Favourite sport?

What's your favourite sport?

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64-Bit Nintendo Machine

64 Bits of Power!
Play any particular sport?

What is your favourite?

(If you only watch sports on TV then that's ok)
Tennis is that one sport where I never get bored.

I love it. If there is any sport I'd want to specialize in it's that one. It's probably the one I'm best at.
Baseball, I just love seeing the game. Me going to a Atlanta Braves baseball game back in 2011 is what got me interested in the sport.
paintball if i'm playing it
probably wrestling/fighting if i'm watching altho i've never really gotten into it
My favorite sport is easily volleyball. It's rare in the fact that its a relatively-intensive sport that I actually enjoy. It holds my attention and I actually feel better for getting into an intense game of it and wearing myself out.
To play, probably something like tennis or badminton. Although, swimming is also a good pastime. As for watching, I love watching motorsport, mainly Formula 1, and diving.
I prefer the more artistic sports like ice dancing and gymnastics. But out of the choices in the poll, tennis is my favorite because it reminds me of my days as a Wii Sports tennis pro 😎

I was actually really bad
I guess currently my favorite is Mario Tennis, and arguably Fortune Street (if Chess is a sport why not Capitalism too).

Also irl my true favorite is Badminton, but I selected Hockey for it's a close second. They're two sports I'm assured to not recieve physical harm. Though now I'm realizing Golfs harmless too, I would have selected it if it were Mini Golf!
My favourite sport to play is definitely field archery (There's something really fun about shooting the 3D animal targets), though to watch I quite like gymnastics and diving when they're on.
I'm not really much of a "sports guy" but my old man signed me up for flag football when I was roughly six or seven, was not a good time.
The only sport I played was soccer before one hit me in the face in 3rd grade so I just walk around