Your favorite color?

Black, especially in combination with a dark red or purple.
Green,Black,and Orange are mine.
One of my favorites is Blue

I also like Green, it gets too much hate :(
GreenDisaster said:
Gee, I wonder what my favorite color could be? I mean, it's not like it's in my name or anything! [/sarcasm]

But disaster isn't a color.

Aoi Asahina said:

Still this, but I think I'm becoming fond of a more dark olive green.
reversinator isn't a colour either
My favourite colour is transparent.
No Lakitu, it's funner to watch others wearing Transparent, especially if it's a (horny) guy.
Blue, Orange, Red, Green, Dark Blue, Indigo, Goldenrod, Lavender, Teal, Purple and Midnight Blue.