Idea for a DYK Committee - Courtesy of TheDarkStar


Bullet Bill
Retired Wiki Staff
'Shroom Consultant
As you can tell from the above title, this idea was made by the TheDarkStar ( Basically, the Did You Know templated is plagued by two things: bursts of inactivity, going for weeks without updates, or poor trivia, such as trivia that is unsourced in its original article, trivia that is poorly written, and trivia which isn't noteworthy enough to be on the front page of the wiki. So, TheDarkStar proposal to have a Poll Committee-like DYN Committee which will update the DYN each week. It will be structured similarly too, editors can suggest trivia to be placed, (Though on one thread, not individual nominations) and four of these will be placed on the main page via a queue. This will hopefully solve DYK's issues. Thoughts?
it sounds like it's going to focus more on soliciting contributions, so i'm not sure a whole committee sounds entirely necessary? but what i think would be good from what i'm reading is to put it under the jurisdiction of an officially designated DYK Admin who manages all this

(the dyk admin would not have to be a regular admin)
My personal thought is that four to five members on a team, with an admin as one of them, wouldn't hurt. It could be a small group of people that know enough about Mario trivia or the pages on the Wiki that facilitate finding factoids for every update, as I don't quite know how much contribution one person can facilitate from the people who visit the Wiki. The responsibilities wouldn't be extensive for any members of the "committee", just to go find some interesting trivia somewhere on the Wiki/a reliable online source. I don't know how much structure this group would need, given its more relaxed nature, but I don't think having a set number of people dedicated to the project would be awful.
My personal thought is that four to five members on a team, with an admin as one of them, wouldn't hurt.

Four to five seems a bit excessive for a minor non-interactive template that gets updated every week. While the Poll Committee is made up of several members to decide on a poll the entire community can vote in, a DYK Committee doesn't need to be as extensive. Two to three at most, imo.

I do agree with a dedicated group of people. User Wariokart63 has been updating the DYK pretty consistently lately, so I say that's someone dedicated.

It is also possible to assign a randomly changing template that auto-rotates between several points of trivia with every visit, if we want to do that, and then just swap out the trivia whenever.
why don't we instead expand the role of the poll committee to include DYK and other such main page templates?

obviously this will need the consent of the current committee, but i feel like giving pc some more things to do will help it from going stagnant, a problem its ran into within the last few terms. itd solve the issue of proper management of DYK too, so two birds with one stone. we'd probably want to rename the committee if we go down this route though
I'm going to oppose the idea of merging the two ideas, because the Poll Committee quite honestly has enough focus of getting enough polls queued for every week, as well as other projects they do, such as the Awards Analysis for after the Awards season. There have been many discussions about the ideas of community surveys, and while they haven't really been put into practice yet, if they ever do reach that point, then that would be plenty for the Poll Committee's plate. I don't know if adding more responsibility would help stop stagnation, because it wasn't as if the last couple of Poll Committees stagnated because there wasn't work to do, there were still polls to be made. Therefore, I think a stronger focus needs to be given on the Poll Committee to heighten later activity in general, as opposed to piling on more.

For what ways to really boost productivity can be discussed later, of course. I would just prefer the Poll Committee be permitted to focus on their task as a Poll Committee first and foremost.