every structure in the land. Palkia47 checked one route to get home,
It pierced through all structures in the land except Palkia's body, how lucky for him.

Then he knew what was going on; the MWers were wiping away this wiki to make space for a new one. But little did they know that Palkia47 was there. All he could do now is to grab on to something.
no such luck, whatever he grabs onto is part of the island and will therefore disappear with it.

he fought the wind and got a windburn on his cheek.

He flewinto the wind
There was a magical place called the wind that could only be accesed by flying.

Next chapter will be written by Palkia47 (Eggman).
I highly doubt Palkia will be that stupid.
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

Sorry, but during that last MST I didn't smile at all. It wasn't very funny.
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

ScarecrowPerson said:
Sorry, but during that last MST I didn't smile at all. It wasn't very funny.
Meh, I suppose MSTing doesn't work for fan fictions that suck deliberately.
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

To me it was decent.

Odd, I thought they were possesed/dead/cursed.

Pretty much the above bit is one of my favorite parts.
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

Chapter 8

Missions: Awaken the Toa Nuva. Defeat Toa Waluigi. Save the universe.
As if just saving the Wiki World wasn't cliche enough.

When they entered the next room, there was another door!
Odd that it wasn't notable enough to say that last time it happened

He sepperated the Triforce.
What's sepperation? it must be something you can do to a Triforce.

It's the key.
Even though they didn't say the door was locked.

The connection broke.
They were too cheap to buy something better than Dial-up.

The three decided to go through the tunnels in pairs.
"But first they had to cut one of them in half so that there would be an even number of people".

They found a chest that said "Chest of Wisdom". "Toa Waluigi's slipping." Said 3D,
"I like how a period". "Doesn't connect a sentence". Said SmartyGuy,

When he opened it out came
While 3D was opening the chest, a guy called it out appeared out of nowhere.

a ReDead, already trying to eat 3D's head!
It was eating 3D's head before he even moved towards 3D to do so.

As soon as Takanuva prepared a light bomb, the ReDead exploded,
Instead of itself exploding, the bomb made something else explode.

Then, a huge bolder fell. It almost crushed Great Gonzo and Mario! They both decide they knew what to do.
To look up and make sure there are no decending boulders next time.

Mario and GG started Ground Pounding the boulder.
For no reason.

It seemed to break easily.
It seemed that way, but it didn't really break easily.

When it broke, the two went into the next room.
Which proves how redundant the whole "breaking the boulder" sequence was.

This abyss led to other universe.
This sentence need a grammar check.

Such as Marioverse, the BIONICLE universe, or the human universe (to these people our universe might just be a myth).
You just said they could potentially end up in that universe.

They left the room. They then found the Triforce of Power.
It magically appeared out of nowhere.

Super paper luigi and Link where in the middle of a battle.
The author made them start the fight prematurely so that he wouldn't have to put as much effort into describing it.

Dark Link had appeared and took over Link.
And Link didn't even try to stop him.

SPL was shooting wind blasts at him to no effect
SPL was shooting wind blasts at some guy called no effect.

I could use a lightning blast, thought SPL, but that could kill him. Somehow still, the lightning shot! He saw Dark Link fall out of Link and become the Triforce of Courage. Link fell unconcious.
It didn't say the lightening ht him.

3D transformed into Ganon.

Then Great Gonzo absorbed the power to blast shadows. He easily, then, destroyed.
Destroyed what?

When he entered the first room,
Even though there were several rooms before.

SPL shold have it.
Some guy called SPL shold was demanded to posses a particular item.

two porals appeared one was for SPL only
The por(t)al has a pointless prejudice against everyone else.

Toa Waluigi turned around and found a sword in his chest.
"OOOOOoooooh! so THAT'S where I put my sword, in my chest".
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

"But first they had to cut one of them in half so that there would be an even number of people".

That was the best part. Just smart.
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing

I was reading the Toa Waluigi thing, Chapter 10, Toa Waluigi said, "Even with your incredible army, you cant me. Ive got the numbers."
Re: MSTing:Weird DeviantArt thing


Personally, I think this is my best one yet.

It’s been a week after the events of F-30 Grand Prix. Captain Falcon was the winner for this year’s great race. However, he did not get his wish granted by God Carma. More detailed info will be explained in the story Super Smash Racing 2, so I’m not going to bother talking about this here.

So some random event that had nothing t do with what will happen in the story happened, and I have to read another fanfic to "get" the trivial introduction, hooray.

It was a quiet and peaceful day in Onett. The Smashers are currently doing whatever pleases them. Some of them are at home and some are outside doing who-knows-what.

"If you know what I mean".

Falco is at home watching a movie entitled Planes on a Snake. “I have enough of these motherf---ing planes on a motherf---ing snake!” shouted the actor in the movie.

I have enough of these motherfucking out of place pop culture reference on these motherfucking fanfics!

Barney the dinosaur is out on the road singing happily and stupidly, and not to mention creating a traffic jam. “I love you, you love me! We’re all happy family!” he sang.


Wario didn’t care whether or not he caused traffic violation, and so he drove into Barney and sent him flying over the horizon. “Out of the way, fatass!” he shouted.

“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!” screamed Barney as he crash-landed somewhere far away.

Considering how worse the whole fanfic get, Barney's scream is very appropriate.

Let us not continue with this pointless stuff, but let’s just skip up ahead to the exciting part of the story before you fall asleep.

If you acknowledgment this is stupid, boring and pointless, WHY DID YOU WRITE IT IN.

“Do you have cities like this in your land?” asked Ness.

“Yes, but none of them are this tall. There are no cars like these too.”

... Why would an angel live in a fucking city, and why would a flying, supernatural creature bother to say it doesn't have a car.

“Well, let us take you for a tour as much as you want!” said Young Link.

So the duo took Pit to various places. They went to stores, arcades, malls, and to a lot more places.

Yeah, "a lot more places".

Meanwhile, Peach and Mario were at a mall buying stuffs.


After all, they earned lots of money

Mario earned it by ransacking innocent wild creatures, you sick genocide-denier.

Peach bought lots of pointless things and poor Mario is carrying everything for her.

Damn straight! Those feminazis have been enslaving our pround gender and using our sweating body to carry pointless things! Join the Male Liberation Front and help us relieve THE WHITE MAN BURDEN.

If I were you, I would stay away from having a girlfriend like her.

We don't care about your opinion, author.

The three kids stepped out from the laser tag arena, and Ness said to Pit, “You weren’t supposed to use your light arrows! You have to use the laser gun they gave us!”

“But those people were attacking us!” said Pit.

“Now you really injured those people with your light arrows!” said Ness

“Sorry…” apologized Pit in shame.

Why do writers think that "Not being knowledgeable about the activities and custom of a society" = "Being a moron"

“Don’t worry… It’s your first time here, so we can’t blame you. And luckily, those people aren’t badly injured too.”

So he could have killed people but it's alright because he didn't.

“I think it’s about time we go home,” said Ness. “Half Piece is going to begin soon.”


As they are walking down the streets of Fourside, a large shadow loomed over them and totally blotted out the sun. They looked up to see the source of whatever blocking the sun is, and they saw…

Rush Limbaugh

A massive battleship…


Everyone looked at the massive battleship hovering above the city, just above the highest skyscraper.

Someone didn't watch Independence day here...

“Looks like they’re filming a movie,” said Yoshi.

Yeah, movie props are really hardcore these days.

As the battleship traveled slowly through the air, a hatch opened up below it, and several small jets flew out. “The battleship is releasing jets!” said a random person.

Random Person must be Captain Obvious's secret identity.

Some guy got out a camera and began to take pictures of it. As he is taking some, one of the small jets flew towards him fired a laser beam at him.


The jet was piloted by Joe Chief, who saw an even more terrible fanfic and shotted it like BANG BANG BANG.


said the reader.

The four of them covered their heads with whatever they’ve got to avoid the falling debris.

Yeah, "whatever".

“Run for your lives!” screamed Ness as all three of them ran through the streets.




Two jets flew down besides the taxi on both sides and chased alongside it. “Ya! They’re after us!” cried Yoshi.

“Great! We can still go to the Japanese restaurant tomorrow!” said Kirby.


Pikachu turned to Mewtwo and asked him, “Do you know where that battleship came from?”

“That battleship came really suddenly and almost out of thin air,” answered Mewtwo.

Both of those MSTs were great.

Damn straight! Those feminazis have been enslaving our pround gender and using our sweating body to carry pointless things! Join the Male Liberation Front and help us relieve THE WHITE MAN BURDEN.
You do a really good Rush Limbaugh imitation.