Fictional Crushes (or characters you just found cute or something)

Ah yes, fictional crushes. Anyone can get them. Feel free to share some of yours here, including past crushes!
I used to think I had a crush on Isabelle but it's just that I think she's cute. That was when I had a different meaning of the word in mind.

It's hard for me to crush on a fictional character right now, but there are some who I'd say I actually would have similar feelings about.
I used to think I had a crush on Isabelle but it's just that I think she's cute. That was when I had a different meaning of the word in mind.

That's how I've felt about so many characters. I think it's called Aesthetic Attraction. I still sometimes use the term "crush" though.
Well, mine is quite apparent from my current theme and pretty much my entire online presence: Marie from Splatoon. She's been my main fictional crush for a long time now and that ain't changing any time soon.

Some others that I like:
Callie, Agent 8, and Bibi from Splatoon
Momohime from Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Rosa from Pokemon Black 2 and White 2
D.Va from Overwatch
Peach, not only attractive but one of the purest characters in the series. She's portrayed poorly quite a bit unfortunately though, my ideal Peach is the one that does more than just be an end-goal for the romp of the day.

Pauline is a recent one starting from Mario Odyssey. I saw very well made fan art of her and Peach together and that was all it took.
You're the first in this forum to join me fangirling over Mario and you don't know how happy that makes me feel.
When it comes down to it, there's only one woman that I think is absolutely amazing. She trumps everyone else, isn't afraid of anything, always works hard, is kind to the people she meets, adapting to new situations, working with her faults, and always learning new things. She is just simply beautiful.

I'll ask her out when she comes back into town, but until then, Samus Aran is a close second.
When it comes down to it, there's only one woman that I think is absolutely amazing. She trumps everyone else, isn't afraid of anything, always works hard, is kind to the people she meets, adapting to new situations, working with her faults, and always learning new things. She is just simply beautiful.
nico yazawa
I love Monika quite obviously, and while I don't exactly have a crush on her as a video game character, if she were a real person, I'd be clamoring over her almost immediately

Spider-Gwen from Into the Spiderverse, meanwhile, is another one of the first actual fictional crushes I've had in a long time
Huh What
luigis always been my favorite and he will be even as much as marios risen to like my second favorite recently
ayway on the topic of the thread i never had a crush or anyone fictional or not. but luckily for me thats not the whole topic of the thread!
i tend to scream over one certain character for a few months and it usually ends by me finding a new one to scream over for the next few months and its a neverending cycle. so anyway the current one is this man and he is so good