Recent Forum Changes

Congrats SMB.
Thank you all! :) I look forward to helping out around the forum again.
Super Mario Bros. said:
Thank you all! :) I look forward to helping out around the forum again.
If by that you mean getting kickbacks from the various forum lobbying groups then I believe you
must something important happen when I'm away?

anyway, rats to you, SMB
Did the forum just get a mobile site? Because I just came onto the site on my iPad and BAM! In any case, I can switch back so yay!
Cheers for the default mobile skin. Now I just need to work out how to get to the most recent posts on it, haha.
Question, are the spoiler tags working for anyone else?

They aren't for me.
They don't seem to be working for me, either.
They're fiddling with them. For a little while, they were clickable text instead of buttons, but now they're rectangular buttons.
emotionTongue said:
They're fiddling with them. For a little while, they were clickable text instead of buttons, but now they're rectangular buttons.

That's the opposite now.
OK, it's fixed for me.

Nice compact look.
Yeah, though if you quoted the post, you'd see the tags and content. And anyway, it should be alright now.