Issue 149


Live your life according to your rhythm!
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'Shroom Consultant
It's that time of month!

Just one more month to Issue 150! Please join us in celebrating by writing sections, participating in Anton and Pitohui's community ideas, and helping make a really good 'Shroom issue!
Oh, talk about a time to be busy. Anyway...

Please, help us with Issue 150. My inbox should be fill with many applications about anything. It should be frenzy, and completely out of control. As the Stats Manager, it should be my busiest month of all. Oh, and do not be scared if I end up buried under many application, that's the goal.

Come on, it's fun!
If you're concerned that you can't find a way to make an idea work, or want the basis of an idea to begin with, there's no worries! Come talk to any staff member and I'm sure we'll be happy to help you out along the way. I'm more than happy to find a way to make the Fun Stuff section of your dreams a reality
If your talking about PK144's Corner, the staff agreed on following the formal application process, due to your section being different from what you usually do. That's the reason it isn't there.
Oh, it's just you published my last "entry" submission. That's kind of a bummer, that was my favourite article I've written yet lmao